
Don't worry about global warming? New research has found that the earth has its own "air conditioning" that can automatically reduce carbon emissions

author:The sound of the wind is idle


"The Earth is getting colder."

Ironically, at this time, some experts said that because the earth is born with "air conditioning", we can rest assured that we don't have to worry too much about the rising global temperature.

So how did this study find?

Don't worry about global warming? New research has found that the earth has its own "air conditioning" that can automatically reduce carbon emissions

How is the "global air conditioner" linked to global warming?

Why does the earth have its own "air conditioner"?

With "air conditioning", will humans soon be able to sit back and enjoy the coolness with peace of mind?

Global temperatures are no longer rising.

In 2016, a U.S. study found that while global carbon emissions continued to rise, global temperatures had stopped rising.

According to the researchers' data, global carbon emissions continued to rise year-on-year from 1980 to 2000.

After 2000, due to the economic crisis and other factors, global carbon emissions did not increase, but the global temperature has not continued to rise, but has resumed a downward trend.

Don't worry about global warming? New research has found that the earth has its own "air conditioning" that can automatically reduce carbon emissions

One can't help but wonder what the hell is going on?

Don't worry about global warming? New research has found that the earth has its own "air conditioning" that can automatically reduce carbon emissions

The main reason for the drop in global temperatures.

Many people will think that the main reason why the global temperature is no longer rising is because people have reduced carbon emissions, so is it true that the global temperature drop is not directly related to carbon emissions?

In 2016, atmospheric expert Kenneth Doha (Colorado State University) finally found out why global temperatures are falling after analyzing the causes.

Don't worry about global warming? New research has found that the earth has its own "air conditioning" that can automatically reduce carbon emissions

According to the data analysis of the researchers, after 2000, due to the outbreak of the global economic crisis, the global carbon emissions showed a downward trend after 2000, and the global temperature did not continue to rise while the carbon emissions declined, but there were signs of improvement, and the global temperature did not fall immediately, but slowly declined.

Although there is no direct correlation between global carbon emissions and global temperature, there is a certain clue between the change of global carbon emissions and the change of global temperature.

Don't worry about global warming? New research has found that the earth has its own "air conditioning" that can automatically reduce carbon emissions

In the case of a change in carbon emissions, the surface air temperature will start to change.

In 2000, when global carbon emissions fell off a cliff, the change of global temperature rise was immediately affected and reversed, and began to slowly enter the cooling stage.

However, Doha has found that the main reason for the rise in global temperatures is not global warming, but global "cooling".

Don't worry about global warming? New research has found that the earth has its own "air conditioning" that can automatically reduce carbon emissions

The root cause of global cooling is high carbon emissions, which leads to excessive carbon dioxide standards, thicker air, and the final result is climate warming.

Don't worry about global warming? New research has found that the earth has its own "air conditioning" that can automatically reduce carbon emissions

Whether the global temperature rises or falls, it is directly related to the change of carbon dioxide, and the situation about global warming is more complicated.

Many people think that the temperature on the earth is much higher than before, but hundreds of years ago the temperature on the earth was not as high as it is now, in fact, the temperature on the earth began to rise decades ago.

Don't worry about global warming? New research has found that the earth has its own "air conditioning" that can automatically reduce carbon emissions

Millions of years ago, the earth's temperature rose or fell, and the range of rise and fall was very large, spanning up to tens of degrees, which is what Doha calls the "air conditioning" of the earth.

This "air conditioner" refers to the earth's carbon dioxide, after hundreds of millions of years of changes, the earth is born with its own "air conditioner" carbon dioxide has been perfected and designed very thoughtfully.

The carbon dioxide content on the earth is already high, and coupled with excessive human emissions, the carbon dioxide content can become very high, but despite this, the earth's "air conditioner" can still automatically reduce carbon emissions in a certain way.

Don't worry about global warming? New research has found that the earth has its own "air conditioning" that can automatically reduce carbon emissions

So, there is a reason why carbon dioxide levels have soared, but they have not been able to cause the earth's temperature to continue to rise.

On the one hand, researchers also found that the earth's carbon dioxide is related to the water vapor in the atmosphere, and people absorb water to help cool carbon dioxide, and if there is too much carbon emissions, water vapor can also accelerate the decomposition of carbon dioxide, so the earth's temperature will not skyrocket as people think.

Don't worry about global warming? New research has found that the earth has its own "air conditioning" that can automatically reduce carbon emissions

On the other hand, the earth's "air conditioning" is still very perfect, when the earth's temperature rises, carbon dioxide will slowly be deposited deep underground, where it will react with other minerals, and finally become petroleum and coal and other resources, which will help the ground cool down.

Therefore, the reason why the earth does not need to worry about warming is because the earth's own "air conditioning" is very perfect and can better adapt to the changes in the earth's environment.

Changes in carbon dioxide levels over different geological ages.

There are a lot of "greenhouse gases" on the earth, the most important of which are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen dioxide.

These "greenhouse gases" are called "greenhouse demons" mainly because they can pose a very big threat to the heat of the earth, they can absorb the heat of radiation and dissipate it into the atmosphere, which causes the temperature of the earth to continue to rise.

Therefore, human beings use these "greenhouse gases" to raise temperatures, and at the same time, through these "greenhouse gases", they prevent the temperature from continuing to rise, so that human beings can continue to live on the earth.

Because the carbon dioxide content on the earth has been low, so when human beings produce carbon dioxide, it can play a role in maintaining the temperature of life, so people have virtually increased the carbon dioxide content on the earth, new research shows that the carbon dioxide content of the earth has risen millions of years ago, and human beings have just done some trivial things on this basis.

Don't worry about global warming? New research has found that the earth has its own "air conditioning" that can automatically reduce carbon emissions

Researchers are studying and analyzing the carbon dioxide content of the earth in different periods, and the carbon dioxide content has changed greatly in different geological ages, about 350 million to 400 million years ago, the carbon dioxide content on the earth was at least 15 times that of today, and as the carbon dioxide content gradually increased, the original temperature of the earth will increase as a result.

Don't worry about global warming? New research has found that the earth has its own "air conditioning" that can automatically reduce carbon emissions

I still remember that in the geography class, the teacher said that in the early days of the earth, the average temperature of the earth was as high as about 40 degrees, and as the earth began to oxidize after the rotation of the earth, oxygen and carbon dioxide gradually disappeared from the atmosphere in the process.

In order to maintain the average temperature of the earth, water evaporation will automatically emit carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, taking away some of the cooling function.

So it can be seen that the "greenhouse gases" on the earth have disappeared from the earth.

Don't worry about global warming? New research has found that the earth has its own "air conditioning" that can automatically reduce carbon emissions


The "greenhouse gases" on the earth can also slow down the rate of warming of the earth, and the "greenhouse gases" produced by humans can also make the evaporated water of the earth carry carbon dioxide outward, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide on the earth, thereby lowering the temperature, which is why the earth is "born with air conditioning" as explained by Doha.

Of course, human beings can't always rely on "greenhouse gases" to maintain the earth's temperature, and if the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by humans is too much, it will make the earth very hot, so human beings still need to reduce carbon emissions through various methods to cool down the earth's temperature.

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