
I can't beat it! Missed 55 games last year, 58 games this year, this champion is retiring?

author:Good dreams
I can't beat it! Missed 55 games last year, 58 games this year, this champion is retiring?

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Afterglow of Windy City Roses: The Retirement Speculation and Legend of Derrick Ross Comes to an End

Derrick Rose, the "Windy City Rose" who once ran on the court as fast as the wind, is now at the end of his career, and this summer, there is a lot of talk about whether he will retire, and some fans are still convinced that with his impressive shooting percentage with the Grizzlies last season, Rose can continue to play in the league, and when we take a closer look at his performances in recent years and the realities he faces, we may come to a different conclusion

I can't beat it! Missed 55 games last year, 58 games this year, this champion is retiring?

Injuries and playing time: the hero's helplessness

It is undeniable that Rose's shooting stats for the Grizzlies last season were indeed impressive, with all three shooting percentages maintained at a respectable level, but behind this gorgeous statistic, there is a harsh reality hidden - he only played 24 games all season, missed 58 games, and was plagued by injuries for a long time, which has become a nightmare that Rose cannot escape from later in his career, and he also missed 55 games with the Knicks last season, and it was not much different from previous seasons

I can't beat it! Missed 55 games last year, 58 games this year, this champion is retiring?

At the age of 36, for a basketball player, he has entered the twilight of his career, and the decline in physical function is an irreversible trend, even if he was once the "youngest MVP", he cannot escape the erosion of the years

The game of ball possession and efficiency: the embarrassment of system players

Fans who support Rose's continued play often draw comparisons to his performances with the Grizzlies and Knicks, who last season gained more possession and shots and played an efficient offensive performance in the Grizzlies, which lacked stars and had a relatively chaotic offensive system, while with the Knicks, his efficiency declined significantly due to the team's tactical position and playing time

I can't beat it! Missed 55 games last year, 58 games this year, this champion is retiring?

This contrast does not hide the reality that Rose has been unable to adapt to the rhythm of today's league, and today's NBA, with more emphasis on teamwork, tactical execution, and offensive and defensive capabilities, has made it difficult for Rose to gain stable playing time and tactical status in a strong team by relying on individual ability and explosive power to impact the basket

The Dream of a Championship and the Choice of a Career: The Meaning of Basketball on Honor Above Honor

Many fans hope that Rose can join a team with championship strength before retiring, "hug the thigh" and get a championship ring to draw a successful end to his career, but does such an idea really fit Rose's basketball philosophy?

I can't beat it! Missed 55 games last year, 58 games this year, this champion is retiring?

Looking back on Rose's career, he has always maintained his love and pure pursuit of basketball, from his initial stunning appearance with the Bulls, to later moving to multiple teams, he has never given up his desire to win, even when he suffered a serious injury and his career fell into a low point, he still chose to persevere, for him, the meaning of basketball has long been more than the championship ring itself, but the process of enjoying the game, and the spirit of constantly challenging himself in the face of adversity

The curtain call of Windy City Roses: A tribute to an indomitable basketball legend

If this summer, Rose finally chooses to retire, I believe most fans will not be surprised, his career, like fireworks gorgeous and short, but left a deep imprint in the hearts of countless fans, he is the youngest MVP in NBA history, but also a fighter who has been plagued by injuries but never gives up, he has used his actions to interpret the charm of basketball, but also inspired generations of young players

I can't beat it! Missed 55 games last year, 58 games this year, this champion is retiring?

Derrick Rose, whose name will forever be etched in the history of the NBA, will be told by fans again and again, becoming a basketball legend that will never fade

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