
Behind Moutai's price drop of 400 yuan: Moutai's new handsome's Jedi counterattack, bottom-hunting or wait-and-see?

author:Policy is golden

Today we are going to talk about a topic that has attracted the attention of countless investors and wine lovers - the falling price of Moutai. A bottle of Moutai fell 400 yuan, what secret is hidden behind this? How will the new coach Zhang Deqin deal with it? Let's unravel this mystery together.

Behind Moutai's price drop of 400 yuan: Moutai's new handsome's Jedi counterattack, bottom-hunting or wait-and-see?

Moutai, the name is almost a household name in China, it is not only synonymous with wine, but also a symbol of investment. However, recently, the wholesale price of Moutai has fallen by 400 yuan in just three months, and the stock price has also fluctuated. This can't help but make people want to ask, is the myth of Moutai shattered? Or is it just a temporary adjustment?

Let's take a look at a set of data first, the batch price of Feitian Moutai has fallen from 2,275 yuan to 1,875 yuan, and the stock price has also been reported from the former high point of 1,500 yuan, with a market value of 1.88 trillion yuan, giving way to the "king of shares" of A-shares. This is in stark contrast to the trend of Moutai's rapid progress in the past. Does this mean that Moutai's golden age is over?

Behind Moutai's price drop of 400 yuan: Moutai's new handsome's Jedi counterattack, bottom-hunting or wait-and-see?

Let's take a look at the market's reaction, due to e-commerce subsidies, scalpers leaving the market and other reasons, the Moutai market fell into tension around the Dragon Boat Festival. It's not just a change in numbers, it's a true reflection of market sentiment. Think about it, is there anyone around you who is anxious because of the falling price of Moutai?

Moutai officials are calm about this, emphasizing that the environment is one of the core competitiveness, and the management team has been taking action. Does this mean that Moutai already has a coping strategy? How will Moutai's price and share price change in the future? This is not only Moutai's problem, but also our thinking about the entire market environment.

Behind Moutai's price drop of 400 yuan: Moutai's new handsome's Jedi counterattack, bottom-hunting or wait-and-see?

Do you think Moutai's price drop is a good opportunity to buy the bottom? Or should we be more cautious and wait and see what happens in the market? Leave your thoughts in the comments section and let's explore this issue together.

Finally, I would like to remind you that industry insiders believe that the decline in Moutai prices is mainly affected by the e-commerce promotion, and the official stores of wine companies and wine merchants have not participated in low-price promotions. Does this mean that the value of Moutai has not changed? Before making investment decisions, we need to analyze the market more rationally and not blindly follow the herd.

Well, that's all for today's sharing. If you have more views on the price drop of Moutai, or have your own unique opinions, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss. Don't forget to like, follow and share, and we'll see you in the next video!