
Good news! With the passage of the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy, the peasants' interests remained the same after they moved to the cities and lost their rural household registration

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Good news! With the passage of the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy, the peasants' interests remained the same after they moved to the cities and lost their rural household registration
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The "reassurance" of migrant workers is coming!

For our migrant workers, the biggest headache for all these years of working in the city is the household registration problem. It's like a stone, weighing on my heart, and I can't breathe.

Good news! With the passage of the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy, the peasants' interests remained the same after they moved to the cities and lost their rural household registration

But hey, good days are coming!

As soon as the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Rural Collective Economic Organizations" came out, it was like a reassuring pill for our migrant workers.

Good news! With the passage of the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy, the peasants' interests remained the same after they moved to the cities and lost their rural household registration

This is not an ordinary reassuring pill, it is real, the kind that can put our hearts back in our stomachs steadily.

Good news! With the passage of the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy, the peasants' interests remained the same after they moved to the cities and lost their rural household registration

In the past, when we worked in the city, we always had a pimple in our hearts, worried about whether the family property in our hometown would be gone. Now, this law clearly states that as long as you have something to do with the collective economic organization in your hometown, no matter what is written in your household registration book, you are a full member there, and you will enjoy no less rights.

Good news! With the passage of the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy, the peasants' interests remained the same after they moved to the cities and lost their rural household registration

Moreover, this law also stipulates that the property rights and interests of our migrant workers are the same as those of owners in the city, and they have rights and obligations. Now we can also be a "master" in the village, and we don't have to worry about dividends and land requisition.

Good news! With the passage of the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy, the peasants' interests remained the same after they moved to the cities and lost their rural household registration

The most important thing is that this law also has a complete management system to ensure that our rights and interests will not be sneaked away. With this system, we migrant workers can work hard in the city with more peace of mind, knowing that there is still a warm nest waiting for us in our hometown.

Good news! With the passage of the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy, the peasants' interests remained the same after they moved to the cities and lost their rural household registration

Therefore, brothers, the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy" is the "reassurance" of our migrant workers.

Good news! With the passage of the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy, the peasants' interests remained the same after they moved to the cities and lost their rural household registration

From now on, we migrant workers can also straighten their waists and live a stable life!

Good news! With the passage of the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy, the peasants' interests remained the same after they moved to the cities and lost their rural household registration

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