
Shocking reversal + lore! He proved himself! Ivan's vision is too poisonous, and Zhang Yuning should be convinced

author:Xiao loves to talk about sports


On the green field of football, there are always moments that are frozen into eternity, and some names are remembered by the world for the crucial blow.

The 21-year-old Baihram Abduwaili wrote his legend in the fierce battles of the 16th round of the Chinese Super League with decisive performances again and again.

In the face of the strong Zhejiang team, he not only led Shenzhen Xinpeng City to complete a shocking reversal, but also won high praise from the head coach of the national team, Ivankovic.

Under pressure, how does the young player show exceptional ability and composure? What kind of chapter will the future open for him?

Shocking reversal + lore! He proved himself! Ivan's vision is too poisonous, and Zhang Yuning should be convinced


With the 2024 Chinese Super League fiercely contested, each round of the game is like a spectacular drama, and the audience witnesses a variety of dramatic moments on the pitch.

In the 16th round of the game, Shenzhen Xinpengcheng's match against Zhejiang team was particularly eye-catching.

In this match, a young player named Baihoram Abduwaili completely caught everyone's attention with his performance, and his performance was not only wonderful, but it was simply the main course of a football feast.

The Zhejiang team showed their ambition at the beginning, and their cooperation was like a ballet that had been rehearsed countless times, both precise and elegant.

In the 44th minute, a beautiful combination of them finally broke through the net with a long-range shot, which made the fans of Shenzhen Xinpeng City feel unprecedented pressure.

When the players of the Zhejiang team celebrated after scoring a goal, the expressions of the fans and players of Shenzhen Xinpeng City can almost be described in three words - crying and laughing.

Shocking reversal + lore! He proved himself! Ivan's vision is too poisonous, and Zhang Yuning should be convinced

However, just when Shenzhen Xinpeng City seemed to be overwhelmed, Baihelam Abduwaili stepped forward.

The young player's every touch of the ball in the game was full of determination and boldness.

Especially in the 66th minute, when the Zhejiang team scored again through a beautiful organizational offensive and the score became 2-0, the situation seemed to have doomed Shenzhen Xinpeng City to failure.

Soon after, the promising young player began to take the field by storm with his speed and skill.

Not only did he pose a great threat in the opposition half, but he also won a penalty in a brilliant individual breakaway.

The penalty was won overnight, and Shenzhen Xinpeng City ushered in the hope of chasing points. At this moment, the atmosphere on the court suddenly became tense.

Shocking reversal + lore! He proved himself! Ivan's vision is too poisonous, and Zhang Yuning should be convinced

The fans of Shenzhen Xinpeng City seemed to see a glimmer of life, and their shouts and cheers resounded in the sky for a while.

The players of the Zhejiang team began to feel the pressure increase, and this pressure made their movements start to become a little jerky.

In the final minutes of the match, Baihram Abduwaili once again showed his heroic qualities.

In an almost desperate attack, he received a pass from a team-mate on the edge of the box, cleverly turned past a defender and fired a low shot that hit the net like a meteor.

The audience erupted in thunderous applause, and the score was tied at 2-2.

In the face of such an unfavorable situation, Shenzhen Xinpeng City did not choose to withdraw from the script, but seemed to ignite a more fiery fighting spirit in their hearts.

Shocking reversal + lore! He proved himself! Ivan's vision is too poisonous, and Zhang Yuning should be convinced

The game had entered the 69th minute, and the audience's eyes had not yet taken their eyes off the electronic screen, and the field suddenly broke out for the better.

Shenzhen Xinpeng City seized a negligence in the opponent's defense, like a hungry wolf pounced, quickly launched a counterattack, and finally the ball was kicked into the opponent's door, and the score was narrowed to 1-2.

This scene is not just about scoring, but also like a shot in the arm, directly injected into the hearts of the whole team, and the players seem to have regained the confidence and strength to fight.

As the clock ticked by, in the 83rd minute, Shenzhen Xinpeng City once again showed their teamwork and tactical execution.

In a well-orchestrated attack, they once again penetrated the opposition defence, and the ball hung straight into the net to level the score at 2-2.

At this moment, the whole stadium seemed to be boiling, and the screams and cheers of the audience merged into a sea, and everyone was deeply attracted by this exciting scene.

Shocking reversal + lore! He proved himself! Ivan's vision is too poisonous, and Zhang Yuning should be convinced

The game went into stoppage time and most of the crowd were already expecting a close-fire tie to end in a draw.

However, the drama on the football pitch is always unpredictable, and there are always moments that can completely change the outcome of the game.

At the most critical moment, Baihram Abduwaili appeared again, not only as a player, but also as the hope of the whole team.

He received a precise pass and, with a beautiful individual technique, broke through the opposition defence and sent the ball into the bottom of the net again.

This goal not only rewrote the score to 3-2, but also sealed the victory for Shenzhen Xinpeng City at the last moment of the game.

At that moment, the entire stadium almost held its breath, and the eyes of the spectators were locked on Baihram.

Shocking reversal + lore! He proved himself! Ivan's vision is too poisonous, and Zhang Yuning should be convinced

As the final whistle approached, the tension almost froze time.

However, Baihram seemed unaware of the pressure, and he was agile in the opposition penalty area, deftly escaping the bars of several defenders.

At this time, he showed that remarkable skill and determination, and a precise and powerful shot went straight to the net, successfully overtaking the score to 3-2, and gave Shenzhen Xinpeng City an incredible comeback victory.

The cheers on the field almost drowned out the whistle, and the name of Baihelam was engraved in everyone's hearts.

This performance of Baihoram is not accidental. As early as when he joined the national team, his extraordinary football talent was already on the spot.

In the World Qualifiers, he was in the spotlight for his crucial goals, showing his composure and precision in crucial moments.

Shocking reversal + lore! He proved himself! Ivan's vision is too poisonous, and Zhang Yuning should be convinced

Despite his style and decision-making that have often been controversial, national team coach Ivankovic has always had a strong belief in his talent and potential.

This match has undoubtedly strengthened that belief and proved that Baihram is a player who can carry the heavy load on the big field.

The story of Baihoram is not only a hymn to personal heroism, but also a story of perseverance and growth.

From an obscure rookie to a nationally eye-catching star, his journey has been full of challenges and opportunities.

Every time he played, whether it was in international competitions or in the league, he showed the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and daring to challenge.

In addition, Baihram owes his success to his tireless efforts and deep love for football.

Shocking reversal + lore! He proved himself! Ivan's vision is too poisonous, and Zhang Yuning should be convinced

His dedication and relentless pursuit of improving his skills set an example for young players.

Every minute and every second on the pitch can be seen in his boundless passion for football and desire to win.


Baihram Abdul Waili was not only a display of individual heroism in this crucial match, but also an important leap forward in his career.

With his continuous progress and growth in the game, Shenzhen Xinpeng City and even the Chinese national team will see a brighter light in the future.

Let's hope that this young player can bring more glory and surprises to Chinese football in the future, and continue to write his own chapter on the world football stage.

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