
"A lot of art to learn, old regrets", will secondary vocational students who miss the opportunity to go on to higher education again regret it in the future?

author:Rose Rose

At 11:20 a.m., the last class of the semester, I finished the last exercise with enthusiasm. I've put the students on their horses, and I'll be at their mercy in the exam room tomorrow.

I looked at the first few rows of students with relief, who were quietly looking at their books and exercise papers. Their brows are soft, and their complexions are calm.

Tomorrow (June 29), they will take the vocational education college entrance examination for secondary vocational students - secondary vocational school examination (abbreviation of Fujian Provincial Secondary Vocational School Academic Proficiency Test).

More than 2,300 second-year secondary vocational students will walk into the examination room. Through the two exams this year and next year, secondary vocational students will once again face diversion. Their lives will go to a different new beginning.

Some of them will be admitted to a vocational undergraduate university of their own institution, and may even be admitted to a graduate school in the future; Some will become technical experts in the industry after reading higher vocational education; There are ...... who have started a business and become a small business owner

"A lot of art to learn, old regrets", will secondary vocational students who miss the opportunity to go on to higher education again regret it in the future?

This year, 153 students from our university have enrolled in the undergraduate line. Don't underestimate these numbers, they surpass many high school students.

In terms of the current employment situation, "all precious opportunities start with a bachelor's degree." ”

According to the Internet, the number of applicants for the national college entrance examination in 2024 will reach 13.42 million, and the number of undergraduate admissions is expected to be 4.5 million, which means that about 2/3 of the candidates will miss the undergraduate this year, and the competition is still quite fierce!

This means that the number of secondary vocational students admitted to the undergraduate program has surpassed 2/3 of the high school students. Those who have lost the high school entrance examination will have a chance to run side by side with their peers again.

Some of the high school students who once cast sympathetic glances at them may become college classmates with them; When some parents silently leave a hopeless brand in their hearts, they will impress parents; Some of them will have a good path......

It's a pity that it is always a few people who grasp the opportunity to change their fate.

If you look closely, there is movement in the back of the classroom, two tall boys are secretly playing poker on the table under the cover of books piled up high, and there are two girls next to them who are secretly playing with their mobile phones with their heads down.

"A lot of art to learn, old regrets", will secondary vocational students who miss the opportunity to go on to higher education again regret it in the future?

I reluctantly walked up to them, knocked on the table to remind them to put away the playing cards, and the two boys looked up at me blankly and slowly began to pack up the playing cards.

Through the window, I saw two gray-haired middle-aged men in blue property overalls carrying large wooden boxes into the corridor.

A middle-aged aunt was holding a broom and trying to reach her body to clean the cobwebs on the top of the hallway, their clothes already soaked with sweat.

There is no distinction between high and low labor, but do these young young men know that life is divided?

No one wants to eat in the wind and rain, race against time under the scorching sun and torrential rain, and earn every penny of hard-earned money, right?

Reading, for children from poor families, is not only a process of pursuing knowledge, but also an opportunity to change their fate.

"A lot of art to learn, old regrets", will secondary vocational students who miss the opportunity to go on to higher education again regret it in the future?

For most secondary vocational students, the secondary vocational examination is still their ticket to counterattack life.

Skipping the secondary vocational school examination, the ticket to change their fate will become more and more expensive, and it is very likely that they will not be able to afford it after losing their last chance.