
The nuclear weapon FAB-3000 debuted, the Russian army has been dropping for three days, and the US media said: Blowing up the backbone of the Ukrainian army!

author:Dream chasing Xiao Bang


A new "star" has appeared on the battlefield between Russia and Ukraine, which is the legendary FAB-3000 bomb. This guy is simply a "beast" on the battlefield, and as soon as he appears, the whole battlefield is shaken.

The nuclear weapon FAB-3000 debuted, the Russian army has been dropping for three days, and the US media said: Blowing up the backbone of the Ukrainian army!

Imagine a big guy weighing 3 tons, roaring down from the sky and smashing directly into the enemy's position with enough force to shake the earth.

Air supremacy: absolute superiority of the Russian Aerospace Forces

Artillery fire was relentless, and so was the FAB-3000. With its precise navigation and delayed detonation technology, it acts like a clever "air hunter" to find out the enemy's weak spots. It has no nuclear radiation, but it is strong enough to terrify the enemy.

The nuclear weapon FAB-3000 debuted, the Russian army has been dropping for three days, and the US media said: Blowing up the backbone of the Ukrainian army!

Now, in the sky over the Kharkiv battlefield, the bombers of the Russian Aerospace Forces are constantly throwing FAB-3000 at the positions of the Ukrainian army, just like "delivering couriers". In the face of such an air strike, the Ukrainian army was really helpless, and could only watch as the position was bombed into ruins.

The nuclear weapon FAB-3000 debuted, the Russian army has been dropping for three days, and the US media said: Blowing up the backbone of the Ukrainian army!

The Russian Aerospace Forces have FAB-3000, which is like getting the "king bomb", and the Ukrainian army is really a little difficult. However, this also proves that in modern warfare, whoever has air supremacy will have the initiative in war.

The battlefield landscape has changed dramatically: the power of the FAB-3000 is revealed

The commissioning of the FAB-3000 not only gave the Russian army an absolute advantage in the air, but also completely changed the pattern of the battlefield. The seemingly solid fortifications of the past are as vulnerable as "paper paste" in front of FAB-3000.

The nuclear weapon FAB-3000 debuted, the Russian army has been dropping for three days, and the US media said: Blowing up the backbone of the Ukrainian army!

This kind of bomb, which can penetrate the surface and accurately hit underground targets, really leaves the enemy with nowhere to hide.

The nuclear weapon FAB-3000 debuted, the Russian army has been dropping for three days, and the US media said: Blowing up the backbone of the Ukrainian army!

Seeing such a scene, both Ukraine and Western countries began to get anxious. They realized that arms assistance alone could no longer turn the tide of the war. What is needed now is a new strategy to meet the challenges of this asymmetric warfare.

A call for peace

The power of FAB-3000 is really jaw-dropping. But it also makes us realize that war is really not a joke. The devastation and damage it brings is truly heart-wrenching.

The nuclear weapon FAB-3000 debuted, the Russian army has been dropping for three days, and the US media said: Blowing up the backbone of the Ukrainian army!

Peace is the common pursuit of mankind. I hope that Russia and Ukraine can sit down and have a good talk and find a way to solve the problem. After all, peace is the best way to solve problems!

Let's pay attention to the changes in the battlefield between Russia and Ukraine, and look forward to the dawn of peace coming soon!