
Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

author:September Films

Early in the morning, before dawn, the market has already begun to move. At this time, as soon as the sun showed its face, the workers at the freight station were already busy. Zhang Wei stood next to the warehouse, wearing a blue overalls that had been washed a little white, looking a little lonely. His eyes were glued to the front, where forklifts were shuttling back and forth, and workers were loading trucks.

"Lao Li! Hurry up and pile up these dry goods! Zhang Wei shouted loudly, his voice passing through the roar of the machine and far away.

The person called Lao Li is Li Zhiqiang. He was tall and mighty, with beads of sweat on his bronzed skin. Hearing the boss's words, he turned around and replied loudly, "Okay! Then he quickly began to sort out the location of the goods.

Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

Zhao Chang sat in the car, not feeling relaxed, but anxious like an ant in a hot pot. He looked through the car window at the busy crowd outside and the orderly forklift, and couldn't help but complain: "How long will it take to load this batch of dry goods?" ”

One truck after another drove away with a full load, slowly leaving the warehouse area to the sound of "clicking" tires against the ground, accompanied by the sound of goods hitting the metal floor. The air was filled with the smell of a mixture of oil, dust, and some faint aromas of grain.

At this moment, Master Wang, the driver of another truck, knocked on the window and attracted Zhao Chang's attention: "Xiao Zhao! I heard you have a problem with your purchase? ”

Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

"What? Issue...... Zhang Wei didn't tell me! Confused, and at the same time with a hint of anxiety, Zhao Chang took out his phone from his pocket.

Before Master Wang could finish speaking, the phone suddenly rang: "Old Zhao...... I don't know what's going on, but it looks like something is wrong. I'll send you a text message and see if I can help you out, shall we? ”

A hand was placed on the shoulder of Xiao Li, who was unloading, "Tired, right?" These goods will be processed as soon as possible. ”

Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

Li Zhiqiang glanced at the package in Zhang Wei's hand and said, "Don't worry, boss!" ”

Zhao Chang, who had just hung up the phone, walked into the office with a pale face, knocked on the table with some weakness and urgency to stop the workers who came immediately: "Hurry up and notify the truck driver to stop loading those damn dry goods!" My family told me not to send it to the store."

After the staff agreed, they hurriedly ran outside to inform Xiao Li, who had not yet noticed the change in the situation, and was still busy carrying food......

Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

Suddenly, there was a sharp knock on the office door, and the "knock" sound carried an ominous tone. Zhao Chang clenched his hand on the mobile phone for a moment, and his eyes instantly became nervous.

"Xiao Zhao, the boss asked me to tell you: 'This batch of goods has changed!' Outside the door came the voice of a familiar vendor, gasping for breath with a little anxiety.

Zhao Chang stood up suddenly, "What did you say?! "The phone in my hand was as hot as it was about to burn.

Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

He quickly dialed Zhang Wei's phone, "Hey, Zhang Wei?" What's going on? How can there be a problem with my goods? ”

After waiting for a long few seconds, Zhang Wei was also confused on the other end of the phone, "Lao Zhao... I've only just learned about that. ”

While the two were talking, the workers were still doing their work - forklifts put bags of grain on Li Zhiqiang's car. Li Zhiqiang can see clearly that every second of this scene that keeps repeating itself represents his hard-earned money and livelihood.

Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

When he looked at the scene in front of him, he not only saw the mountains of goods, but more importantly, he was about to send them to distant places to fulfill the contracts signed with those customers and respond to their expectations. The bloody reality makes people feel the pressure and tension of sweat raining down. Li Zhiqiang hoarsely said to Zhang Wei on the other side of the phone: "Zhang Wei, do you know? I've already said hello to all of the guys below...... We have to finish this work today! There was a hint of mixed emotion in his tone that was a mixture of determination and confusion.

On the other side, Zhang Wei also fell into a dilemma: "I understand that Xiao Li's situation is really difficult...... But now there is a problem in the supply of raw materials...... We're really in big trouble this time. ”

The sudden news spread like a virus through the market, and the otherwise orderly environment began to become volatile. Some workers also stopped what they were doing and gathered together to whisper.

Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

Their faces are full of apprehension, and there are people who are glued to the time on their phone screens, because every minute that passes is about their future happiness. Zhao Chang said with a sad face: "This is a month's income for our family!" You can't mess it up anyway. ”

While the phoenix tail was restless, the vendor quickly walked towards the warehouse area, trying to find a solution to the problem......

