
66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

author:Science on the past and the present
66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?
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66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

In the Chinese comedy world, Zhao Benshan's name has been thunderous. His humor has brought laughter to countless audiences, and his wonderful performances on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala are even more well-known.

Just when Zhao Benshan was 66 years old, a shocking sentence shattered the good reputation he had accumulated over the years.

"The interest on my family's money in the bank is enough for me to splend." This arrogant remark did not come from Zhao Benshan himself, but from his son Zhao Yinan.

This statement of showing off wealth caused an uproar on the Internet, and the image of Zhao Benshan who had been carefully created for many years collapsed in an instant. What is the reason for this respected comedy master? Let's uncover this embarrassing family story together.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

Zhao Yinan, the son of Zhao Benshan, who was named the "son of a loser", lived a luxurious life that was unimaginable to ordinary people. His consumption style is not only jaw-dropping, but also has sparked widespread public discussion and criticism of the lifestyle of the rich second generation.

In Zhao Yinan's world, money never seemed to be an issue. He once spent more than 3 million yuan to buy a purebred dog, as if it was just an ordinary consumption.

What's even more surprising is that he also owns a gold pipe worth more than 20 million yuan, taking luxury collecting to a new level.

Zhao Yinan's garage is home to at least five luxury cars of different brands, each worth more than one million yuan. His closet is full of limited-edition sneakers and custom suits, and he wears a famous watch worth hundreds of thousands of yuan on his wrist.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

In his view, these luxuries are nothing more than the embellishments of daily life.

However, Zhao Yinan's profligacy does not stop at personal consumption. In social situations, he often behaves extremely generously. Legend has it that he once gave away a gorgeous necklace worth nearly a million yuan at a party, which amazed everyone present.

He is also keen on sponsoring network anchors, and the one-time reward amount is as high as hundreds of thousands of yuan.

In terms of tourism, Zhao Yinan also pursues the ultimate. He likes to travel around, but he never wrongs himself. He always chooses the most exclusive restaurants to dine in and stays in the most luxurious hotels.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

Once, he spent nearly 500,000 yuan just to spend one night in a hotel, and this kind of spendthrift caused strong criticism from many netizens.

Zhao Yinan doesn't seem to be in the opinion of the unexpected world. On social media, he often makes no secret of his lavish life. However, this behavior eventually sparked public discontent.

In a live broadcast, Zhao Yinan even spoke wildly, claiming that his wealth is enough to support his life for ten lifetimes. This remark not only led to the closure of his live broadcast room by the platform, but also brought a huge negative impact on Zhao Benshan's reputation.

In the face of doubts from the outside world, Zhao Yinan disagreed, and even counterattacked netizens on the Internet "I don't know the height of the sky". He insisted that he had the right to enjoy the wealth that his parents had worked so hard to accumulate, so why couldn't he use money to decorate his life? This attitude further deepened the public's negative impression of him, and people couldn't help but sigh: growing up in a privileged environment, but lacking an understanding of the true value of wealth, this may be Zhao Yinan's greatest misfortune.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

Zhao Benshan's success was not achieved overnight, but after a long period of hard work. When he was young, Zhao Benshan was just an unknown little person, dreaming of breaking into a world in the art circle.

In order to realize this dream, he has made unimaginable efforts.

Every day, Zhao Benshan is fighting for his dreams. During the day, he worked tirelessly to learn various performing techniques and strive to improve his professional level. At night, he travels to various local stages and makes ends meet by performing comedy.

This kind of hard work day after day not only honed his will, but also laid a solid foundation for his future success.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

Hard work pays off. As time passed, Zhao's efforts began to pay off. His masterpiece "Wrestling the Three Strings" gradually gained local recognition, which gave him the opportunity to join a folk art group.

This small success gave Zhao Benshan great encouragement and allowed him to see a broader space for development.

However, the real turning point came in 1990. That year, Zhao Benshan took his carefully created sketch "Blind Date" on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. This work full of Northeast style became an instant hit, not only won the love of the audience, but also made Zhao Benshan's name begin to be well-known to audiences across the country.

From that moment on, Zhao Benshan's acting career began to embark on the track of rapid development.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

However, success often comes at a cost. In order to devote himself to his career, Zhao Benshan had to sacrifice a lot of time with his family. His first wife, Ge Shuzhen, took on the burden of taking care of the family on her own.

However, as Zhao Benshan's fame grew, the relationship between the husband and wife became increasingly estranged. Eventually, the marriage ended in divorce in 1991.

The divorce brought a huge blow and guilt to Zhao Benshan. He decided to devote all his energy to his career, hoping to make up for the emptiness in his heart with greater success.

It was then that fate gave him a turnaround. In a performance, Zhao Benshan got acquainted with the beautiful and moving Ma Lijuan. The two started as partners, gradually developed into friends, and finally entered the palace of marriage.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

However, life always seems to be full of drama. Just when Zhao Benshan thought that he could finally start a new happy life, a bad news came: his eldest son died of illness.

This blow made Zhao Benshan grief-stricken, and it also invisibly changed the trajectory of his life.

This experience, full of ups and downs, shaped Zhao Benshan's complex character. His success didn't come easily, so he wanted his children to be able to live the life he once dreamed of.

However, this good intention inadvertently became the root cause of future education problems. The history of Zhao Benshan's struggle is not only an inspirational story, but also the key to understanding his later education methods.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

Zhao Benshan's success is not easy to come by, and he knows the hardships of life. Because of this, he hopes that his children will be able to live a happy and healthy life free from the hardships he has experienced.

However, this good intentions that originated from father's love inadvertently evolved into the biggest educational mistake.

