
With a speed of 216,000 kilometers per hour, the earliest known "interstellar visitor" arrived on Earth 8 years ago, where did it go

author:The sound of the wind is idle


In 2017, using a large scientific device, American astronomers detected a mysterious object from outer space from the outside of the solar system, which was the first time that humans detected the data of galaxies outside the solar system, and the speed of this object out of the solar system reached "216,000 kilometers per hour".

With a speed of 216,000 kilometers per hour, the earliest known "interstellar visitor" arrived on Earth 8 years ago, where did it go

Scientists have deduced through a series of calculations that this object has broken into the solar system 8 years ago, that is, in 2009, and it was once rumored in the world that this object was an alien monitoring the earth, but the follow-up research of some mysterious objects shows that everyone does not need to panic, because these objects have certain laws, which also ensures the safety of the earth, rest assured.

So where did this "interstellar visitor" first break into the solar system?

Where did the "interstellar visitor" break into the solar system.

In 2009, a "space odyssey" stone that countless people dreamed of broke into the solar system from the other direction of the solar system, but this stone was not a valuable stone sold by aliens, but an asteroid formed by the accumulation of various debris, and when this asteroid broke into the solar system, it was only 9 million kilometers away from the earth.

With a speed of 216,000 kilometers per hour, the earliest known "interstellar visitor" arrived on Earth 8 years ago, where did it go

According to the calculations of the Loma Observatory laboratory, the diameter of this asteroid is about 35 meters, but although this asteroid is only 35 meters, it has a high density, about 2,720 kilograms per cubic centimeter.

The asteroid was named "2009eg" by the staff of the Loma Observatory, and according to the trajectory characteristics of "2009eg", it is believed that this asteroid broke into the solar system for the first time, so it is called a "newly discovered celestial body".

With a speed of 216,000 kilometers per hour, the earliest known "interstellar visitor" arrived on Earth 8 years ago, where did it go

During the passage of this planet in the solar system, astronomers spent a lot of time studying the asteroid, so far, the origin of "2009eg" is still a mystery, but it is certain that this asteroid first appeared in the Netherlands "Dwingeloo Observatory" in an observation data, this asteroid in 2006, was detected by the "Dwingeloo Observatory", when it was only more than 100 million kilometers away.

Soon, the asteroid disappeared from view.

With a speed of 216,000 kilometers per hour, the earliest known "interstellar visitor" arrived on Earth 8 years ago, where did it go

Three years later, in 2009, the asteroid suddenly appeared in the field of view of a large radio telescope in the Netherlands, but this time, local scientists immediately discovered the anomaly, they found that "2009eg" was an object outside the solar system, and immediately notified it to domestic and foreign observatories.

Since "2009eg" broke into the solar system from the other side, the asteroid was not discovered before this trip, which proved that it was the first time to break into the solar system.

With a speed of 216,000 kilometers per hour, the earliest known "interstellar visitor" arrived on Earth 8 years ago, where did it go

So where did "2009eg" come from?

According to astronomers' calculations, there are many possible sources of this asteroid, but the most likely is that it comes from an asteroid near "Uranus", and there is a certain distance between "Uranus" and "Neptune", which can be said to be the outermost part of the solar system, so no one can see this piece of outer space, so this asteroid will break into the solar system before being discovered.

In addition, it is possible that the asteroid broke into from another place outside the solar system, but our technology at the time could not detect this direction, so people did not detect it.

With a speed of 216,000 kilometers per hour, the earliest known "interstellar visitor" arrived on Earth 8 years ago, where did it go

However, even astronomers are not sure which direction the real "2009eg" came from, so scientists decided to count "2009eg" from the center of the Milky Way, and there are very few human observation instruments in this direction, so there is relatively little information about this direction.

However, when scientists finally confirmed the direction of the source of "2009eg", it was discovered that this direction was actually the location of the sun, so "2009eg" was determined to have broken into the solar system from outside the position of the sun.

With a speed of 216,000 kilometers per hour, the earliest known "interstellar visitor" arrived on Earth 8 years ago, where did it go

The laws of objects outside the solar system.

