
In tears, a barbecue stall owner met a special customer: a puppy was holding a leaf in his mouth to exchange skewers with me

author:Light Emotion

#q1# Tears! The warm encounter between a barbecue stall owner and a puppy: the wonderful fate of exchanging leaves for skewers

**Title**: Tears! The warm encounter between a barbecue stall owner and a puppy: the wonderful fate of exchanging leaves for skewers

**Description**: In the hustle and bustle of the city street, between an ordinary barbecue stall owner and a stray puppy, a touching and heartwarming story occurred. The puppy exchanged a leaf for the stall owner's skewers, and also exchanged for the softness and warmth in people's hearts. Let's walk into this world full of love and wonder, and feel the pure emotion and power.

In tears, a barbecue stall owner met a special customer: a puppy was holding a leaf in his mouth to exchange skewers with me


My name is Li Tiezhu, I am 43 years old, and I am an authentic barbecue stall owner. My family lives on the edge of the city, and my parents are farmers who have worked hard all their lives. I grew up in the fields and learned the art of farming and kebabs from my parents. In order to make a living, I came to the city to work hard, and with my own efforts and hard work, I finally settled down in a corner of the city and had my own barbecue stand.

My barbecue stand is not big, but business is good. Every evening, I would come out on time to greet diners from all over the world. The skewers I grill are tender in texture, unique in seasoning, and have a great taste. The diners were satisfied, and I was so happy.

However, on an ordinary and warm evening, the arrival of a special "customer" made waves in my life.

I was busy grilling skewers that day when suddenly, a puppy burst into my sight. It has mottled coats and a thin body, but its eyes are exceptionally clear. It cautiously walked up to my stall with a leaf in its mouth and an expectant look in its eyes.

In tears, a barbecue stall owner met a special customer: a puppy was holding a leaf in his mouth to exchange skewers with me

I was stunned and thought: Is this puppy trying to trade leaves for my kebabs? It's ridiculous, isn't it? But I looked at its clear eyes, and I couldn't bear to refuse it. So, I smiled and said, "Little one, do you want to trade this leaf for my skewers?" As if he understood me, the puppy nodded, his tail wagging merrily.

I was deeply moved by this scene, and a warm current welled up in my heart. I picked up a freshly grilled skewer and handed it to the puppy. The puppy took the skewer and wagged his tail happily, as if to say, "Thank you, good Samaritan!" ”

This scene was watched by the surrounding diners, who gathered around and curiously asked about the origin of the puppy. I told them that the puppy was trading leaves for skewers. Everyone was very surprised and moved after hearing this, and they all expressed their love for this puppy.

Since that day, the puppy has become a regular visitor to my barbecue stand. Every evening, it would show up in front of my stall on time, exchanging a leaf for a skewer. And I'm never stingy, and I always prepare the freshest and tastiest skewers for it.

Gradually, the puppy's body becomes more robust and its coat color becomes brighter. Its arrival not only brings joy and warmth to my barbecue stand, but also attracts more and more diners. Everyone said that this puppy was my lucky star and brought me good luck and fortune.

However, the good times were short-lived. One evening, the puppy suddenly didn't show up in front of my stall. I felt a sense of foreboding in my heart, anxiously looking around for a trace of it. I walked a long, far walk down the street, but I never saw it. My heart was full of worry and concern, and I didn't know where the hell this puppy had gone.

In tears, a barbecue stall owner met a special customer: a puppy was holding a leaf in his mouth to exchange skewers with me

Just when I was anxious, a kind man found me. He told me that the puppy was hit by a speeding car in a nearby park. The good Samaritan sent the puppy to the hospital in time, but the doctor said that the situation was not optimistic.

When I heard the news, my heart was twisted and I immediately rushed to the hospital to see the puppy. In the hospital room, I saw the puppy lying in the hospital bed. Its body was covered in bandages, and its eyes were full of pain and helplessness. I gripped its paws tightly, tears welling up in my eyes. I choked up and said to it, "Little one, you must be strong!" I will always be by your side and take care of you. ”

In the days that followed, I would visit the puppy in the hospital every day to bring him the freshest kebabs and warm company. Under my careful care, the puppy's injuries gradually improved. Although it will take some time for his body to fully recover, I believe that if we work together, we will be able to overcome the disease.

Nowadays, when night falls, when the lights come on, my barbecue stand is still full of laughter and laughter, and the puppy that once exchanged leaves for skewers has become a good memory and touching in everyone's hearts. Whenever this story is mentioned, people will be full of emotion, and they will say that they should cherish every life around them and warm the world with love. In this world full of love and miracles, let us feel the innocent emotion and strength together, let love pass on, and warm every life in need of love.

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