
The mystery of the girl's body: she can't carry the body of bottled water, and the 200-pound man is fine when she presses on her body

author:Infinite Topic Circles


Don't look at girls looking petite and cute, they are lazy and cranky all day long, but as long as they move, many boys will find that once they enter the physical state, although they are not as strong as men, they are enough to compete with ordinary boys.

There are even young ladies who can carry buckets full of water, stand between the steps, and go up bucket by bucket, so that there is no sense of effort to go down, just like hugging a teddy bear.

And even some girls can do more bizarre things, that is, a 200-pound man lies directly on his body, not only does he stand on it without doing anything, but even the girls on his body will not appear a trace of "tight" at all.

What the hell is going on?

Why can such a girl bear so much weight, but not a boy?

The mystery of the girl's body: she can't carry the body of bottled water, and the 200-pound man is fine when she presses on her body

Men and women are different and are under different pressures.

As the saying goes, men plough and women weave, men have to do all the hard work, but what about women?

It's more about cooking and feeding at home, so that down, there is also the gender characteristic of women looking petite, but why can women's bodies bear such a large weight?

It turns out that women's bodies are very different from men's bodies, which is an important reason why girls are able to carry heavy objects, that is, the nervous system.

Because when carrying heavy objects, the nervous system of the body plays a huge role, and at this time it is not the muscles that are looking, but the nerves.

You know, the nervous system is very important, and it is directly related to how much stress the human body can withstand.

The mystery of the girl's body: she can't carry the body of bottled water, and the 200-pound man is fine when she presses on her body

The nervous systems of men and women are actually complementary, and men are more inclined to have thick nerves, so they can exert their physical strength in the face of stress, but women are not.

Women's nervous system is very delicate, so when faced with stress, many men even feel broken, but women don't, and can still take it calmly.

This is where women are stronger than men and is the reason why they are able to carry heavy loads, not a matter of size.

The mystery of the girl's body: she can't carry the body of bottled water, and the 200-pound man is fine when she presses on her body

However, body size does have a certain relationship with carrying heavy objects, women's hip joints are very flexible, and the pelvis is relatively wide, which can make the body skeleton more suitable for action when under pressure.

With such a body structure, when under pressure, the body will droop slightly, as if a person is holding something, so it is perfect to hold a bucket and other miscellaneous objects.

The mystery of the girl's body: she can't carry the body of bottled water, and the 200-pound man is fine when she presses on her body

Moreover, women's lumbar spine is relatively soft, and when doing this, they are more suitable for pressure, and the width of women's pelvis can release the pressure as much as possible when they exert force.

In this way, it will appear easy and without a lot of effort, which is why women are able to carry heavy loads, not because of strength, but because of adaptation.

The mystery of the girl's body: she can't carry the body of bottled water, and the 200-pound man is fine when she presses on her body

Bearing weight is not just strength.

So no matter how much weight a girl has, she can easily cope with it, and some women can stand on their bodies with a bunch of people without a problem, but if it is done by men, it is absolutely unbearable.

This is also related to psychology, because some people not only have poor adaptability, but also have great psychological pressure, so they will feel very stressed.

But people with good adaptability will slowly have a habit and will not even feel pressure, but there is still a big gap between men and women in adaptability.

That's why some girls can withstand so much pressure, but boys can't.

But how can the power of men and women be compared?

As mentioned earlier, adaptability is very important, and after a long period of training, the ability to adapt will become higher and higher, and the strength will gradually increase.

Therefore, the physical adaptability between men and women is different, but people with good adaptability will definitely have very high strength.

The mystery of the girl's body: she can't carry the body of bottled water, and the 200-pound man is fine when she presses on her body

Adaptability and training.

In fact, strength can be improved through scientific training and continuous exercise, men and women are the same, and even the difference between men and women brings infinite possibilities to training.

In this era, the boundaries between men and women are gradually weakening, and the power gap between men and women is gradually narrowing, which is a recognition of women and a respect for women.

I have to say that the strength of a woman's body is very worthy of respect, because she can give birth, raise babies, and adapt to various environments, which is the strength of women.

The mystery of the girl's body: she can't carry the body of bottled water, and the 200-pound man is fine when she presses on her body

Although many times, women's bodies are not as good as men's, but as long as women have confidence, the ability and way to adapt to various environments, women are still so powerful and invincible.

I have to say that this characteristic of a woman's body, taken together, is really very powerful and worth learning from men.

Therefore, the strength of a woman's body is not only physical strength, but more importantly, adaptability.

The mystery of the girl's body: she can't carry the body of bottled water, and the 200-pound man is fine when she presses on her body

Adaptability is a very powerful motivation that not only makes our body healthier, but also makes life easier, so it is very important for both men and women.


Scientific training, careful observation, and affirmation of oneself are the most powerful parts of a woman.

When you fall in love with a woman, it makes the man more powerful and calm, while the woman is constantly radiating light and becoming the most beautiful scenery in life.