Due to his busy acting career, it is difficult for Zhao Benshan to personally participate in the daily education of his children. This led to Zhao Yinan gradually developing a willful and arrogant character. Zhao Yinan, who grew up in this environment, seems to have a complete lack of correct understanding of the concept of money.

He knew no restraint and spent as if the numbers in the bank were forever inexhaustible.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

Zhao Benshan once hoped that Zhao Yinan could gradually understand and take over the family business and continue his business. However, Zhao Yinan, who grew up in a wealthy environment, seems to have no interest in it.

He is more keen on enjoying life and indulging in luxuries and lavish parties. In Zhao Yinan's world, money is just a string of numbers, and he doesn't care how much it costs.

The drawbacks of this type of education soon became apparent. Zhao Yinan not only failed to inherit Zhao Benshan's career, but even failed repeatedly in his own entrepreneurial attempts. The gym project he opened collapsed due to the epidemic and suffered heavy losses; The entertainment company he founded soon went bankrupt as well.

These failures not only brought financial losses to Zhao Yinan, but also dealt a heavy blow to his self-esteem.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

In contrast, other "second generation stars", such as Guo Degang's son Guo Qilin, are comfortable in the entertainment industry. Guo Qilin not only participated in many popular TV series, but also shined in various variety shows, and successfully shouldered the heavy responsibility of "Deyun Club's young class master".

This stark contrast highlights Zhao Yinan's failure even more.

Zhao Benshan's doting was originally intended to hope that the child could live a happy life, but it became a stumbling block on the road of Zhao Yinan's growth. This can't help but make people sigh: although doting is precious, if there is no correct way of education, it will eventually lead to bitter fruits.

This educational mistake not only affected Zhao Yinan's personal development, but also brought huge reputation damage to Zhao Benshan. When Zhao Yinan wantonly showed off his wealth on the Internet, and even openly declared that "my family's money is enough for me to spend ten lifetimes", the public's evaluation of Zhao Benshan also dropped to the freezing point.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

It is undoubtedly a sad reality that a once-beloved master of comedy is now being criticized for poor education.

Although Zhao Yinan lives in a privileged environment, he has also tried to prove his worth through his own efforts. However, due to his lack of practical business experience and ability, his entrepreneurial journey was full of hardships and setbacks.

Zhao Yinan's first entrepreneurial attempt was in the fitness industry. With his experience in the weight loss process and his research in the fitness industry, he decided to make a big push into the field.

With the support of his father Zhao Benshan, Zhao Yinan spent a lot of money to open more than 200 fitness centers. To show off his strength, he laid out hundreds of meters of red carpet at the opening ceremony and also orchestrated a grand fireworks display to impress the public.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

However, the good times were short-lived. The sudden outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to the entire fitness industry. People were no longer willing to go to the gym to exercise, and Zhao's huge investment quickly came to naught.

It is rumored that this failed venture cost Zhao Yinan hundreds of millions of yuan, which brought him huge economic losses and psychological blows.

But Zhao Yinan did not give up. Determined to prove his abilities, he went back to the entertainment industry and founded an entertainment company. However, due to the lack of practical business management experience, coupled with the poor market environment, the company also quickly went bankrupt.

The failure of the two ventures not only brought economic losses to Zhao Yinan, but also dealt a heavy blow to his self-esteem. The public was even more impressed by his image as a "loser".

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

In contrast, the successful performance of other "second generation stars" such as Guo Qilin in the entertainment industry highlights Zhao Yinan's failure.

These setbacks have brought deep reflection to both Zhao Yinan and Zhao Benshan. They began to realize that it was not enough to rely on the wealth and fame of their family alone. Success requires one's own efforts and abilities, and these are exactly what Zhao Yinan lacked in the process of growing up.

Zhao Yinan's entrepreneurial failure is not only a personal setback, but also reflects a deeper problem: how can the rich second generation who grew up in a privileged environment truly understand the value of wealth and how to cultivate a tenacious character without experiencing hardships? These problems are not only the dilemma faced by the Zhao family, but also the common challenges faced by many wealthy families.

This failure may become a turning point in Zhao Yinan's life. It may make him re-examine his purpose in life and realize that it is not enough to rely on his father's fame and wealth, and that true success requires his own hard work and ability.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

At the same time, it also provided an opportunity for Zhao Benshan to reflect on his approach to education, making him aware of the possible negative effects of over-indulgence.

Although Zhao Yinan's actions have brought huge reputational damage to Zhao Benshan, the story has not been without turnarounds. After a series of setbacks and public criticism, both the Zhao family and their sons seem to have begun a deep reflection.

Zhao Benshan began to examine his own education methods and gradually realized the dangers of excessive spoiling. He understood that true fatherly love is not indulgence, but moderate guidance and discipline.

This change in perception may prompt him to adjust his educational strategy for Zhao Yinan and give him more guidance and necessary constraints.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

At the same time, Zhao Yinan also began to reflect on his life path after many entrepreneurial failures. He came to realize that it was not enough to rely on his father's fame and wealth, he needed to build his own career and values.

This awakening may push him to reimagine his future in an effort to create a more positive public image.

While the process of rebuilding their image may be difficult, as long as they can persevere, the Zhao family's reputation will hopefully be regained by the public. After all, it's never too late to change, and it's important to have the courage to admit mistakes and put them into action to correct them.

In the process, public attitudes may also change gradually. If Zhao Yinan can show sincere change and progress, people may give him a chance to start over.

66-year-old Zhao Benshan's old face is all lost, why do you say this?

This is not only a personal story of the Zhao family, but could also be an inspirational example of reflection, growth, and redemption.

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