Because the "2009eg" that skimmed the solar system came from outer space, it was called "outer space objects", and such objects are usually very close to us, and sometimes they even pass very little, but people have also found some patterns in the study of some outer space objects.

With a speed of 216,000 kilometers per hour, the earliest known "interstellar visitor" arrived on Earth 8 years ago, where did it go

In 2006, the Loma Observatory detected a mysterious object at an almost infinite distance from the Earth, which was designated "2006sq", and because it was so small, it quickly disappeared from view.

Until 2007, this mysterious object suddenly appeared in people's field of vision, after several measurements of it, people found that although the object came from outer space, but will not hit the earth, because it is not affected by the earth's gravity, so it will not change the orbit, and later after astronomers' research, it is believed that the orbit of this object is relatively stable, and will pass by for a certain period of time, so it will not harm the earth, but people still have to check its orbit from time to time, Prevent unforeseen disasters.

With a speed of 216,000 kilometers per hour, the earliest known "interstellar visitor" arrived on Earth 8 years ago, where did it go

Another object that came to the solar system from outer space is "2009C52", which came to the Earthfire Emperor system from the pride of the outer sky, and it is believed that it is an asteroid after research, and it is still unclear where it came from.

At the same time, people have also detected some "soft X-rays" and "gamma rays" pulses from the outside of the solar system, which are much shorter than the wavelengths such as "infrared" and "microwave", so scientists believe that these rays come from the explosion or impact of objects in outer space, and people use large radio telescopes to detect the "signals outside the solar system" many times, and it is found that these pulse phenomena are periodic, therefore, people conclude that there must be some periodic objects in outer space, Otherwise, this phenomenon cannot be explained.

With a speed of 216,000 kilometers per hour, the earliest known "interstellar visitor" arrived on Earth 8 years ago, where did it go

After many tests, it was finally found that these periodic pulses were caused by the "explosion" of a group of "pulsars", a kind of "star" formed by the debris of a "supernova" explosion, and its "explosion" often emits many "radio pulses" to the surroundings, so this phenomenon is caused by it.

Because pulsars are so far away from Earth, human "radio telescopes" can only detect the radio pulses emitted when they "erupt".

With a speed of 216,000 kilometers per hour, the earliest known "interstellar visitor" arrived on Earth 8 years ago, where did it go

A chance encounter through outer space.

Although objects in outer space are very close to people, they usually pose little threat to Earth or other planets, because their orbits are relatively stable, so there is only a chance of breaking into the solar system.

In 2015, an anomalous object in the Ortega galaxy "CNEOS 2015TC25" broke away from the "Ortega Galaxy" and entered the "Milky Galaxy" where humans are located, this asteroid is very close to the Earth, so it was quickly discovered and measured, and the diameter of this asteroid is about 2.5 meters after instrumental measurements.

With a speed of 216,000 kilometers per hour, the earliest known "interstellar visitor" arrived on Earth 8 years ago, where did it go

Because the asteroid is very small, it does not pose a threat to the living environment of human beings, and after a few days of flight, the asteroid leaves the Earth's field of vision and becomes a "chance encounter" object in the "Milky Galaxy" known to mankind.

Another asteroid, 2015TC25, was discovered relatively late, it broke in from the constellation Centauri, and although it was also very small in diameter, only 2.5 meters, astronomers tracked it, and after a few days of flight, it left the Earth's field of view.

With a speed of 216,000 kilometers per hour, the earliest known "interstellar visitor" arrived on Earth 8 years ago, where did it go

2017 is what scientists call a "magical year", because many events occurred in this year, this year, an "outer space object" entered the "solar system" from the "Milky Galaxy" where humans are located, and broke into the "earth".

For this object, people have measured and found that its size is about 200 meters, in 2017, the world's large telescopes are nervously observing its orbit, in order to confirm whether it will pose a threat to the earth, but although this object is very large, when passing through the "comet" belt, people carefully observed that its orbit is very stable, so it will not affect the earth.


The "interstellar visitor" breaking into the solar system from outer space does put a certain amount of pressure on people, but as long as we pay more attention to astronomical information and know some knowledge about this aspect, we will not panic about such objects.