
To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!

author:Jin Su Deliberations

Speaking of "Hot Pot Hero", I was full of expectations at first. After all, the name sounds quite interesting, and the momentum of publicity is not small, so I feel that this may be a well-polished work. But who knows, after reading it, my mood is like eating an unripe persimmon, sour and astringent.

First of all, let's talk about the name of the movie. "Hot Pot Hero", doesn't it sound like a gimmick? It's reminiscent of a steaming hot pot and the heroes who sit around the hot pot. But in fact, the hot pot elements in the movie are really just embellishments and have little to do with the theme. You say, isn't this a bit of a sheep's head selling dog meat? 9

Then there is the plot, I thought there would be some thrilling story, but in the end, the plot was bland and even a little sleepy. The movie tries to attract the audience through some black humor, but to be honest, I really can't get those laughs. 3

To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!

Let's talk about the characters, the protagonists in the movie should be quite interesting, but after watching them, I am not impressed with them. The interactions between the characters are also less natural, feeling like they're being put together and lacking that kind of convincing chemistry. 3

Moreover, some of the plot settings in the movie also made me feel quite embarrassed. For example, the protagonists accidentally dig into the bank vault, how can this happen in reality? Even if it happened, how could they escape the law so easily? 3

As for the promotion of the film, I have to say, a bit misleading. obviously wants to take the route of black humor, but it gives people the illusion of a comedy. As a result, the audience went with the mentality of watching a comedy, but found that there were few laughs, isn't this a contradiction? 9

In short, my expectations for "Hot Pot Hero" are quite high, but after watching it, I can only say that this movie did not meet my expectations. It is neither a literary film that can make people think deeply, nor is it a qualified popcorn movie. As a netizen said, "Hot pot, the ingredients are good, and it will not be unpalatable when you cook it." It's a pity that the "material" of this movie is really a little bit less interesting. 4

To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!

As soon as the movie "Hot Pot Hero" opened, it gave me a dismount. In the first 5 minutes, the screen cuts directly to the scene of a bank robbery, and it is still on a night of lightning and thunder and torrential rain. The robbers, wearing masks and armed with weapons, moved quickly and decisively, and the atmosphere in the entire bank was breathless. This scene, this atmosphere, is like watching a tense and exciting crime blockbuster.

In the rainstorm, the figures of the robbers loomed, adding a bit of mystery to this robbery scene. The bank clerks were terrified, while the robbers were ruthless, and every move revealed professionalism and ruthlessness. This contrast makes the whole robbery process even more thrilling.

However, just when I thought that the movie would be tense all the way, the plot suddenly took a sharp turn. After the robbery scene, the pace of the film slows down significantly, and it begins to shift to some depictions of daily life, and the tension suddenly weakens. It caught me off guard, as if I had just been on a roller coaster and was suddenly pulled back to the ground.

To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!

To be honest, this change in pace has lowered my expectations for the movie. I thought that if the beginning could be so exciting, the rest of the story would be just as exciting. But the reality is that the movie doesn't seem to continue this tension very well, and it disappointed me a little.

Of course, this way of handling the movie may be to give the audience a chance to breathe, after all, it is quite tiring to be tense all the time. But in my opinion, if the film can maintain the tension while adding some elements of daily life, it may make the story more three-dimensional and more able to attract the audience's attention.

Overall, the opening of the movie "Hot Pot Hero" really gave me a surprise and made me look forward to the next plot. But as the plot progressed, I found that the movie didn't make good use of this good start, but instead let the tension gradually drain away. This has to be said to be a pity. However, the story of the movie continues, and maybe there will be more surprises waiting for me in the future. Let's wait and see.

To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!

Oops, when it comes to the plot of "Hot Pot Hero", I really have to complain. At first, the robbers found the hole in the vault, and the scene was really eye-catching, and I thought there was a good show to watch now. But who would have thought that the plot after this is like a balloon that has been deflated, becoming more and more deflated and more and more flat.

The director may want to play some tricks and use interludes to whet our appetite and make us curious about the next plot. But in fact, this technique makes people feel that the plot drags on, with a hammer in the east and a mallet in the west, which makes people confused. It's like watching a suspense drama, you are looking forward to the climax of the plot, but the director suddenly gives you a memory kill, and your sense of expectation is suddenly brought back to the original shape.

Moreover, the logical problems in the plot are also a headache. For example, the robbers found such a large hole in a vault, which should have caused an uproar, but the characters in the movie behaved unusually calmly, as if they had picked up ten dollars. This kind of treatment makes people feel that the plot lacks tension and is not reasonable enough.

To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!

Let's talk about the reaction of the characters, after the robbers discovered the vault hole, the next action is also puzzling. They were not in a hurry to escape, nor were they in a hurry to divide the spoils, but began to plan their next step in a slow and methodical manner. This kind of slow-paced processing makes people feel that the plot development lacks momentum, like watching a slow-motion movie, which makes people anxious.

