
A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

author:Aaron said history

In 1936, a seemingly impossible marriage quietly took place in Shantou, Guangzhou. Guo Yiqing, a 17-year-old girl in the flower season, was forced to marry Cheng Qian, a 54-year-old Kuomintang general. This old husband and young wife, who are 37 years apart, are destined to attract a lot of speculation and discussion from others. On the wedding night, Guo Yiqing cried in the new house, feeling hopeless about his fate. However, time flies, and the reluctant bride insisted in her old age that she never regretted this marriage.

What changed Guo Yiqing's mind? How did this age-disparity couple navigate the ups and downs of life? Why did Guo Yiqing get pregnant 16 times and eventually give birth to 6 daughters? In the turbulent times, what kind of wind and rain have they experienced? More importantly, how did this seemingly impossible marriage last for decades?

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

In Shantou, Guangzhou in 1936, the bustling streets were bustling with traffic and all kinds of people. In this coastal city in the midst of an economic boom, 17-year-old Guo Yiqing is nervous about the upcoming turning point in his life.

Guo Yiqing was born in 1919, and his father was a manager of a local insurance company. In that era when a woman was not talented and virtuous, Guo's mother had a unique vision and insisted on letting her daughter receive a new education. Guo Yiqing, who grew up in a relaxed environment since childhood, has a lively and cheerful nature, and reads poetry and books, and has grown into a knowledgeable and generous girl at the age of 17.

However, fate played a big joke on her this year. It was an ordinary summer day, and Guo's father suddenly proposed to take her to a banquet, saying that he wanted her to see the world. For Guo Yiqing, who has never participated in such an occasion, this is undoubtedly a novel experience.

At the banquet, Guo Yiqing couldn't hold back his curiosity and looked around. Suddenly, a man in military uniform appeared, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. Guo Yiqing heard the whispers of the people around him, saying that the person's name was Cheng Qian, and he was a famous general.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

At that time, Guo Yiqing didn't think much about it, but just saw the demeanor of a big man. However, she never imagined that this man, who had just glanced at her from afar, would become the key person who changed her life.

A few days later, Guo Yiqing was suddenly called home from school by his father. That night, Guo's father announced a shocking news in front of the whole family: he had set a family affair for Guo Yiqing, and the object was General Cheng Qian at the banquet that day.

This news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, instantly shattering all of Guo Yiqing's hopes for the future. She couldn't accept that she was going to marry a stranger who was over half a hundred years old, and she couldn't imagine spending the rest of her life with a man who was older than her father.

Guo Yiqing tearfully begged his father to take back his life, but in that era of patriarchal supremacy, his daughter's marriage was never something she could decide. Guo's father not only did not agree to his daughter's request, but instead grounded her at home and forbade her to go back to school.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

In the days of waiting for marriage, Guo Yiqing lived like a year. She turned to her mother several times to change her decision. However, as a woman who has no voice in a patriarchal society, Guo's mother is powerless to change the situation even if she feels sorry for her daughter.

Finally, it was time to get married. Guo Yiqing was dressed up by her family, but her heart was like falling into an ice cellar. Looking at the lights in her home and the endless stream of guests, her heart became more and more sad.

After the tedious wedding ceremony, Guo Yiqing was sent to a new house. When the red candle flickered and no one was around, she could no longer control her emotions, and tears rained down. She wept for her fate and lamented the involuntary nature of women in that era.

When Cheng Qian stepped into the new house, he saw such a scene. This general, who is dominating on the battlefield, is at a loss at the moment. He tried to comfort the weeping bride and promised her that he would treat her well in the future.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

Under Cheng Qian's persuasion, Guo Yiqing gradually calmed down. She lifted her teary eyes and looked at her husband carefully for the first time. What surprised her was that the 54-year-old man in front of her was not as old as she imagined, but seemed to be energetic and extraordinary.

In order to relieve the tension of his newlywed wife, Cheng Qian took the initiative to tell her about his life past. He was born in Liling, Hunan Province in 1882 and was admitted to Xiucai at the age of 16. Later, he gave up literature and martial arts, was admitted to the Hunan Martial Arts School, and also went to Japan to study. During his stay in Japan, he became acquainted with Dr. Sun Yat-sen and devoted himself to the revolutionary cause.