Before Zhao Chang's words fell, he immediately stood up, unable to suppress the anxiety in his heart. He knows that action must be taken now, or the situation today may become unmanageable.

Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

A heavy knock sounded again, and the Wang vendor almost broke in, "Boss Zhang!" How was Xiao Li's car just now? I heard that the goods were returned? ”

Zhang Wei raised his head and replied helplessly, "I haven't had time to tell him about it yet...... Look how bad this is......" His expression was full of distress and exhaustion.

When Zhao Chang answered the phone, he was in a hurry, "Oh, I have to hurry up and deal with something, please wait for me." "Lao Zhao, you can rest assured, I am not a vegetarian, I promise to take care of this for you." Zhang Wei on the other end of the phone comforted him, but he was also a little anxious, for fear that the matter would not be resolved smoothly.

Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

However, things are not as simple as they seem. In the noisy environment of the production line, Li Zhiqiang shouted in a resolute tone: "You must not just forget it!" How can our efforts be in vain? When the surrounding workers heard this, they stopped what they were doing and asked curiously, "What's going on?" "What went wrong to make Xiao Li angry like that?"

At this moment, several people with beads of sweat walked in at the door of the workshop, and they gathered together and surrounded the focus of the conflict, "What happened?" Do we want to keep working? Another worker said worriedly, "Looking at this situation, it seems that the matter is quite serious......

The atmosphere of the whole scene instantly became tense. Emotions of helplessness and anger intertwined permeate this small space. While everyone was paying attention to Xiao Li, who was blue and angry, they couldn't help but feel sorry for those who were in trouble because of this incident.

Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

In this oppressive atmosphere, the cell phone in the corner of the workshop rang again—it was Zhang Wei urging her to take action......

Sunlight shines through the gaps in the clouds, shining a warm glow that illuminates this bustling market area. After a series of emergency coordination and communication, the passage of time did not worsen the situation, but brought a glimmer of life.

Zhang Wei stood next to the driver Li Zhiqiang's car, thinking about how to compensate him: "Xiao Li, this matter actually has nothing to do with you... We will definitely be responsible for the losses we have suffered this time. ”

Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

Li Zhiqiang said with a puzzled face: "Boss..." "It's the first time I've been driving for so many years and I've encountered such an unfortunate thing..."

Zhao Chang rushed to the scene in a hurry and learned what happened in person. His appearance quieted down the surrounding workers: "It's really hard for everyone this time... But the business still has to go on. ”

The atmosphere eased a little, and everyone discussed several feasible ways of compensation, and the matter finally came to an eyebrow. Several workers sitting at the door of the warehouse began to talk about their experiences and ideas.

Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

The fruit seller Wang ran over and handed a few bottles of mineral water to everyone: "Oops! It's so hot that I can't stand it, hasn't the matter been resolved yet? ”

People involved in their own interests looked at each other: "Yes, no matter what, you can't let Xiao Li suffer!" ”

"Don't worry, everyone... This matter will definitely have a happy ending today! Zhang Wei's words revealed a firm determination.

Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

As the minutes ticked by, a clue to the problem became clear in the sweltering and anticipatory atmosphere – even though the event was an unprecedented challenge for everyone.

Finally, with the advice of their lawyers, they developed a set of remediation plans. They decided to selectively sell part of the goods to reduce losses while planning the use of the remaining goods; And according to the specific situation of all parties, corresponding economic compensation measures are proposed - this intricate net, involving the common interests and emotional entanglements of many people, is finally beginning to loosen...

As the problem was solved step by step, the smiles on everyone's faces gradually appeared, and one of the guests said, "Lao Zhao, you really have to work hard!" It's not easy to see that we still don't forget our troubles at the end. ”

Half of the 5 tons of goods are loaded to the customer, the boss said to unload the goods, and the driver directly said that he was not allowed to unload

Lao Zhao responded, "Exactly... If it weren't for your advice, I would not have been able to handle these issues so well. The expression on the face of this distinguished guest also changed from the previous worry to the current light-heartedness.

In this bustling and complex crowd, everyone is playing a variety of roles, and then they go back to their jobs and go about their daily lives. In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that no matter what kind of environment they are in, as long as everyone works together, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome......