
It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

author:Lao Cui focus


On the morning of June 28, the suspect in a case that killed 5 people in Inner Mongolia was just caught, and netizens were saying that this was a usually honest person, but he was pushed to the limit!

Who knows, on the afternoon of the same day, there was another accident in a community in Guangxi. This time, it was a couple who had a conflict with the security guard of the community and cornered the security guard, and as a result, the security guard was impulsive, causing the couple to be hacked to death! It's terrifying to listen to.

Both of these incidents are shocking, and one can't help but wonder, what is it that makes these otherwise peaceful people suddenly erupt into such extreme behavior? Social pressures, personal problems, or being forced to do nothing? These could be the fuses. Such tragedies remind us to pay more attention to the emotions and pressures of those around us, and try to avoid driving people to a dead end.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

Details of the event

On a calm afternoon on June 28, in a small district of Fangchenggang City, Guangxi, a small incident caused a big tragedy. A couple of owners had their tram locked by the previous security guard for illegal parking. The couple was so upset about this that they complained at the entrance of the compound while provoking the security guards, and even started smashing things to express their anger.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

The security guard on duty, who is said to be a quick-tempered person, was able to endure it at first, but in the face of continuous provocations, he eventually broke out. As can be seen from the video circulated by netizens, the security guard eventually lost control and had a violent physical altercation with the owner. The video shows the security guard eventually riding on one of the owners and keeping striking until the other man stopped moving. This kind of scene is extremely shocking, and it completely goes beyond an ordinary dispute.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

When the police arrived at the scene, the security guard also showed cooperation, he did not resist, but directly put on handcuffs and left with the police. According to the police report, the incident was caused by a verbal altercation between the two parties. The owner and his wife were dissatisfied because the vehicle was locked and began to provoke the security guards; The security guard, on the other hand, acted in extreme ways because he couldn't control his emotions.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

Judging from the chat records of the owner group circulating on the Internet, the couple and the security guard first quarreled outside the duty room. The security guard didn't want to quarrel and went back to the duty room, but the couple just didn't give up. They kept throwing stones at the duty room, and chased them to the door and continued to curse and throw stones. In the end, the argument led to a counterattack by the security guards, and the couple were unfortunately killed.

This tells us that sometimes, even if you are angry, you have to learn to control your emotions. Impulsiveness is really the devil, because of the momentary anger to do excesses, and finally harm others and themselves. If the couple had calmed down, maybe things wouldn't have gone so badly. I hope that everyone can learn a lesson from this incident and deal with contradictions and conflicts calmly to avoid tragedy.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

In addition, some netizens criticized the management of the property. They believe that when dealing with such conflicts, the property often only looks out for its own interests and ignores the feelings of the owners and employees. They stressed that the property should take on more responsibilities, not only to manage the order of the community, but more importantly, to actively resolve conflicts and ensure the harmony and stability of the community.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

This unfortunate incident reminds us that both owners and staff should learn to manage their emotions, express their grievances reasonably, and avoid letting the situation get out of hand. At the same time, as a property manager, we should handle every incident impartially and impartially, so as to ensure that everyone in the community can feel fairness and justice.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

After this unfortunate incident, the security guard also apologized to his boss. This may indicate that he regrets his actions. In that case, he may feel helpless and impulsive, but in any case, he loses his mind. We all know that killing someone is definitely the stupidest way to solve a problem.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

For ordinary people at the bottom of society, everyone works hard in their respective positions. However, when there is a conflict between the duties of the security guard and the rights of the owner, if it can be handled more harmoniously and does not exacerbate the conflict, the matter may not become tragic. We need to know that everyone's life is not easy, and sharp confrontation often only brings harm and suffering.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

In this case, the origin of the knives was a very critical issue. This issue has a great impact on the nature of the case and the final conviction. If the security guard brings the knife himself, then this may constitute the crime of intentional homicide. But if the couple brought the knife, and the security guard was using it in self-defense, then it may be justified defense, although it may have been excessive. The legal treatment of these two situations is completely different.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

Such incidents are really heartbreaking, and they also remind us that no matter what conflicts and contradictions we encounter in our daily lives, we should try to stay calm and express our needs and dissatisfaction reasonably. As a member of the community, the property company should also take on more responsibilities, not only to deal with daily maintenance issues, but more importantly, to act as a bridge between owners and employees, helping both parties to communicate effectively and avoid tragedy.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

Netizens are hotly discussed

Some netizens said when discussing the matter of this security guard, the security guard does not make much money in a month, and if you encounter a problem, you can report it to your superiors first and let the leader deal with it. There is no need to work hard because of this salary, after all, safety is the most important thing.

That makes sense. The work of security guards is indeed very hard, standing guard, patrolling, and dealing with various emergencies, which is a great responsibility. But when you encounter a complex or intense conflict, you should really report it to your superiors or property management first, so that they can decide how to deal with it, especially when it comes to safety issues.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

Doing so not only protects the security guards themselves, but also is more in line with the procedures for dealing with problems.

If you are a security guard every time, it is easy to have an accident, and once you don't handle it well, it may not be good for your career. Work is important, but life is more precious, so there's no need to take too many risks for work.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

The current social environment is really easy to make people stressed, and some people may lose control of their emotions and behave out of line because of a little thing. Therefore, some netizens reminded that when we go out, we really can't underestimate anyone. You have no idea how the person you are facing will react in the next second, and sometimes a small quarrel may be the last limit of the other person's patience.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!

In such cases, each of us should learn to remain calm and respectful of others. When encountering unpleasant things, take a deep breath first, try to consider the problem from the other person's point of view, and don't react violently as soon as you come up. Especially in public, you should pay more attention to your words and deeds, because you don't know what story is behind the other person, and you don't know their psychological state at the time.

It's good for everyone to be a little more understanding and patient and try to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Everyone in society is under a lot of pressure, and what we can do is try not to block others and not make trouble for ourselves. You know, life is tired enough, and there is no need to make your life more uncomfortable because of some small things.

It's urgent! The security guard of the community killed a couple, the chat records of the owner were exposed, and the deceased was excessive!


All in all, no matter what environment we find ourselves in, staying calm and respecting others is always key to dealing with everyday challenges. By cultivating understanding and patience, we are not only able to avoid unnecessary conflicts, but also to create a more harmonious living space for ourselves and others. Let us all strive to be the ones who can bring peace in times of tension, and together we can build a more understanding, more inclusive, and better society.