
After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

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After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"
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After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

In 1989, the set of "Dragon in the World" became the starting point of a legendary love. Kung fu superstar Jet Li met the glamorous and moving Li Zhi. At that time, Jet Li was already a virtuous wife and a beautiful son, and he spent 20 years with Huang Qiuyan and had a daughter.

However, the appearance of Li Zhi was like a bolt of lightning, completely changing the trajectory of the fate of the three people.

Jet Li seems to be obsessed with it, and he has launched a passionate pursuit of Lizhi. He confessed desperately: "I can die for you, even die!" This sentence was like thunder, shaking the entire entertainment industry.

A kung fu superstar who has always been low-key is so crazy about a woman! What kind of love magic is this that can make a successful man willing to give up everything? Jet Li's choice not only turned his life upside down, but also completely changed the fate of Huang Qiuyan and Li Zhi.

After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

In 1971, the Beijing professional wushu team welcomed two special new members: 10-year-old Huang Qiuyan and 12-year-old Jet Li. Fate pushed these two ignorant teenagers together and started their martial arts relationship that lasted for more than 20 years.

Huang Qiuyan was born in a family of dancers, and her parents were the first dancers in New China. originally hoped that her daughter would inherit the mantle, but due to family changes, she had to change to martial arts.

Jet Li was born in poverty, his father died young, and he has experienced hardships since childhood. The similar background allows the two to understand each other and support each other.

In the wushu team, Jet Li and Huang Qiuyan have both shown extraordinary talent. Jet Li has repeatedly won national martial arts competitions, while Huang Qiuyan has also quickly mastered marksmanship, swordsmanship and snake boxing, and won double laurels in Beijing martial arts competitions.

After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

They are not only partners in the martial arts arena, but also confidants in life.

Huang Qiuyan always cares about Jet Li silently. Whenever she sees him eating poorly, she will find ways to ask her parents for money to improve Jet Li's life. When Jet Li's mother fell ill, Huang Qiuyan did not hesitate to visit and take care of her.

This silent friendship has quietly grown in the years of youth.

In 1987, the two finally got together and secretly received a marriage certificate. Huang Qiuyan once said affectionately: "We have spent 20 years of martial arts practice together, and our relationship has naturally developed and grown.

After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

Life is plain and warm, without too much romance. I feel very happy just by spending time with him, because his temperament and character are so good.

After marriage, Huang Qiuyan resolutely gave up her acting career for the sake of her family. She politely refused the invitation of the heroine of many works such as "Thirteen Sisters of Chivalry" and "Journey to the West", and chose to serve her husband and educate her children with peace of mind.

In 1989, Huang Qiuyan, who was seven months pregnant, followed Jet Li to the United States despite the pain of pregnancy, and gave birth to her eldest daughter Li Si soon after.

However, just when Huang Qiuyan wholeheartedly created a warm family for Jet Li, fate played a cruel joke on them.

After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

In 1989, Jet Li took over the filming of the movie "Dragon in the World", and the gears of fate turned. On the set, he met Li Zhi, who was known as "a rare beauty in fifty years".

This glamorous woman, who was the winner of the "Miss Asia Beauty Pageant", has become the focus of attention with her 36F devil body and fair skin.

The appeal of Lizhi is not just about appearance. She was born in Shanghai and later went to the United States to further her studies in business economics. In the entertainment industry, her scandal with Jackie Chan caused a sensation, and even almost became the fifth wife of gambling king Stanley Ho.

Such a woman who combines beauty and wisdom quickly attracted Jet Li's attention.

After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

Facing Li Zhi, Jet Li seems to have returned to his teenage years when he was in love. Regardless of his married and childbearing status, he launched a crazy pursuit. He waited in the streets, holding roses in his hand, and swore in the mirror: "I am willing to go to the soup for her, give up fame and fortune, and even sacrifice all the future."

"This once known for his low-key kung fu superstar is now so desperate.

However, the experienced Li Zhi did not immediately accept Jet Li's love. She put forward a seemingly cruel "ten-year covenant": "If Jet Li is sincere to me in the next 10 years, then we will enter the marriage hall in 10 years."

This agreement is not only a test of Jet Li's feelings, but also a protection for himself.

After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

In 1992, Li Zhi decided to leave the screen for a while and move to the business field. She invested in real estate in Shandong, but unfortunately suffered a fiasco and was burdened with huge debts. At this time, Jet Li stepped forward.

He signed a two-year contract with Hong Kong film and television industry tycoons Xiang Huaqiang and Chen Lan to shoot six films, each with a salary of up to HK$12 million.

What is shocking is that Jet Li gave all this huge amount of up to 72 million Hong Kong dollars to Lizhi, proving his determination with practical actions.

For an actor at the peak of his career, this is tantamount to signing a "deed of sale". However, Jet Li doesn't seem to care. In his eyes, as long as he can prove his sincerity to Lizhi, all the efforts are worth it.

After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

The development of this relationship undoubtedly cast a shadow on the marriage between Jet Li and Huang Qiuyan. Jet Li has to face an inner struggle: should he continue to maintain a seemingly happy marriage, or follow his heart's desire? His choice is not only about his own happiness, but also deeply affects everyone around him.