In addition, some of the plot settings in the movie also seem a bit far-fetched. For example, in the process of robbery, the robbers even have the leisure to chat with the protagonists, how can this happen in reality? This kind of illogical plot makes people feel that the plot development is not real enough and not compact enough.

In short, "Hot Pot Hero" does have some problems in the development of the plot. The director tried to increase the appeal of the plot through interludes, but the actual effect was counterproductive, making the plot feel dragged and logically confusing. While there are some aspects of the film that have merit, these issues do affect the viewer's viewing experience. I hope that the director can learn lessons in his future works and bring us more exciting stories.

To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!

If you want to talk about the relationship between the characters and emotional expression in "Hot Pot Hero", I have to say that this film is really a bit confusing in this area. The friendship between the three brothers should be iron-clad in theory, but what is shown in the movie always makes people feel that something is missing. It's like a good pot of soup, all the ingredients are ready, but it doesn't taste like that.

Let's talk about Chen Kun and Bai Lily first. Their love line in the movie, to be honest, is quite puzzling. At the beginning, the relationship between the two seemed to be forced together, and it was not natural at all. According to what is said in 17, this background is set in Chongqing, which should be very realistic, but this love line makes people feel like they came out of thin air. The development of the relationship between the two is unclear in the movie, as if suddenly, Chen Kun fell in love with Bai Lily, and Bai Lily inexplicably responded to his feelings. This kind of treatment makes people feel that the emotional foundation between the characters is very weak and unconvincing.

To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!

Let's talk about the friendship between the three brothers. In the movie, the three brothers grew up together, and it should be the kind of relationship that can stick a knife in each other's ribs. But in the movie, the interaction between them feels a little awkward. It's like, although they say they are brothers, but in fact, there is not much in-depth communication and interaction. The emotional bond between them is not well shown, making it feel like they are more like partners than brothers who are friends in life and death.

Moreover, the emotional expression in the movie is also a bit problematic. When the characters face dilemmas and choices, the emotional transformation and inner drama are not fully expressed. For example, when they found the vault, it was supposed to be a mixture of shock, entanglement, excitement and other emotions, but in the movie, their performance was a bit bland and did not show that complex emotion well.

In general, "Hot Pot Hero" is indeed a bit inadequate in terms of character relationships and emotional expression. The emotional development between the characters is not clear, and the emotional transformation is also abrupt and unreasonable. It's like eating hot pot, the ingredients are good, but the heat is not mastered well, and the taste is a little worse. I hope that in his future works, the director can pay more attention to the emotional foreshadowing between the characters and the portrayal of inner drama, so that the relationship between the characters will be fuller and the emotional expression will be more real and deep.

To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!

The movie "Hot Pot Hero" tries to stuff Chongqing's regional characteristics into the lens one by one, as if to give the audience a vivid Chongqing cultural lesson. But this lesson is sometimes a little funny.

First of all, let's talk about this wine. Chongqing people love wine, which is famous, but in the movie, this wine seems to have become the master key to solving the problem. Anything can be settled with a glass of wine. This is a bit too simplistic of the character of Chongqing people and the way they deal with problems. In reality, Chongqing people can't just rely on alcohol to get away.

Let's talk about the mountain building again. Chongqing's mountain city characteristics, that is not to say, the movie also filmed a lot of high-rise buildings and winding streets in the mountain city. But the three-dimensional sense of this mountain city seems to have been flattened in the movie and turned into a background board. Chongqing's three-dimensional sense is not only visual, but also life. The residents of the mountain city go up and down every day, which is a part of life, but the movie fails to feel this three-dimensional sense of daily life.

To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!

Hot pot, this is another business card of Chongqing. In the movie, hot pot has become an important prop that connects the relationship between the characters. But this hot pot seems to be just a prop, and I can't feel the hotness of Chongqing hot pot. Chongqing hot pot is not only about taste, but also about an atmosphere, a kind of liveliness where everyone sits around a table and chats while eating. The hot pot in the movie always feels a little less pyrotechnic.

As for the dialect, it is used a lot in the movie, but sometimes it sounds like a foreigner learning Chongqing dialect, which is a bit blunt. The charm of Chongqing dialect lies not only in pronunciation, but also in tone and emotion. The dialect in the movie sometimes sounds like memorizing lines, which is a little less natural.

In general, "Hot Pot Hero" is a little powerless in showing Chongqing's characteristics. It may be that there are too many things to show, but the result is not to capture the essence. Chongqing's regional characteristics cannot be explained in a few shots. Chongqing in the movie sometimes makes people think, is this a misunderstanding of Chongqing? Even in some respects, it has a negative impact on the image of the police and citizens in Chongqing. Chongqing people are enthusiastic and straightforward, but they also pay attention to rules and principles, and the performance in the movie sometimes makes people feel too casual and even a little irresponsible. I hope that future movies can have a deeper understanding and show of Chongqing, and don't let the city's characteristics become a postcard with a mislabel. 2122242628

To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!

