
81 years, 43 years old, today income 300.6 yuan, share an excellent income pipeline!

author:Kiyoko is growing

A few days ago, I wrote this article "Today's income is 57.6 yuan, sharing an excellent income channel!" Some friends said they wanted to do it, but they didn't know how to start, and asked me how to do it.

As a mature self-media blogger, there are really many passive channel incomes, such as live broadcasts, short videos, traffic hosts, long-tail traffic of articles, cultivation system IP, distribution channels, etc.

81 years, 43 years old, today income 300.6 yuan, share an excellent income pipeline!
81 years, 43 years old, today income 300.6 yuan, share an excellent income pipeline!

(Income from today's headline article)

81 years, 43 years old, today income 300.6 yuan, share an excellent income pipeline!
81 years, 43 years old, today income 300.6 yuan, share an excellent income pipeline!
81 years, 43 years old, today income 300.6 yuan, share an excellent income pipeline!

(Income from articles on other platforms)

81 years, 43 years old, today income 300.6 yuan, share an excellent income pipeline!

(Income from the Princess article)

Today, through this article, I will talk about how to use it well: the passive channel of the long-tail effect.


A text platform that will make money if you post articles

In the past 2 years of self-media writing, as long as you master the writing rules and recommendation mechanism of the platform, as long as you publish an article every day, you can easily 3000-5000, and sometimes more.

If you want to increase your passive income through articles, the first thing to do is to choose the right platform. Because not all platforms have income for posting.

Here are 5 good platforms recommended for Qingzi: the first choice is Toutiao, followed by Bai, the official account, Zhihu, and Jianshu.

These platforms, as long as they publish articles, someone will have income from reading them, and the amount of income is determined according to the level of reading.


How to increase your reading and increase your income.

In addition to the recommendation mechanism of the learning platform, it is more important to write articles that readers like to read.

How to write a high-reading article, Kiyoko shared a good trick that he used, there is a very classic saying in the self-media track: Stand on the shoulders of giants, and you will soon become giants.

What does that mean? It is to find a topic that has been verified by the platform and readers. When you get to this point, you're already on your way to the starting line.

How to find the right topic for you?

Step 1: Through the keywords you positioned, go to the platform you did a lot of searching, and find the articles with good reading volume in the last 1 month.

Step 2: Disassemble these articles, summarize them, and find their common outliers.

Step 3: Sort out these outliers and use them in your own articles, so that your articles will probably have a good number of reads. Because the outliers of those explosive articles are the breaking points.


Review it the right way.

If you want to maintain a stable long-tail traffic income from articles, it is also very important to regularly review the articles that you have published.

Because not only do you have to find outliers for your benchmark account, but you also have to find outliers for your own account.

Because the popular topic will be popular again, she is not only suitable for the benchmark account, but also for her own account.

Only by mastering the underlying logic of popular products can you continue to stabilize the reading volume of your account. So as to make your income stable.


Maintain a stable mindset.

After the article is published, some are recommended by the platform on the same day, some are recommended every few days, and some may only enter the pool for a month.

As the saying goes: if the mentality is unstable, it is difficult to have high-quality content products, so as long as the method is correct, it is very necessary to maintain a good mood and a stable mentality.


The importance of long-termism.

Want to get long-tail traffic revenue from your article. Mainly on the long tail, so it is really necessary to maintain a long-term mentality to dig deeply.

100,000 words, compared with 1 million words, the long tail of 1 million words must have more benefits; Compared with 1 million words and 10 million words, the income and influence of those 10 million words must be the first place.

For zero-based partners, with the mentality of returning to zero, move forward step by step, and wait for the flowers to bloom under the barrier of time.


Write at the end

There is no fast lane in life, let alone the self-media track.

If you want to get results in the self-media track, in addition to maintaining an empty cup mentality, you must also maintain a lifelong learning mentality to move forward, only in this way can you make your wishes come true and your dreams come true.