
The situation at Ren'ai Jiao has changed, and the three countries have sent troops to support the Philippines, and the Philippine army has changed its profile picture and wants the entire South China Sea

author:See the world in the vernacular

After the Philippines was deflated at Ren'ai Jiao, the United States, Japan, and Australia sent troops into the disputed waters of the South China Sea, or formed a team to force their way into Ren'ai Jiao? The Philippines is trying to plot the entire South China Sea, will China relent?

Since the last time the Philippines sent a ship to forcibly enter Ren'ai Jiao and lost face in the South China Sea, the Philippine side was obviously not convinced, and this time it sought the United States, Japan, and Australia to embolden itself. The United States and the Philippines have released information that in the coming weeks, the United States, Japan, Australia and the Philippines will hold joint maritime exercises in the disputed waters of the South China Sea west of the Philippines, with the aim of demonstrating "U.S. support for important allies." As soon as the Philippines suffered a deflated situation at Ren'ai Jiao, the United States, Japan, and Australia couldn't wait to enter the disputed waters of the South China Sea to "support" it.

The situation at Ren'ai Jiao has changed, and the three countries have sent troops to support the Philippines, and the Philippine army has changed its profile picture and wants the entire South China Sea

For the time being, the United States should not have a head-on conflict with China for the sake of the Philippines, and in response to this military exercise, US military officials have made a special "explanation", saying that the exercise has been planned for a long time, and the United States has no intention of exacerbating tensions with China. The Philippine side also said that the Philippine side does not ask the United States to participate in the supply mission. It can be seen that the United States and the Philippines are unwilling to have a conflict with China, because even if the United States intervenes, the consequences will be unbearable for the Philippines, not to mention that the United States has always regarded its own interests as more important than life, so how can it abandon its strategic plan because of a Philippines? The only explanation is that the United States, Japan and Australia sent troops to support the Philippines just to "support" the Philippines so that it can continue to provoke to the end in the South China Sea. The Philippines, on the other hand, is willing to be "cannon fodder" for the United States, relying on the United States, Japan, and Australia to "embolden" itself, and is already preparing for the next forced invasion of Ren'ai Jiao.

The situation at Ren'ai Jiao has changed, and the three countries have sent troops to support the Philippines, and the Philippine army has changed its profile picture and wants the entire South China Sea

On the one hand, the Philippine Department of Defense has said a few days ago that although the Philippine side failed in the operation on June 17, the Philippine side will continue to carry out the replenishment mission of the "beached" warship at Ren'ai Jiao. On the other hand, the Armed Forces of the Philippines recently changed the avatar of its account on social platforms, adding elements that are obviously aimed at the South China Sea to the original pattern, that is, directly adding the "beached" warship at Ren'ai Jiao to it, and also privately changing the name of the South China Sea to "West Philippine Sea". The Philippine posture has already exposed its ambitions for the entire South China Sea, and if nothing else, the Philippines will soon launch its next operation at Second Thomas Shoal. I have to say that the Philippines is really persevering in its efforts to seize China's islands and reefs.

The situation at Ren'ai Jiao has changed, and the three countries have sent troops to support the Philippines, and the Philippine army has changed its profile picture and wants the entire South China Sea

In the operation on June 17, the picture of 7 people injured by the Philippine special operations force, one severed finger and eight guns seized can be said to be still vivid. Or is it the United States that is putting pressure on the Philippines, so the Philippines has to come? Regardless of the Philippine side's purpose, China has now seized the initiative in the direction of Ren'ai Jiao, and it is completely wishful thinking for the Philippine side to force its way in. First of all, satellite images show that the PLA Shandong ship has moved south into the waters near Luzon Island in the Philippines, which is undoubtedly the most powerful deterrent for the Philippine side. Second, China has deployed a number of coast guard ships and civilian vessels on Ren'ai Jiao, as well as 055 Daqi and 075 amphibious assault ships in nearby waters.

The Chinese coast guard has already taught the Philippine Navy a "lesson", and if the Philippine side is still obsessed with continuing to invade Ren'ai Jiao, China will not mind escalating its countermeasures to let the Philippines have a long memory.

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