
The draft reached 4 deals: the Spurs sent away the No. 8 pick, the Nuggets lost their money, and the Thunder sent 5 rounds

author:Entertainment knows no limits

What? At the NBA Draft, another exciting trade news was exposed? Let's take a look at what happened at this year's draft!

The Spurs actually sold the potential rookie with the No. 8 pick directly to the Timberwolves, the Nuggets paid for the No. 22 pick, the Thunder and other rich men sent 5 second-round picks, and the Knicks changed two sets of picks back and forth.

The trade alone was already in full swing, not to mention the twists and turns of the swap between the Hornets and Grizzlies.

Who is in trouble, and who makes a fortune? Follow me, let's count this draft drama carefully!

The draft reached 4 deals: the Spurs sent away the No. 8 pick, the Nuggets lost their money, and the Thunder sent 5 rounds

First of all, let's talk about the Spurs, who didn't have to be too bad to get the No. 8 pick, but they sold the pick to the Timberwolves along with Kentucky point guard Dillingham in the draft.

It doesn't sound worth it, but the Spurs are thinking long-term, and they traded the Timberwolves a first-round pick in 2031 and a pick swap in 2030.

Don't underestimate this signing swap right, take their champion sign, maybe you will win a jackpot in the next year!

Dillingham, the No. 8 rookie, is indeed not bad, averaging 15 points plus 4 assists per game, and his three-point shooting is as high as 44%, which is a complete version of a point guard.

But the Timberwolves also have selfish intentions in getting him back, that is, they want Dillingham, a young guard, to learn from the veteran Conley and take over in the future.

Let's talk about the Nuggets' operation, people actually spent a lot of money from the Suns in exchange for the No. 22 pick, and the consideration is this year's No. 28 pick plus three second-round picks! The Nuggets used the No. 22 to select Holmes II, a tall interior player who was expected to make him the next Naz Reed.

The draft reached 4 deals: the Spurs sent away the No. 8 pick, the Nuggets lost their money, and the Thunder sent 5 rounds

Don't underestimate Naz Reed, but he eliminated the Nuggets' main interior player in this year's playoffs.

It seems that the Nuggets are remembering the past shame and want to surpass their old rival Timberwolves in interior depth.

However, it remains to be seen whether Holmes II can replicate Reed's bravery.

As for the Knicks, hey, this battle is really messy.

The man first sold the No. 24 pick to the Wizards in exchange for two picks, No. 26 and No. 51.

As a result, the Wizards actually used the No. 24 pick to directly select Kaishawn George, and there was no loss in getting a potential rookie.

The Knicks used their No. 25 pick to pick another Dadier from France, and then sold the No. 26 pick from the Wizards to the Thunder, and the Thunder paid as much as 5 second-round picks this time! How much does this cost, the new rich people of Thunder are too capricious.

The draft reached 4 deals: the Spurs sent away the No. 8 pick, the Nuggets lost their money, and the Thunder sent 5 rounds

But there are still two brushes for the selection of people, and the No. 26 pick Thunder selected Daron Jones, which is a hot potential rookie favored by many experts.

In comparison, the Knicks' No. 25 pick Dadiye is much inferior.

When it comes to this draft, the most surprising thing should be the Pistons.

Seriously, Lao Tzu wondered, the Pistons who won the No. 5 pick actually chose Ron Holland II, this guy is not worthy of the name, but it doesn't matter if he is tall or short, based on his traits and physical data alone, he is almost considered a draft loser.

It's weird that the first few picks in a lotto area at the good end actually chose a guy who was thought to be in the unsuccessful district.

However, who called Lao Tzu a layman, maybe this Ron II will be able to ride like his father in the future and marry Bai Fumei? We also sincerely bless him, and hope that he will not become another high-ranking rookie who has been wasted.

Another thing that people talk about is the twists and turns between the Hornets and the Grizzlies.

The draft reached 4 deals: the Spurs sent away the No. 8 pick, the Nuggets lost their money, and the Thunder sent 5 rounds

The two guys originally reached a swap agreement between the No. 6 pick and the No. 9 pick, but who knew that the Hornets temporarily reversed themselves and finally insisted on using the No. 6 pick to select Tijani Saron.

As for the Grizzlies, they were bent on choosing Klingen, whom the Trail Blazers poached with the No. 7 pick, so they had no choice but to change to a 2.24-meter Zach Eddie.

I see, this Tijani Salonn and Zach Eddie will have to watch a little more in the future, just don't be the next "peak" accidentally.

Don't say it, the current draft rookies are basically on paper, and the real basketball IQ and strength have to wait for them to play in the NBA for a few years.

I can't wait to see the duel between these two big men in the future, and we'll judge them when the time comes!

The draft reached 4 deals: the Spurs sent away the No. 8 pick, the Nuggets lost their money, and the Thunder sent 5 rounds

Finally, don't forget that in this NBA draft, the French are proud of it! Speaking of which, the champion and the top eye were rounded by the French, respectively Risa Xie and Saar.

Coupled with the other 3 French rookies in the first round, if this momentum continues, the NBA will blow all over the village in the next few years!

The draft reached 4 deals: the Spurs sent away the No. 8 pick, the Nuggets lost their money, and the Thunder sent 5 rounds


Well, that's all for this year's draft.

The whole thing looks a bit messy, and the transaction signing substitutions or something, at first glance it is dazzling.

But at the end of the day, every team is thinking about their own record and their future, whether it's a draft or a trade, and they're all trying to get a new take-off in the new season.

By the way, in fact, in addition to the serious competition, this year's draft is also full of twists and turns on the stage backstage.

The draft reached 4 deals: the Spurs sent away the No. 8 pick, the Nuggets lost their money, and the Thunder sent 5 rounds

There are Hornets who regret it in the front, and there are Bizarre Pickers of the Pistons in the back, and the middle is interspersed with the riotous operations of giants such as the Knicks and Thunder.

If you really want to say it, I see, the DRAMA played by this talent variety show will be sung for a long time!

In short, this draft drama has come to a successful conclusion.

Expect all of the rookies to shine in the new season, and of course, hopefully the teams that make the trade will make a pot

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