
Guo Shiqiang is too difficult, the men's basketball team is looked down again, and the tragedy is coming again

author:Sports basketball brother

Guo Shiqiang is too difficult, the men's basketball team is looked down again, and the tragedy is coming again

Guo Shiqiang is too difficult, and the Chinese men's basketball team is generally looked down upon by domestic fans. In that encounter with the Macau Black Bears, we were beaten by a 78-83 record. Even though Liao Sanning scored 13 points and 5 rebounds for the team, he alone was not enough to help the Chinese men's basketball team reverse the defeat. Although fans had expected the loss in this game, if Lin Wei had not left the team, the Chinese men's basketball team would not have lost this game with his firepower on the offensive end. No matter how bad his performance is on the field, he will surpass heavy gunners like Cheng Shuaipeng and Gao Shiyan, but this is just an afterthought! No, fans think that the Chinese men's basketball team will usher in a new round of two consecutive defeats in the next game, is this really the case? Below, let's take a look with the basketball brothers!

Guo Shiqiang is too difficult, the men's basketball team is looked down again, and the tragedy is coming again

It can be seen from here that fans are still worried about the departure of Lin Wei, Chen Guohao, Liu Lijia and Duan Angjun. Since it is to train young players, in terms of potential, Lin Wei has become the first person of the young generation of Chinese men's basketball team. We don't open any questions about that! That's right! He did have a suspicion of farming data last season, but don't forget, if you want to farm data, you also have to have that ability! What's more, Xi Relijiang's eyes are bright, and he can tell at a glance whether these young players have the potential to become the new core of the team. Otherwise, Lin Wei, Zhao Baiqing and Wang Lanyan, the three-young combination, would not have become the tactical driving core of the new generation of the Tongxi team, even so, Lin Wei still left the Chinese men's basketball team.

Guo Shiqiang is too difficult, the men's basketball team is looked down again, and the tragedy is coming again

The Chinese men's basketball team will usher in two consecutive defeats, and the situation is irreversible

However, is the Chinese men's basketball team destined to be ravaged by Australia in the next two encounters? In the eyes of basketball brothers, this is really the case at present. Although Yang Hansen, a young insider, still hasn't left the team, he can only shoulder the team's offensive and defensive responsibilities at most, as for the team's heavy responsibility on the offensive end? can only let He Xining, Cheng Shuaipeng, Gao Shiyan and Zhu Mingzhen and other players carry it together. But these players are obviously full of controversy, in the last encounter with the Macau Black Bears, not to mention Cheng Shuaipeng and He Xining, the two fierce players directly hung zero, Gao Shiyan, Zhu Mingzhen and Du Runwang, these players did not play their due value. After all, their total score is only twenty points. Even if this is directly related to the ball they can get their hands on, Liao Sanning, a defender, has played his own value.

Guo Shiqiang is too difficult, the men's basketball team is looked down again, and the tragedy is coming again

And let Guo Shiqiang see more possibilities from him, a possibility to carry the guard line of the Chinese men's basketball team. Although this is only a teaching game, we have been successfully reversed by a third-rate team like the Macau Black Bears, which has already shocked many fans. No, some fans directly said: "Even if it is a tragedy, you have to let young players like Lin Wei and Zhao Weilun go to the tragedy, isn't it a waste of money for you to let players like Gao Shiyan, Zhu Mingzhen, and Du Runwang go up?" It seems that the fans don't save face for Guo Shiqiang at all, not to mention, in the encounter with the Macau Black Bears last time, the performance of these three players was still a mess. If possible, young players such as Yang Hansen, Wang Haoran, Wang Lanyan and Zou Yang should be given more opportunities to sharpen.

Guo Shiqiang is too difficult, the men's basketball team is looked down again, and the tragedy is coming again

The Chinese men's basketball team focuses on training in order to make a comeback

Only when they grow up thoroughly can the Chinese men's basketball team have the possibility of being disgraced in three years! After all, when we missed the Paris Olympics, it was destined that it would be difficult for us to have a relatively large international event in three years, which gave Guo Shiqiang an excellent opportunity to train. Not to mention, when the new round of the World Cup officially opens, the state of key players such as Zhou Qi, Hu Jinqiu, Zhao Jiwei and Wang Zhelin will continue to decline from the peak. In this case, the development of young players becomes crucial! Guo Shiqiang knows what to do! Even if several young players have left the team one after another, this does not mean that they are completely out of the Chinese men's basketball team, as long as they completely adjust their condition, they will most likely re-wear the jersey for the Chinese men's basketball team.

Guo Shiqiang is too difficult, the men's basketball team is looked down again, and the tragedy is coming again

However, according to the current situation, it is difficult for several young players who have left the team to return to the team on the eve of the start of the Chinese men's basketball team and Australia. It's because of this that it makes it difficult for us to have a comeback in the next two encounters. After all, in terms of competitive level, the overall level of the Australian NBL league has surpassed the CBA league by a large margin. Not to mention, more than ninety percent of the current lineup of the Chinese men's basketball team is from the CBA league, and some of them have not yet played their value in the CBA, which makes it difficult for them to blast out the same offensive firepower as their opponents at critical moments. Even after this wave of baptism of the Chinese men's basketball team, their overall strength has made new breakthroughs, but these young players are still far from being alone!

Guo Shiqiang is too difficult, the men's basketball team is looked down again, and the tragedy is coming again

The men's basketball team is destined to lose two in a row, and Guo Shiqiang is powerless

It is not difficult to find from here that when the Chinese men's basketball team meets Australia on the 2nd and 4th of next month, our chances of winning are obviously less than forty percent! This means that the Chinese men's basketball team will most likely usher in two consecutive defeats again! And in the eyes of basketball brothers, even if Guo Shiqiang will make full preparations in the next few days and fully stimulate the potential of young players. But whether in terms of ball skills or competitive experience, there is a big gap between them and the fierce men in Australia. Even if the young players put it to new limits, it won't be enough to bridge the huge gap between the two sides. As a result, the Chinese men's basketball team is destined to usher in a new round of tragedy. But as long as the young players can grow up smoothly, it will be worth the effort!

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