Cheng Qian participated in the Xinhai Revolution and witnessed the birth of the Republic of China. Later, he joined the Protectorate Movement and opposed Yuan Shikai's restoration of the imperial system. In 1926, he was appointed commander of the Sixth Army and began the Northern Expedition.

Listening to Cheng Qian's life experience, Guo Yiqing couldn't help but be a little distracted. She realizes that her husband is not just an ordinary old man, but a heroic figure who has gone through countless ups and downs and made great contributions to the country.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

This night's long talk gave Guo Yiqing a new understanding of Cheng Qian. Although she still couldn't fully accept the marriage, the resistance in her heart was much lessened. She began to think that maybe this marriage was not as terrible as she had first thought.

In this way, a couple with an age difference of 37 years began their married life in that turbulent era. No one knows what the future holds, but the gears of fate have begun to turn, taking them in a direction that no one can predict.

The days after marriage were not all smooth sailing, but Cheng Qian and Guo Yiqing gradually found their balance in this seemingly impossible marriage.

Guo Yiqing, who first arrived at Cheng's house, inevitably felt cramped and uneasy in the face of an unfamiliar environment and family members. However, Cheng Qian showed extraordinary thoughtfulness and care. He learned about Guo Yiqing's love for learning and offered to let her continue her studies. This decision was shocking in the social environment of the time, because most people believed that a woman should marry and raise children without pursuing personal development.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

In the spring of 1937, with the support of Cheng Qian, Guo Yiqing returned to school. She leaves school early in the morning and comes home in the evening. Cheng Qian not only did not stop her, but also arranged a special driver for her to ensure her safety to and from school. This kind of behavior was rare in military families at that time, and it caused a lot of people to discuss.

However, Cheng Qian turned a deaf ear to these gossip. He insisted that a knowledgeable and insightful wife could become a real virtuous helper in his career. In order to support Guo Yiqing's study, he even set aside a study room at home to let his wife have a quiet reading environment.

Guo Yiqing also did not live up to her husband's expectations. She worked hard in school and got top grades. At the same time, she also began to learn how to take care of a large family. Under Cheng Qian's patient guidance, Guo Yiqing gradually mastered the skills of handling housework and social interaction.

With the passage of time, Guo Yiqing's impression of Cheng Qian is also quietly changing. She found that the elderly husband, though majestic in front of outsiders, was very gentle at home. Whenever Cheng Qian came home, he would always bring her some small gifts, sometimes a newly published book, sometimes a delicate piece of jewelry. These subtle actions made Guo Yiqing feel her husband's intentions.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

In 1938, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out. As a high-ranking general, Cheng Qian had to go in and out of the battlefield frequently. Every time before he left home, he would carefully tell Guo Yiqing to take care of himself and his family. And Guo Yiqing also began to understand the responsibility on her husband's shoulders, she no longer cowered as when she first got married, but took the initiative to take care of the family.

During Cheng Qian's absence, Guo Yiqing not only had to deal with family affairs, but also dealt with visiting military and political dignitaries. With her knowledge and resourcefulness, she quickly earned the respect of these people. Many people were amazed by this young woman's ability and praised Cheng Qian for having a good wife.

Every time Cheng Qian returns from the front line, he will find that his home is in order. Guo Yiqing not only handled the housework properly, but also had in-depth discussions with him about the current situation. This made Cheng Qian feel gratified, and he found that he had made the right decision - to let his wife receive an education, which really made her grow into an independent woman.

In 1939, Guo Yiqing successfully completed his studies. At the graduation ceremony, Cheng Qian deliberately took leave to attend, and he proudly watched his wife receive the graduation certificate from the principal. At this moment, the relationship between the two seems to have made a qualitative leap. Guo Yiqing no longer regards Cheng Qian as a strange elder, but truly regards him as his husband and life partner.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

After graduation, Guo Yiqing was not satisfied with the status quo. She took the initiative to propose to Cheng Qian, hoping to contribute to the cause of the Anti-Japanese War. Cheng Qian readily agreed, and arranged for her to work as a nurse in the rear hospital.

In the hospital, Guo Yiqing witnessed the cruelty of the war and better understood her husband's determination to fight for the country. She not only did her best to take care of the wounded, but also often wrote letters to Cheng Qian on the front line, reporting the situation in the rear and cheering him on.

Every time Cheng Qian received a letter from his wife, he felt warm. He found that his wife, who was 37 years younger than him, not only did not become his burden, but became his strongest backing. On the battlefield, Cheng Qian often thinks of his wife at home, which has become one of the motivations to support him to continue fighting.

