
Mrs. Rong Yiren: What is the secret of being with her husband for nearly 70 years and living to the age of 96?

author:Coffee History C

In the construction and development of New China, there is such a pair of beautiful people: Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing. One is a "red capitalist" who is well-known in China, and the other is a virtuous helper he silently supports. They have been together for nearly 70 years, interpreting great love with ordinary life. Who says love is only the preserve of young people? Look at this couple from an ignorant teenager to a white-haired person sending a black-haired person, only to know that true love is immortal! They used their personal actions to interpret what it means to "hold the hand of the son and grow old with the son". What if you're young and want to fall in love? If you are married, is love still there?

Mrs. Rong Yiren: What is the secret of being with her husband for nearly 70 years and living to the age of 96?

As the saying goes, "pearls come from suffering", and the beautiful marriage of Yang Jianqing and Rong Yiren was also born in turbulent times. At that time, Chinese society was inferior to men and women, but Yang Jianqing was fortunate to be born into an enlightened family. Her father Yang Ganqing loved her very much, and at that time, her daughter had few opportunities to study, but her father insisted that her daughter read and write, and later sent her to Wuxi Middle School, a famous local school.

Mrs. Rong Yiren: What is the secret of being with her husband for nearly 70 years and living to the age of 96?

In contrast, the Rong family is prominent. Rong Yiren's family business is booming, and he grew up with a golden key in his mouth since he was a child. However, his father Rong Desheng did not indulge his son, but was kind and strict. Every holiday, Rong Yiren has to intern in the factory and mine at home to understand the hard work of the working people at the bottom. Perhaps it was these life experiences that planted the seeds of his later becoming a "red capitalist".

It all started with an encounter. In 1925, 15-year-old Rong Yiren saw a girl at the school gate walking down from a small car after playing football. When I asked, I found out that this is Yang Jianqing, the virtuous daughter of the Yang family! Since then, Yang Jianqing's name has been deeply imprinted on the heart of the young Rong Yiren.

Mrs. Rong Yiren: What is the secret of being with her husband for nearly 70 years and living to the age of 96?

Rong Yiren stubbornly insisted with his parents that he wanted to marry the girl he liked. After seeing Yang Jianqing, he became even more obsessed with this. At that time, the marriage of men and women paid attention to the right family, and the Yang family and the Rong family were the same family. 15-year-old Yang Jianqing and 16-year-old Rong Yiren were married on February 26, 1936.

Mrs. Rong Yiren: What is the secret of being with her husband for nearly 70 years and living to the age of 96?

After marriage, Yang Jianqing is like the embodiment of virtuous help, serving her husband meticulously. She ironed the clothes, pants, shoes and socks for the second day every day, arranged three meals herself, and soaked her husband's feet and shoulders every night. Rong Yiren deeply understands his wife's love: she never fakes the oil on her shoes, because only she knows that it is just right. In the era of war, Rong Yiren shouldered the burden of the family business, and it was Yang Jianqing's silent contribution that he could operate and develop with peace of mind.

Mrs. Rong Yiren: What is the secret of being with her husband for nearly 70 years and living to the age of 96?

Ill-fated, they have endured hardships without changing their original intentions. During the Liberation War, the Kuomintang threatened to move the factory to Taiwan, but they resolutely chose to stay in the mainland. Until the national public-private partnership, Rong Yiren took the initiative to deliver the enterprise to the state, practicing the concept of "red capitalist". And Yang Jianqing has been silently supporting her husband's choice behind her back.

Mrs. Rong Yiren: What is the secret of being with her husband for nearly 70 years and living to the age of 96?

accompanied by ups and downs, watching her husband step by step to the pinnacle of life. In 1979, Rong Yiren founded a trust and investment company; In 1993, he was elected Vice President. In 2014, when 97-year-old Yang Jianqing died, she smiled as if she had finally reunited with her husband. The children said it well: "Mommy is finally reunited with Dad."

Mrs. Rong Yiren: What is the secret of being with her husband for nearly 70 years and living to the age of 96?

Life is unremarkable, but it has witnessed a century-old story. For Rong Yiren and his wife, love not only exists in the encounter when they were young, but also continues in the precipitation of the years. They taught their children and grandchildren the true meaning of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son". Yes, a man needs a woman who is silently supported in his pursuit of a career, but a woman also needs a man to pamper and pamper her. Only when two people are heart-to-heart can the fire of love be passed on from one to another.

Mrs. Rong Yiren: What is the secret of being with her husband for nearly 70 years and living to the age of 96?

In the long river of life, there will always be difficulties and difficulties in love, but as long as we support each other and embrace each other, we will eventually meet on the other side of life. This is the true meaning of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son" practiced by Rong Yiren and his wife throughout their lives. Their love story is regarded as a contemporary "Liang Zhu" and "Cowherd and Weaver Girl". After reading their stories, do you have the courage to pursue true and pure love? Do you also hope to stay with your sweetheart until you grow old in the future and write an extraordinary marriage with an ordinary life? After walking through the spring and autumn, until the last journey of life, we can still hold hands and rely on each other. If there is such a marriage, it must be a human attachment to be cultivated in the next life. #头条首发大赛#