
A 44-year-old woman is a mother and a grandmother, her grandson is chasing and beating her son more than her son, woman: who should she protect

author:Light Emotion

**44-year-old woman as a mother and grandmother: the dislocation of family generations and the choice of love**

In the bustling city, I, Li Mei, 44 years old, am an ordinary housewife. I have a special family, a family full of laughter and tears. Today, I want to share with you my story, a family story about being a mother and a grandmother, and a grandson who is older than a son.

A 44-year-old woman is a mother and a grandmother, her grandson is chasing and beating her son more than her son, woman: who should she protect

My family lives in an old neighborhood that is full of life. When I was younger, I worked in a garment factory, but because of my family, I chose to quit my job and focus on taking care of my family. I have a son named Li Ming, who is only 4 years old this year. However, what surprised everyone even more was that I already had a 5-year-old grandson named Xiao Li. Yes, you heard it right, the grandson is older than the son.

It may sound incredible, but that's the reality of my family. My husband and I have been married for many years and have never been able to have a child. At that time, we tried all kinds of methods, but none of them worked. Just when we were about to give up, by an unexpected chance, we adopted an abandoned baby, that is, Li Ming.

Li Ming is a sensible child who knows how to understand us since he was a child. He knew where he came from, but he never complained. He studied hard and hoped to repay our nurturing kindness with his own efforts. However, just as he was about to come of age, we were again met with an unexpected surprise.

A 44-year-old woman is a mother and a grandmother, her grandson is chasing and beating her son more than her son, woman: who should she protect

It was a sunny afternoon and I was cleaning up at home. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and when I opened it, I saw a strange woman holding a baby in her arms. She told me that it was a child she couldn't raise and hoped we could give him a home.

Looking at her helpless eyes, my heart softened. I know that this decision will cause us a lot of difficulties, but I also understand that this child needs a home. So, without hesitation, I took the child from her hand and named him Xiao Li.

In this way, I became Xiao Li's mother and Li Ming's grandmother. In the beginning, we did get a little scrambling. The age difference between the two children is not much, but the generations are very different. When they play together, they often quarrel over small things. Especially Xiao Li, he is even more naughty than Li Ming, and often chases Li Ming and beats him wildly.

Whenever this happens, I feel helpless. Whose head shall I protect? Is it Li Ming, the innocent "grandson", or Xiao Li, the naughty "son"? My heart was full of contradictions and entanglements.

Once, Xiao Li hit Li Ming again for snatching toys. Li Ming cried in pain, and I looked at his tears, and my heart felt like I had been cut by a knife. I walked over angrily and gave Xiao Li a hard lesson. However, when I saw Xiao Li's frightened eyes, I couldn't help but soften my heart again. I know that he is still just a child, and he does not know the rules and regulations.

A 44-year-old woman is a mother and a grandmother, her grandson is chasing and beating her son more than her son, woman: who should she protect

Since then, I've tried to deal with the conflict between them in a gentler way. I told Xiao Li that Li Ming was his elder brother and that he should respect and love him. I also told Li Ming that Xiao Li is his younger brother and that he should tolerate him and take care of him.

Slowly, their relationship began to improve. Xiao Li is no longer as willful and reckless as before, he has begun to know how to care about and respect others. And Li Ming no longer felt annoyed and helpless because of Xiao Li's naughtiness, and he began to learn to tolerate and forgive.

Today, they have become the closest companions. They play together, learn together, and grow together. I looked at their happy smiles and intimate figures, and I felt extremely relieved and satisfied.

In this special family, I have experienced more love and responsibility. I am not only a mother, but also a grandmother. I not only have to take care of their daily life and learning and growth, but also teach them how to behave and how to get along. Although the process was full of hardships and challenges, I also gained a lot of happiness and joy.

What I want to tell you is that no matter how special and complex our family situation is, we should cherish the love and affection we have for each other. Only when we manage and maintain this relationship with our hearts can we reap more happiness and joy.