In 1940, Guo Yiqing ushered in an important moment in her life - she was pregnant. After learning the news, Cheng Qian immediately arranged for her to leave the hospital and go home to raise the baby with peace of mind. In the months that followed, despite the tension of the war, Cheng Qian still found time to go home to spend with his wife as much as possible.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

At the end of this year, Guo Yiqing successfully gave birth to a daughter. When Cheng Qian picked up his daughter for the first time, tears flashed in his eyes. This hard-won child seems to be a gift from God, which makes this couple with a huge age difference have a deeper bond.

Since then, the relationship between Cheng Qian and Guo Yiqing has become closer. They are no longer just husband and wife, but also parents of one child. The arrival of this little life has made their family more complete and their feelings deeper.

In this way, in the war-torn era, the marriage of Cheng Qian and Guo Yiqing not only did not break down because of the age gap, but became stronger in mutual understanding and support. Their story has also become a good story in that special period.

With the birth of their first daughter, Cheng Qian and Guo Yiqing's family life has entered a new stage. However, no one could have predicted that this was only the beginning of their extraordinary fertility journey. In the following years, Guo Yiqing experienced 16 pregnancies, and finally gave birth to 6 daughters for Cheng Qian. This ups and downs of childbirth not only witnessed the tenacity of their marriage, but also reflected the social reality of that era.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

In 1941, Guo Yiqing became pregnant again. However, this pregnancy did not go well. Due to the stress of the war and malnutrition, she tragically miscarried at five months of pregnancy. This accident brought a huge blow to the young Guo Yiqing, but Cheng Qian showed extraordinary understanding and support. Instead of blaming his wife, he took care of her personally and helped her through this difficult time.

In 1942, Guo Yiqing became pregnant for the third time. This time, she took extra care and strictly followed the doctor's instructions for pregnancy care. Cheng Qian also took out as much time as possible to accompany his wife and create a good pregnancy environment for her. The hard work paid off, and at the end of the year, they ushered in the birth of their second daughter.

However, giving birth to two daughters in a row did not satisfy the Cheng family. In that patriarchal era, the elders in the family began to put pressure on Guo Yiqing, hoping that she could give birth to a boy to inherit the lineage. In the face of this pressure, Cheng Qian firmly stood on his wife's side. He openly stated that both boys and girls were a gift from heaven and he cherished them equally.

Between 1943 and 1945, Guo Yiqing experienced three more pregnancies. However, due to various difficulties brought about by the war, all three pregnancies ended in miscarriages. Every miscarriage is a huge blow to Guo Yiqing, but Cheng Qian has always been by her side and given her meticulous care.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

In 1946, shortly after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Guo Yiqing became pregnant again. This time, she received better medical care and nutrition. Under the careful care of the whole family, she successfully gave birth to her third daughter. This child, born in an era of peace, seems to herald a turning point in family life.

However, the good times were short-lived. Between 1947 and 1949, Guo Yiqing experienced three more pregnancies, all of which ended in miscarriages. This series of blows has made her physical condition worse. Doctors warn that if she continues to get pregnant so frequently, it could cause permanent damage to her health.

Faced with this situation, Cheng Qian made a decision that seemed very bold at the time: he offered to temporarily stop the birth plan and let Guo Yiqing recuperate. This decision caused quite a stir in the family. Many people believe that Cheng Qian is old and should hurry up to have a boy. However, Cheng Qian insisted on his decision, believing that his wife's health was more important than having a boy.

In the early 1950s, Guo Yiqing's physical condition gradually improved. After obtaining the doctor's consent, she became pregnant again. This time, she gave birth to her fourth daughter. Although they still haven't gotten the long-awaited boy, Cheng Qian and Guo Yiqing cherish this healthy daughter.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

In 1952 and 1954, Guo Yiqing gave birth to two daughters one after another, which were their fifth and sixth children. So far, Guo Yiqing has experienced a total of 16 pregnancies, and finally gave birth to 6 daughters for Cheng Qian.

Although they did not give birth to a boy, Cheng Qian and Guo Yiqing never showed any disappointment. On the contrary, they are proud of their six daughters. Cheng Qian often said that his daughter is like a pearl in the palm of her hand, and each one is a treasure given by God.

