
Great news! At 12 o'clock on June 29, the central parity of the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar, the RMB rose sharply!

author:Magpies say things


The global economic landscape is changing, and the process of RMB internationalization is accelerating. 越来越多国家开始使用人民币进行跨境交易,而中‬国银行也发布了《人民币国际化白皮书》展望未来发展方向。 However, in the process of internationalization, there are still many difficulties and challenges. If you want to know how the RMB responds to the challenge, read on!

Great news! At 12 o'clock on June 29, the central parity of the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar, the RMB rose sharply!

More and more countries are starting to use the renminbi

Great news! At 12 o'clock on June 29, the central parity of the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar, the RMB rose sharply!


Great news! At 12 o'clock on June 29, the central parity of the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar, the RMB rose sharply!




Although the momentum of RMB internationalization is very strong, we must also note that there are still many difficulties and challenges in this process.

Great news! At 12 o'clock on June 29, the central parity of the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar, the RMB rose sharply!

Difficulties and challenges


Then there is the influence of some external factors, such as the current war and conflict in many parts of the world, geopolitical factors are also constantly affecting the development of the world economy, in this case, if there is a major financial crisis or geopolitical conflict and other issues, then it may have an adverse impact on the international status and use of the RMB.


All of the above factors may adversely affect the current internationalization process of the renminbi, but they will not hinder the pace of internationalization of the renminbi in the future.

Great news! At 12 o'clock on June 29, the central parity of the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar, the RMB rose sharply!

Future outlook




Therefore, we can clearly see that in the near future, the RMB will continue to play a more important role in the global economy and finance, and make greater contributions to the prosperity and sustainable development of the world economy.

Great news! At 12 o'clock on June 29, the central parity of the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar, the RMB rose sharply!


人民币的国际化进程虽然充满挑战,但我‬国正在不断努力推动。 It is believed that with the passage of time, the RMB will play a more important role in the global economy and make greater contributions to the prosperity and sustainable development of the world economy. What are your thoughts on this change? Come and leave a message to share!

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