The score of "Hot Pot Hero" on Douban is indeed not low, but to be honest, there may be a lot of water in this score. Some evaluations, at first glance, mean that the fan filter is turned on to the maximum, or it may be that the water army is brushing praise. This phenomenon is not new in the film industry, but as ordinary audiences, we still hope to see some real and objective evaluation.

Looking through those short reviews, it is not difficult to find that some audiences' opinions on this movie are quite direct. Some say that the plot of the movie is not controlled, and some directly point out that the overall quality is not good. These sounds, although they may not be so pleasant, are at least real, and they are the most direct feelings of the audience after watching the movie.

For example, some viewers mentioned that some parts of the movie are too procrastinated in the plot, and the places that should be collected are confiscated, and the result is that people feel that the whole movie does not have a strong sense of rhythm, and it is easy to get distracted when watching it. This problem is actually quite fatal, because movies are, to put it bluntly, to tell a good story. If the story is not told well, no amount of gorgeous visual effects can save it.

To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!

Some viewers said that the overall quality of the movie is average, which may involve many aspects of the movie. For example, the shaping of the characters, the rationality of the plot, the accuracy of the lines, and so on. If these aspects are not done well enough, then the overall texture of the film will naturally suffer. The audience's eyes are bright, and these details can be easily seen.

Of course, we have to admit that the movie "Hot Pot Hero" did a good job in some aspects. For example, the cinematography and editing of the film, as well as the design of some action scenes, can show the intentions of the director and the production team. But at the end of the day, the movie ultimately comes back to the story itself. If the story is not told well, no matter how well it is done in other aspects, it will be difficult for the audience to buy it.

In general, although "Hot Pot Hero" has a good rating on Douban, the evaluation of the audience and reviewers is mixed. As an audience, we still have to have our own judgments, and we can't just look at the ratings to make conclusions. Whether the movie is good or not, you have to watch it yourself to know. After all, movies are a thing that has a thousand faces, and everyone's tastes are different. What we have to do is to keep thinking independently, not blindly follow the trend, and find the movie that really suits us. 34

To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!

Giving "Hot Pot Hero" 2 stars, this evaluation is indeed a bit ruthless, but to be honest, this movie gives me the feeling that it is like eating a hot pot without salt, which looks very lively, but it tastes like a shortcoming. The director must want to come up with something new and bring a distinctive work to our audience, but this finished product is neither bloody nor deep, and the overall feeling is lukewarm, lukewarm.

First of all, I have to say that the starting point of the movie is good, and I want to tell a story about heroes through the unique style of the city of Chongqing and the element of hot pot. The city of Chongqing, the mountain city, the fog capital, the hot girl, and the hot pot are all its unique labels. It is true that these elements are kneaded into the movie, but the problem is that although these elements appear, they are not well integrated, like a platter that is hard together, separate and lacks internal connection.

Let's talk about the characters, the characters in the movie should be quite individual, but after watching the whole movie, except for the familiar faces of several protagonists, I really don't remember much about their personality characteristics and inner world. The characters can't stand up, and the emotional foreshadowing is not enough, which makes it difficult for the audience to resonate. As said in 41, the movie uses enough space to depict their predicament and embarrassment, as well as self-redemption, but in the end, it feels like these predicaments and redemptions are a bit deliberate and unnatural.

To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!

Moreover, the pacing of the film is also a problem. A good movie should have a tight rhythm that allows the audience to follow the plot and keep holding on to that string. But the rhythm of "Hot Pot Hero", how to put it, is a bit dragged. Not tense enough when it's time to be nervous, too loose when it's time to relax, it feels like you're on a roller coaster, but the car keeps climbing and doesn't reach that apex for a long time.

As for the depth of the film, it's a bit more far-fetched. The film tries to explore some social phenomena through some black humor, but these humors and discussions stay on the surface and do not dig deeper. As mentioned in 42, the black humor of the film is not superficial, but an internalization that goes deep into the bone marrow, and is well integrated with the topography and humanity of Chongqing. But to be honest, I really didn't feel much of this depth and combination.

In general, "Hot Pot Hero" gives me the feeling that the idea is very good, but the execution is insufficient. The director had ambitions and wanted to make a film with character and depth, but the final product was a bit disappointing. The film is neither bloody, nor deep, and lacks that evocative flavor. Of course, the movie is not useless, at least in the photography and editing, you can still see the director's intentions. But as a movie, the story and characters are the core, and if these two points are not done well, no matter how good the others are, it is difficult to be satisfied.

To say that it may become a dark horse at the box office, I want to incite myself ten slaps!