
The IPO is slowing down, the stock market is not rising, and the interest groups are in a hurry!

author:Ghost Road Finance

The speed of IPOs in the stock market has always been the focus of investors' attention. Recently, the speed of IPO has not been able to get up, and this phenomenon has aroused heated discussions in the market. Some people believe that the slowdown in the pace of IPOs does not mean that the company has less money, but shows that the stock market is not rising and interest groups are also anxious. This phenomenon may be expected to be the most reliable bullish.

The IPO is slowing down, the stock market is not rising, and the interest groups are in a hurry!

In the past few years, the mainland stock market has experienced a rapid development stage of IP0, and many companies have realized their financing dreams in the capital market with the help of IPOs. With the increase in the number of IPOs, the relationship between supply and demand in the market has gradually become unbalanced, resulting in a continued downturn in the stock market. In this context, the speed of IPO cannot get up, which seems to have become an expectation of the market.

The fact that the IPO speed cannot get up does not mean that the company has less money. On the contrary, this situation reflects the strict control of IPO review by the regulatory authorities, as well as the maintenance of fairness and impartiality in the market. During the IPO review process, the regulatory authorities not only pay attention to the company's financial status, business model and development prospects, but also conduct a comprehensive review of the company's compliance and information disclosure. This helps to screen out high-quality companies, improve the overall quality of the market, and create a better investment environment for investors.

The fact that the IPO speed has not picked up shows that the stock market is not rising, and interest groups are also in a hurry. Against the backdrop of a sluggish stock market, interest groups are desperate to change the status quo and push the stock market higher. Due to the slowdown in the pace of IPOs, the new supply in the market has decreased, which will help alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand in the market and create conditions for the stock market to rise. The slowdown in the pace of IPOs has also helped to increase the scarcity of quality companies in the market, thereby boosting the valuations of these companies.

The IPO is slowing down, the stock market is not rising, and the interest groups are in a hurry!

The speed of IPOs cannot be raised, and it can also curb market speculation to a certain extent. In the stage of rapid development of IPOs, many companies do not hesitate to take various means to whitewash their performance in order to go public as soon as possible, and even have illegal behaviors such as financial fraud. After these companies go public, they often become the object of speculative capital speculation, resulting in the accumulation of market bubbles. The slowdown in the pace of IPOs will help reduce the number of listings of such companies and reduce the risk of speculation in the market.

Of course, the inability to get up at the speed of IPOs does not fundamentally solve the problem of a sluggish stock market. To truly realize the healthy development of the stock market, it is necessary for the joint efforts of regulatory authorities, listed companies, investors and other parties. The regulatory authorities should continue to strengthen the IPO review, strictly control the quality, and at the same time increase the crackdown on market violations; Listed companies should pay attention to business development, improve the transparency of information disclosure, and effectively safeguard the interests of investors; Investors should establish a correct investment philosophy, follow the laws of the market, and do not blindly follow the trend of speculation.

The IPO is slowing down, the stock market is not rising, and the interest groups are in a hurry!

The speed of IPOs is not up, and there is a wealth of market information behind this phenomenon. Against the backdrop of the current stock market downturn, the slowdown in the pace of IPOs may be the most reliable bullish. In order to achieve the long-term healthy development of the stock market, it is necessary for all parties to work together to maintain the fairness, justice, and order of the market.