
Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

author:Lovely tomatoes


After the completion of China's latest round of Chang'e missions, the mainland once again showed excellent strength in space exploration, and the first lunar material brought back to the mainland was lunar soil on the far side of the moon.

The mainland has always had a "sampling" technology called "Qingming", which successfully collected these lunar soils and prepared them for future research.

So what exactly is the soil on the moon?

Why would the continent want to bring expensive Martian soil back to Earth?

On Earth, there are those precious substances that human beings cannot match, but compared to the moon, these substances are only a drop in the bucket.

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

The U.S. Space Exploration Experiment Center has a number of programs dedicated to foreign exploration, including lunar soil.

At present, the market price of soil on the moon in the United States is more than 10 million US dollars, and the moon is not a place rich in various raw materials, why is the soil on the moon so expensive?

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

1. The value of lunar soil.

Analysis of the lunar surface from previous continental surveys shows that the lunar soil contains the presence of organic matter and water.

Although some components are concentrated in very low concentrations on the moon, they can have strong life activity, which has also aroused deep interest among scientists.

The mainland has many years of experience in lunar exploration, and now the mainland has completed two generations of Chang'e missions and participated in the exploration of the moon.

When the mainland planned to carry out the Chang'e-6 mission, it made special improvements to the exploration instruments in view of the special environment on the moon, hoping to bring back the materials detected on the moon to the earth at the same time as the exploration.

In order to be able to collect them more accurately and bring them back, the mainland has specially developed a set of "sampling" technology, named it "Qingming", and removed special materials from the moon by drilling.

Through research, scientists have found that there is a lot of room for research on the material on the moon.

The titanium contained in lunar soil is 6 times that of manganese and iron, which are common on earth, but the extremely rich titanium can be sold at sky-high prices in the earth's shopping malls, and its content does not even exceed 1%, why is the cost so low and the price so high?

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

Titanium can be used for many purposes, such as spacecraft engines, spacecraft shells, artificially manufactured bones, etc., but the cost is too high and it is not worth it.

Therefore, scientists decided to develop titanium on the moon to save costs and use it as a reference for future space exploration research.

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

However, the United States does not agree that the mainland can bring back the precious lunar soil, and insists that the mainland will bring back the lunar soil for "international sharing", but the mainland has not ordered any complete monopoly on these soils, and these soils and the continents are an open field of development and will not be fully enjoyed by the mainland.

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

However, the United States cannot accept this, and first a series of restrictions on the mainland have imposed severe restrictions on the mainland's aerospace industry, then a ban on mainland enterprises to obtain and use advanced US technology, and finally restrictions on visas for mainland students.

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

In the face of the restrictions imposed by the United States, the mainland led the people of the whole country to resist and unite as one, which aroused great concern from all countries in the world.

It is unfair and reasonable that US politicians have passed a series of bills to contain the mainland, but they have never won the support of the American people.

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

In order to solve the problem of lagging behind in the development of its own domestic space program, the United States not only does not think about how to better guide its domestic enterprises, but out of jealousy, it has resorted to the practice of bullying the mainland with the big and the small, hoping that by attacking the mainland, it will be able to better occupy a larger share of the international space market.

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

2. U.S.-India space exploration.

The United States has very rich experience in space exploration, but up to now, the success rate of American space vehicles is still only 50%, and only half of the vehicles have completed the current flight mission.

As the mainland's lunar lander, the mainland's "Jade Rabbit" lunar rover is able to steadily explore and advance in an extremely harsh environment, and this kind of stability and time delay are not possessed by the current US space probes.

Of course, the United States also has successful cases in space exploration, such as the "Space Explorer" Cassini, the only spacecraft in American history to successfully hit Saturn, but soon lost contact.

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

Although the mainland's satellite "Chang'e" is not as large as "Cassini", the mainland's "Chang'e" has great stability, which has also greatly improved "Chang'e" and played a vital role in the mainland's space exploration.

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

The continent's response to space exploration is a milestone event, which has also become the continent's successful experience in space exploration, allowing the continent to go more and more smoothly.

The mainland's Chang'e probe has successfully explored the continent's maps, providing a reference for the mainland's next-generation spacecraft.

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

India also has ambitious plans for space exploration, having successfully launched Chandrayaan-2 in July last year, and plans to bring back some of the lunar material it has detected in the next few years.

In view of the fact that the mainland's Chang'e mission not only saves time and effort, but also has excellent detection accuracy, it can be said that the mainland has surpassed the United States in this aspect.

However, the United States could not accept that other countries' spacecraft could not compare with theirs, so the United States negotiated a solution, first of all, to modify the photos of the mainland's Cookie lander to make it more similar to the photos of the moon that the United States had explored, and then publish the revised pictures on the Internet, which to a certain extent made it impossible to distinguish between the real and the fake.

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

The United States wants to contain the mainland's Chang'e mission by the way through such doubts, but it is too much to do so, ignoring the facts and some other factors, because the photos taken by the mainland's orbiter are the crystallization of the research of the expert team on the earth, and they are true and have never been doubted.

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

3. The continent's space exploration is the most advanced.

In the early years, the mainland came from the progress of international space technology, and through the advanced technology of foreign countries, the mainland has a starting point, and it urgently needs to explore, research, and develop on its own.

Later, the mainland gradually began to get rid of the scope of other countries' technologies, and the mainland began to study its own technical solutions, gradually broke away from other countries' programs, gradually abandoned other countries' technologies, and began to conduct independent research on its own, which made more breakthroughs in the continent's space exploration.

In 2014, the mainland launched a manned space project, Chang'e-3 successfully delivered the equipment on the moon to its destination on the moon, and Chang'e-4 was arranged to the far side of the moon for equipment missions due to different flight missions, in preparation for Chang'e-6 to bring back to the lunar soil.

Chang'e-6 completed its first exploration mission in 2020, and the lunar soil brought back by the detection satellite was safely sent to the earth's home for mankind.

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

The return module of the continental vehicle was safely sent to Earth, and the Chang'e ground mission opened a new breakthrough in exploration, and the mainland's audio experts developed a radar to install it on the continent's vehicle to strengthen the exploration of the moon.

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!

Although the mainland's space exploration program is still very young, it can bring the style of the Taoist era in every exploration.

If the United States wants to develop its own space exploration program, it must first start with internal management and develop experience that is beneficial to its own national genius.

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil is invaluable, and India is about to take samples!


The destruction and disappearance of the Hubble Space Telescope and the space explorer Cassini have made people worry about the strength of US space exploration, and the US economy will collapse before it even has a gust of wind, and if the United States wants to develop its own space exploration program, it must first start with internal rectification, at least first fix some problems in its internal experience and management capabilities.

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