
also acted in a costume rebirth drama with 27-year-old Zhang Linghe, 22-year-old Zhao Jinmai and 30-year-old Bailu have their own merits

author:Film critic Chen Xi is slightly cool

Text/Chenxi is slightly cool

After the broadcast of "Spending the Year of China" starring Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe, many viewers felt familiar, because this drama is also a typical ancient puppet rebirth drama, and the actor Pei Wenxuan is played by Zhang Linghe, and it is normal for the audience to feel familiar.

also acted in a costume rebirth drama with 27-year-old Zhang Linghe, 22-year-old Zhao Jinmai and 30-year-old Bailu have their own merits

Zhang Linghe once partnered with Bailu in "Ning An Like a Dream", this drama is also an ancient puppet rebirth drama, however, it is also the heroine who killed the Quartet after being reborn, compared with Zhao Jinmai in "Du Hua Nian" and Bailu in "Ning An Like a Dream", in fact, the two characters in the play are still very different.

also acted in a costume rebirth drama with 27-year-old Zhang Linghe, 22-year-old Zhao Jinmai and 30-year-old Bailu have their own merits

First of all, what is more novel about "Spending the Age" is that not only the eldest princess Li Rong in the play is reborn, but in fact, the actor Pei Wenxuan is also reborn, in the previous life, Li Rong lived to be 38 years old, Pei Wenxuan lived to be 40 years old, and the two of them were born with the memories of the previous life, they wanted to change their own destiny, and they also wanted to change the fate of the people around them.

also acted in a costume rebirth drama with 27-year-old Zhang Linghe, 22-year-old Zhao Jinmai and 30-year-old Bailu have their own merits

In "Spending Time", Li Rong played by Zhao Jinmai, she has an 18-year-old delicate appearance, but in fact, her heart is 38 years old, which is why many viewers feel that the reborn Li Rong is less delicate than 18 years old, but more calm, in fact, this is very suitable for the role.

also acted in a costume rebirth drama with 27-year-old Zhang Linghe, 22-year-old Zhao Jinmai and 30-year-old Bailu have their own merits

And Zhao Jinmai, who was born in 2002, she is very suitable for the role, Li Rong is not a simple woman, she grew up in the palace since she was a child, and she is used to seeing the deceit in the palace, especially in the previous life, her relationship with Pei Wenxuan also ended in failure, which made the reborn Li Rong more deeply thoughtful, and when facing Pei Wenxuan, the feelings of the two people were more complicated.

also acted in a costume rebirth drama with 27-year-old Zhang Linghe, 22-year-old Zhao Jinmai and 30-year-old Bailu have their own merits

In "Spending Time", the power drama accounts for a large part, which makes Li Rong's role more complicated, don't look at Zhao Jinmai's age, but her acting skills are still very mature, with a delicate appearance, Zhao Jinmai is still very good at acting in mature roles. Zhao Jinmai and Li Rong's roles in "Spending Time" are very suitable, she and Zhang Linghe stand together, and they also have a sense of CP, and the actor and the role are highly compatible, which is also a major attraction of "Spending Time".

also acted in a costume rebirth drama with 27-year-old Zhang Linghe, 22-year-old Zhao Jinmai and 30-year-old Bailu have their own merits

Let's talk about "Ning An Like a Dream", the former Jiang Xuening, in order to get the supreme right, she did not hesitate to use her feelings as a bargaining chip, and planned for a lifetime, Jiang Xuening finally died in the hands of Xie Wei, and was reborn, Jiang Xuening didn't want to let her parents be affected because of her willfulness.

also acted in a costume rebirth drama with 27-year-old Zhang Linghe, 22-year-old Zhao Jinmai and 30-year-old Bailu have their own merits

Jiang Xuening carries the memories of her previous life, she changes her life step by step and against the sky, especially in the face of Xie Wei, Jiang Xuening is even more cautious, but the relationship between Jiang Xuening and Xie Wei has not been rewritten, on the contrary, the relationship between Jiang Xuening and Xie Wei is getting deeper and deeper, of course, under the efforts of Jiang Xuening and Xie Wei, the fate of many people has been rewritten.

also acted in a costume rebirth drama with 27-year-old Zhang Linghe, 22-year-old Zhao Jinmai and 30-year-old Bailu have their own merits

Jiang Xuening, played by Bai Lu in "Ning An Like a Dream", is a very scheming woman, but in this drama, only the heroine Jiang Xuening is a reborn person, and she is the only one with the memories of the previous life, and the other characters are actually still in the same place, just because of Jiang Xuening's intentional intervention, many people's stories have changed ways, but Jiang Xuening is powerless to change the endings of many important people.

also acted in a costume rebirth drama with 27-year-old Zhang Linghe, 22-year-old Zhao Jinmai and 30-year-old Bailu have their own merits

"Ning An Like a Dream" is a very important work of Bailu, this drama is a proper heroine drama, Bailu has a very important role, and after the rebirth of Jiang Xuening, she stirred up the storm, and the fate of many people changed because of her.

Bailu is very beautiful, her acting skills are also relatively mature, the adaptability of Bailu and Jiang Xuening in "Ning An Like a Dream" is also very high, and the cooperation between Bailu and Zhang Linghe is also very tacit, and the emotional scene between Jiang Xuening and Xie Wei falling in love and killing each other is also very attractive.

also acted in a costume rebirth drama with 27-year-old Zhang Linghe, 22-year-old Zhao Jinmai and 30-year-old Bailu have their own merits

is also acting in an ancient puppet rebirth drama, Li Rong in "Du Hua Nian" and Jiang Xuening in "Ning An Like a Dream" have completely different character designs, and the life they want after rebirth is completely different, and the actors Zhao Jinmai and Bailu have a high degree of adaptability to the role, and the two also performed different flavors of the roles.

also acted in a costume rebirth drama with 27-year-old Zhang Linghe, 22-year-old Zhao Jinmai and 30-year-old Bailu have their own merits

Li Rong in "Du Hua Nian", Jiang Xuening in "Ning An Like a Dream", which role do you think impresses you more, Zhao Jinmai, a post-00s flower, and Bailu, a leader among post-90s actresses, who do you think is more exciting in the play?

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