Jet Li's obsession with Li Zhi can't hide from Huang Qiuyan's eyes after all. On an ordinary day, Jet Li plucked up the courage to confess to Huang Qiuyan, who had just given birth to her second child and was breastfeeding: "I'm sorry, I made a mistake.

He took a deep breath and continued, "I have found true love and hope to get a divorce.

These words were like a thunderbolt from the sky, instantly shattering Huang Qiuyan's painstaking family dream. She has always been creating a warm harbor for Jet Li, but she didn't expect this home to be so vulnerable when she met another woman.

After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

After the divorce, Jet Li announced to the public that he was a clean family and left all his property in the United States to Huang Qiuyan. However, the truth is far from as simple as it seems.

The property they bought in the U.S. was purchased in installments. After Jet Li transferred the house to Huang Qiuyan, he no longer asked, and all the income and expenditure were borne by Huang Qiuyan alone.

Huang Qiuyan, who is in a foreign country, is facing huge economic pressure. Without any skills, she was unable to repay the high loan, and finally her only residence was forcibly auctioned off by the bank.

The former "Mrs. Lee" is now living on the streets with her two young daughters. In this most difficult moment, a kind old Chinese lady reached out and lent them her abandoned basement for shelter.

After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

However, this basement is dark and damp, and the air is foul. With two young daughters crying all night, Huang Qiuyan had to turn to Jet Li for help, hoping to send the children back to Beijing to be cared for by Jet Li's mother.

Losing her husband, daughter, and even the identity of "Mrs. Li", Huang Qiuyan once fell into the abyss of depression.

At the same time, Jet Li's career and love life are in full swing. In 1999, he finally realized the "ten-year covenant" with Lizhi. In Los Angeles, they had a lavish and grand wedding.

Flowers, wine, sparkling diamonds, and the blessings of family and friends are in stark contrast to the simple wedding with Huang Qiuyan.

After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

However, the gears of fate did not stop turning. When Huang Qiuyan was most difficult, a group of enthusiastic friends reached out to help. Zheng Mingming, a well-known beauty expert, introduced her to a high-end beauty salon in San Francisco as a beautician, allowing her to become self-reliant.

Although he became a "migrant worker", he was able to at least make ends meet.

After a long period of low times, Huang Qiuyan's life finally ushered in a turnaround. In 2005, she met a kind-hearted restaurateur, Mr. Wang. This gentleman with a gentle personality and good conduct gave Huang Qiuyan a long-lost warmth.

The two knew each other and cherished each other, and finally came together and opened a new chapter in their lives.

After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

From acquaintance, love to separation, and then to their own restart, the story of Jet Li, Huang Qiuyan and Li Zhi is like an emotional drama with ups and downs. Everyone struggles and chooses in the torrent of fate, and finally finds their own home.

This experience may become the most memorable part of their lives.

As the years passed, when Jet Li looked back, he had a new interpretation of his emotional experience. On many public occasions, he gave an embarrassing evaluation of his marriage to Huang Qiuyan.

Jet Li said frankly: "When I was young, a woman confessed to me, and I mistakenly thought it was love. However, it wasn't until I got married and had children that I realized that it wasn't true love! These words undoubtedly negated the twenty-year-long relationship with Huang Qiuyan and attributed it to a misunderstanding.

After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

In contrast, his feelings for Li Zhi are full of praise and cherishment. Jet Li said emotionally: "The moment I met another woman, I was deeply moved and willing to give my life for her, even giving up my reputation and interests."

Such a stark contrast makes one sigh at the complexity of emotions.

What's even more poignant is that Jet Li gave a specific proportion of feelings: Huang Qiuyan's love for him is as high as 80%, while his love for Huang Qiuyan only accounts for 20%.

This huge emotional gap may explain why he made such a decisive choice.

After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

Jet Li's remarks have triggered the public's thinking about the nature of love. Is there really a true love that is meant to be? How do we measure the depth of our feelings? These questions may only be answered by the parties concerned.

Time flies, and the turmoil of the past finally calms down. Jet Li and Li Zhi's marriage seems to be a success, they have two lovely daughters, and Jet Li also expresses his love for Li Zhi in public as always.

Their story seems to confirm the creed that "true love is worth waiting for".

Huang Qiuyan finally walked out of the haze and found her own happiness again after a long period of pain. Her marriage to the restaurant owner, Mr. Wang, opened a new chapter in her life.

After Jet Li abandoned his ex-wife, he swore to Li Zhi: "I can pay for your life"

Interestingly, it is rumored that when Huang Qiuyan remarried, Jet Li also gave a luxury car worth $50,000 as a congratulatory gift.

In this emotional entanglement that spans nearly half a century, everyone has made their own choices and borne the corresponding consequences. Whether it is Jet Li's unhesitation, Huang Qiuyan's silent endurance, or Li Zhi's patient waiting, they all interpret the multifaceted nature of love.

Ultimately, only time will tell who the real winners are.

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