
He was the commander of the 79th Army, known as a tough general, and would rather die than be taken prisoner and fight to the last drop of blood

author:Jiaodong Jinyilang
He was the commander of the 79th Army, known as a tough general, and would rather die than be taken prisoner and fight to the last drop of blood

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in China, for the survival of the country and the nation, the people of the whole country united to resist the invasion of the Japanese invaders. Among them, the 74th Army, the ace unit of the Kuomintang government, was well-equipped, and it was one of the few Chinese troops that could fight the Japanese during the most difficult period of the War of Resistance against Japan. This team killed the enemy during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and made countless meritorious contributions, and many patriotic generals with outstanding military achievements emerged, but there were also people who finally fell before the victory. One of them was the commander of this trump card unit, and he was General Wang Jiaben, who was martyred in the Battle of Hengyang.

He was the commander of the 79th Army, known as a tough general, and would rather die than be taken prisoner and fight to the last drop of blood

The old Dian army of a military family

Wang Jiaben is a standard second-generation army, and his father's name is Wang Guodong. Few people know this name today, but Mr. Wang went to school in the famous Yunnan Lecture and Martial Arts Hall, and among his classmates was Zhu De and Fan Shisheng, both of whom were famous figures in the history of the development of the Chinese military in the future.

He was the commander of the 79th Army, known as a tough general, and would rather die than be taken prisoner and fight to the last drop of blood

It's a pity that his parents left him when Wang Jiaben was a child, and at this time, thanks to the recommendation of his father's old friend Fan Shisheng, he entered the Yunnan Lecture Martial Arts Hall. As the so-called son inherits his father's business, Wang Jiaben embarked on the same path as his father, even more dazzling than his father.

He was the commander of the 79th Army, known as a tough general, and would rather die than be taken prisoner and fight to the last drop of blood

Wang Jiaben, who graduated from the military academy, entered Gu Pinzhen's army in Yunnan, and Wang Jiaben, who became a regular soldier, was more strict with himself, and even deliberately tied sandbags to his legs to exercise himself.

He was the commander of the 79th Army, known as a tough general, and would rather die than be taken prisoner and fight to the last drop of blood

The good times did not last long, and Gu Pinzhen's team was completely broken up because of his opposition to the Yunnan warlord Tang Jiyao. Wang Jiaben, who didn't know where to go for a while, could only go to his father's old friend Fan Shisheng. Here Wang Jiaben really realized how to become a real soldier and fought for it all his life.

He was the commander of the 79th Army, known as a tough general, and would rather die than be taken prisoner and fight to the last drop of blood

Riba scabbard

Fan Shisheng looked at this young man, and naturally knew that he couldn't give him the conditions to display his abilities here, so he asked Wang Jiaben to lead his troops south to defect to Chen Cheng, who was already gaining momentum. Chen Cheng has always hoped to build a more professional army that is not tainted with bad habits, and Wang Jiaben, a standard soldier who is strict with himself and does not love money, is very favored.

He was the commander of the 79th Army, known as a tough general, and would rather die than be taken prisoner and fight to the last drop of blood

In 1937, the Battle of Songhu broke out, and Wang Jiaben's 98th Division went to the battlefield. Wang Jiaben believes that as a commander, he must grasp the changes in the frontline battlefield in real time, so he often commands on the frontline? This style of combat greatly boosted morale, and at the same time laid the groundwork for his later sacrifice.

He was the commander of the 79th Army, known as a tough general, and would rather die than be taken prisoner and fight to the last drop of blood

In the Battle of Songhu, Wang Jia's 98th Division suffered heavy casualties, Lu Jingrong, chief of staff of the division, was martyred, and more than 500 officers and soldiers of Yao Ziqing's battalion who held Baoshan were all killed. Wang Jiaben, who was a front-line commander, was also seriously wounded, and as many as 31 pieces of shrapnel were removed from his body. In order to carry forward the spirit of this team, the Nationalist Government expanded the old 98th Division as the backbone to the 79th Army of the National Revolutionary Army, and Wang Jiaben, who performed well in this battle, was promoted to the commander of the new 98th Division.

He was the commander of the 79th Army, known as a tough general, and would rather die than be taken prisoner and fight to the last drop of blood

Fight to the last drop of blood

After the establishment of the 79th Army, because of its excellent equipment and high quality of fighters and strong combat effectiveness, it naturally became an anti-Japanese model worker.

Wang Jiaben officially became the new commander of the 79th Army in the Battle of Changsha, and at the same time, China's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression entered the most difficult period.

He was the commander of the 79th Army, known as a tough general, and would rather die than be taken prisoner and fight to the last drop of blood

From Shanghai to Nanjing, and from Nanjing to Wuhan, the Japanese at this time were already eyeing the Nationalist government that had retreated to Chongqing across Hunan. So no matter what, Hunan can't be lost, Xue Yue, the commander of the Ninth Theater, arranged three battles around Changsha, and for a time Hunan became a big furnace, smelting will and flesh and blood.

He was the commander of the 79th Army, known as a tough general, and would rather die than be taken prisoner and fight to the last drop of blood

At this stage, the most tragic battle was the Battle of Hengyang, a city that was not very famous in peacetime has now become a flesh and blood mill. The Japanese could not enter Hengyang for a while, and the Chinese reinforcements could not break through the Japanese encirclement for a while, so it was the turn of the 79th Army to appear at this time.

He was the commander of the 79th Army, known as a tough general, and would rather die than be taken prisoner and fight to the last drop of blood

This time the battle was different from the past, and this time the Japanese were like machines that didn't want to die. The pistol team of the 79th Army headquarters was in front, Wang Jiaben followed closely with the pistol team, and the other command post personnel followed in a marching column. When the team reached the area of Shankoupu between Honglu Temple and Dong'an, they encountered the Japanese flank cavalry search force.

He was the commander of the 79th Army, known as a tough general, and would rather die than be taken prisoner and fight to the last drop of blood

The pistol team, which consisted of only 20 soldiers, encountered thousands of red-eyed Japanese soldiers who were killed and all of them were killed instantly, and the army commander Wang Jiaben, who was following behind, was shot in the arm and leg. Wang Jiaben, with the support of his adjutant Wu Zhenke, retreated to the eastern slope, and fought hand-to-hand with the three Japanese soldiers who were chasing after him. In the face of this Chinese general, who had been blurred in flesh and blood, several bayonets pierced his abdomen at the same time, and General Wang Jiaben died heroically, becoming the highest-ranking general in the history of China's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression who sacrificed himself on the battlefield of bayonet fighting.