
Zheng Yixin, the biggest beneficiary of pork: All countries have reliable substitutes! Only the Chinese women's volleyball team is the worst

author:Birdie Sports
Zheng Yixin, the biggest beneficiary of pork: All countries have reliable substitutes! Only the Chinese women's volleyball team is the worst

Recently, the Chinese women's volleyball team announced adjustments in the list of upcoming Olympic Games, the most notable of which is the withdrawal of Wang Yizhu and the selection of Zheng Yixin. The news immediately sparked a heated discussion on social media, with fans expressing their thoughts on the decision.

In the finals, Zheng Yixin's performance as a receiver did not meet the level of general expectations. Her passing ability and offensive efficiency have been widely criticized. A netizen wrote on the forum: "After watching the finals, I really doubt that Zheng Yixin is suitable to serve as a receptionist in the Olympics. Her passing was like mud and she often missed when attacking. It feels like she's just an ornament on the court. The remarks immediately struck a chord with other fans, who expressed concern about whether Zheng Yixin could be qualified for the receiving position.

Zheng Yixin, the biggest beneficiary of pork: All countries have reliable substitutes! Only the Chinese women's volleyball team is the worst

At the same time, compared with the substitute players in other countries, Zheng Yixin's skill level is considered to be a significant gap. A fan posted on social media: "Looking at the substitutions of Italy, Brazil, Japan and other countries, at least it can ensure the stability of the game." And our Zheng Yixin is simply an obvious shortcoming. My performance on the field made me feel anxious. These remarks reflect fans' concerns and dissatisfaction with whether Zheng Yixin can perform at a high level.

In a technical comparison of Zheng Yixin and other candidates, the advantages of alternative receivers such as Wang Yizhu and Zhou Yetong are obvious. An enthusiastic netizen commented on Weibo: "Although Wang Yizhu has limitations in some aspects, her stability and competition experience far surpass Zheng Yixin. If she can stay on the list, she may be better able to support the main attacker's play. This point of view, which is based on comparison, has led to more discussion and reflection on the configuration of players.

Zheng Yixin, the biggest beneficiary of pork: All countries have reliable substitutes! Only the Chinese women's volleyball team is the worst

As for the reason why Zheng Yixin changed to play, some fans speculated that it may be related to the comprehensive consideration of the Olympic list. Someone posted in the WeChat group: "Zheng Yixin may have been selected because of her potential and adaptability in some competitions. However, judging by her performance in the finals, she still has a lot of room for improvement. This speculation about the motivation behind the selection of players has led fans to pay more attention to whether the strategy of the team's management and coaching staff can actually improve the overall strength.

Recently, the Chinese women's volleyball team announced the adjustment in the list of upcoming Olympic Games, which has sparked widespread discussion and controversy. Among them, Wang Yizhu's withdrawal and Zheng Yixin's selection have become the focus of heated discussions.

On online forums, some fans expressed different opinions on this. A fan who claimed to have been following the women's volleyball team for a long time left a message on Weibo: "Although Wang Yizhu is experienced, his technical limitations are also obvious. Her mistakes in some key matches have raised questions about her consistency. This discussion of Wang's technical strengths and weaknesses reflects fans' mixed views on her decision to withdraw.

Zheng Yixin, the biggest beneficiary of pork: All countries have reliable substitutes! Only the Chinese women's volleyball team is the worst

On the other hand, Zheng Yixin's choice as a response has also been questioned by fans. An enthusiastic fan spoke in the basketball group: "Although Zheng Yixin has shown potential in some games, her performance in the finals is really disappointing. Her first pass and attacking skills were not up to the level we were expecting. This remark struck a chord with many fans, who believed that Zheng Yixin's strength and competition form failed to meet the requirements of the Olympic Games.

At the same time, compared to other alternative pick-ups such as Chow, some fans believe she may be a better choice. A netizen wrote on social platforms: "Zhou Yetong has shown extraordinary technical strength in some recent games, and her stability and offensive efficiency are trustworthy. If we can give her more opportunities, maybe it can bring new breakthroughs to the team. This positive evaluation of other candidates reflects selective skepticism about Zheng Yixin's selection.

Zheng Yixin, the biggest beneficiary of pork: All countries have reliable substitutes! Only the Chinese women's volleyball team is the worst

In response to the staffing of the players, some fans criticized the Volleyball Association and the coaching staff. A fan who is active in the women's volleyball discussion group expressed his opinion: "The selection decision this time is really puzzling. What are the selection criteria for the Volleyball Confederation and the coaching staff? Is it really guaranteed that the best team will be selected? "This questioning of the transparency and legitimacy of management's decisions underscores fans' concerns about the overall strength and future development of the team.

On the online forum, the adjustment of the Olympic roster announced by the Chinese women's volleyball team has sparked extensive discussions and heated discussions, especially about the selection of Wang Yizhu and Zheng Yixin, and various opinions and opinions have come one after another.

A fan who claims to have been following the women's volleyball team for a long time expressed his opinion on Weibo: "Wang Yizhu's exit is a bit unexpected, after all, she is a veteran in the team, she has a lot of experience on the court, and the stability she has shown in some important games is also impressive." Although there are occasional mistakes, her leadership and on-court scheduling skills are irreplaceable. ”

Zheng Yixin, the biggest beneficiary of pork: All countries have reliable substitutes! Only the Chinese women's volleyball team is the worst

Another netizen expressed his opinion on Wang Yizhu more bluntly: "Wang Yizhu is indeed a veteran, but her skills can no longer keep up with the rhythm of the current competition." Especially when facing opponents who are quick and reflexes, her limitations are very obvious. Perhaps this adjustment of the coaching staff is to bring in fresh blood and make the team more tactical changes. ”

Zheng Yixin's selection as a receiver player has also caused a lot of discussions and questions. One fan active in the basketball forum wrote in a discussion thread: "Zheng Yixin's performance in the finals is really disappointing. Her first pass and attacking skills weren't as good as we expected, especially when it came to high-intensity matches. She may have potential, but it seems that she will need more time to mature and improve. ”

Zheng Yixin, the biggest beneficiary of pork: All countries have reliable substitutes! Only the Chinese women's volleyball team is the worst

Some fans focused on the alternate receivers of other countries, pointing out the obvious gap. "Looking at the substitutions in countries such as Italy and Brazil, the stability and technical level are far better than our Zheng Yixin. Her performance on the court made me feel a little nervous. ”

When discussing the selection of Wang Yizhu and Zheng Yixin, some fans also questioned the coaching staff's strategy. "What exactly are the criteria for the coaching staff? Is it more about experience and consistency, or more about the potential of young players? If we want to make a difference at the Olympics, the rationality and transparency of the selection will need more explanation. ”

The Chinese women's volleyball team faces challenges and room for improvement in the current staffing and player training. Fans look forward to improving the overall strength and competitiveness of the team through more scientific training arrangements and player selection in the future, and strive for better results for the national team in the international arena.

Zheng Yixin, the biggest beneficiary of pork: All countries have reliable substitutes! Only the Chinese women's volleyball team is the worst

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