
College students bought "fairy water" online and were sentenced to half a year in prison! 980 yuan bought not happiness, but nightmares

author:The post-90s sound Yue Tai

On June 22, 2024, the Jiangxia District People's Court in Wuhan, Hubei Province, made public a shocking case: a college student was sentenced to six months of detention and fined 2,000 yuan for buying 15.49 grams of "fairy water" online.

The protagonist of the case, Liu Moumou, is a student at a university in Jiangxia District. In April 2022, perhaps out of curiosity or bewitchment, he added a WeChat friend named Long Moumou through the Internet. What happened next, I'm afraid that even Liu Moumou himself didn't expect to push himself into the abyss of crime.

College students bought "fairy water" online and were sentenced to half a year in prison! 980 yuan bought not happiness, but nightmares

Through Alipay, Liu Moumou paid 980 yuan to Long Moumou. The money was not bought for some strange new gadget, but a bottle of γ-hydroxybutyric acid liquid, commonly known as "fairy water". This substance belongs to the first category of psychotropic substances controlled in China and is a synthetic drug. It is extremely harmful, and after taking it, it can cause temporary memory loss or coma, and even poisoning death in severe cases.

After receiving the money, Long Moumou contacted the overseas seller.

In order to evade customs inspection, the seller disguised and packaged the "fairy water" and mailed it to Liu Moumou from Malaysia by postal courier. However, Skynet is magnificent, negligent but not leaky. In May 2022, this seemingly ordinary international mail was seized by customs upon entry. Subsequently, Liu Moumou, who had no idea, was arrested by public security officers in the administrative building of the university.

College students bought "fairy water" online and were sentenced to half a year in prison! 980 yuan bought not happiness, but nightmares

After the trial, the court held that Liu Moumou knew that the purchased liquid was contraband and was shipped from abroad, but still provided a domestic delivery address for purchase, which had violated the state's drug control regulations. 15.49 grams of γ-hydroxybutyric acid, although it does not seem to be a large amount, its behavior has constituted the crime of drug smuggling.

This case is a wake-up call for us. In the age of the Internet, it has become so easy to access information, but it has become a huge challenge to distinguish between the truth and the consequences of behavior. Especially for college students who are not deeply involved in the world, a moment of curiosity can have disastrous consequences.

It is worth noting that the threshold for such violations has become so low. Only 980 yuan, an Alipay account, and a WeChat friend can complete an international drug transaction. This convenience undoubtedly increases the difficulty of law enforcement, and also sets more traps for young people.

College students bought "fairy water" online and were sentenced to half a year in prison! 980 yuan bought not happiness, but nightmares

The case was dealt with relatively quickly. From the capture in May 2022 to the public verdict in June 2024, the entire process shows how seriously the judiciary takes such cases. The six-month detention and a fine of 2,000 yuan not only reflect the seriousness of the law, but also give the young man a chance to turn over a new leaf.

Finally, we hope that this case will attract the attention of all sectors of society. While enjoying the convenience brought by the Internet, we should also be more vigilant and enhance our awareness of the law. Only in this way can we truly protect ourselves and stay away from the abyss of breaking the law and committing crimes in this era of information explosion.