In that patriarchal era, Cheng Qian and Guo Yiqing's attitude towards their daughters can be described as very avant-garde. Not only did they not complain because they couldn't give birth to a boy, but they provided the best education and growth environment for each daughter.

Cheng Qian often taught his daughters that "a woman's lack of talent is virtue", which is wrong. He encouraged his daughters to be like their mothers, to receive a good education and to become independent women. Under Cheng Qian's influence, all six daughters received higher education, some of them became doctors, some became teachers, and some embarked on the path of scientific research.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

Although Guo Yiqing has experienced many pregnancies and miscarriages, she has never regretted her choice. She often said that these experiences made her cherish the preciousness of life even more, and also made her and her husband more affectionate. Every setback and joy has become their common memory, making this marriage that spans ages more indestructible.

The story of Cheng Qian and Guo Yiqing is not only a rare marriage legend, but also a microcosm of that special era. It shows how a couple can work together through the ups and downs of life in the context of war and social change, how they can stick to their ideas in the shackles of traditional ideas, and how they can create their own happiness in difficult situations.

In 1949, China ushered in earth-shaking changes. With the founding of New China, the couple Cheng Qian and Guo Yiqing are also facing a major choice in their lives. As a former senior Kuomintang general, Cheng Qian's situation has become extremely complicated. At this critical moment, Guo Yiqing showed extraordinary wisdom and courage and became her husband's strong backing.

In January 1949, the Kuomintang government was defeated. As chairman of Hunan Province, Cheng Qian was faced with the difficult choice of whether to continue to resist or accept the new regime. At this critical moment, Guo Yiqing took the initiative to suggest to her husband that the interests of the country and the people should be put first, and the possibility of peacefully liberating Hunan should be considered.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

After careful consideration, Cheng Qian decided to accept Guo Yiqing's suggestion. He secretly sent people to contact the Communist Party and expressed his willingness to liberate Hunan peacefully. On August 4, 1949, accompanied by Guo Yiqing, Cheng Qian officially announced the peaceful uprising in Hunan, making an important contribution to reducing the casualties caused by the war.

However, a peaceful uprising does not mean that it will be smooth sailing. As a former senior general of the Kuomintang, Cheng Qian still faces many doubts and tests. During this difficult period, Guo Yiqing became her husband's most solid backing. She not only takes care of the family, but also actively participates in social activities and strives to create a good social image for her husband.

In 1950, Cheng Qian was appointed as a member of the Central People's Government. This appointment was a temporary relief for the couple, but it came with even greater challenges. As an "old man" in the new regime, Cheng Qian needs to constantly learn new ideas and concepts. Guo Yiqing played an important role in this process, not only studying hard herself, but also discussing new political theories with her husband to help him better adapt to the new political environment.

In 1954, the First National People's Congress was convened. Cheng Qian was elected as a deputy to the National People's Congress and was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. This is an affirmation of him, but it also means greater responsibility. Guo Yiqing knew the burden on her husband's shoulders, and she took the initiative to take on more family responsibilities, so that Cheng Qian could devote herself to her work.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

However, the political landscape is unpredictable. In 1957, the Anti-Rightist Movement began. As a former Kuomintang general, Cheng Qianinevitably became the target of censorship. In this difficult period, Guo Yiqing has shown extraordinary courage and wisdom. She not only firmly supported her husband, but also took the initiative to clarify some misunderstandings and false accusations about Cheng Qian to the relevant departments.

In 1958, the Great Leap Forward began. Although Cheng Qian disagreed with some radical policies, he had to remain silent in the political atmosphere of the time. Guo Yiqing was aware of her husband's plight, and she often talked to Cheng Qian at home, encouraging him to believe that the party and the government would eventually correct their mistakes.

In 1966, the Cultural Revolution broke out. As a representative of the "old society", Cheng Qian once again became the target of criticism. In this difficult period, Guo Yiqing has shown extraordinary courage. Regardless of her personal safety, she insisted on defending her husband, and even faced many questions from the criticism meeting. Although she herself suffered a lot, she never gave up her support for her husband.

In 1968, Cheng Qian was sent to rural Jiangxi for labor reform. Guo Yiqing did not hesitate to choose to accompany her husband to devolve. In the harsh rural life, she not only had to take care of her elderly husband, but also had to bear heavy manual labor. Despite the hardships of life, she never complained to anyone.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

During the decentralization, Guo Yiqing also took risks and secretly kept some important documents and diaries of Cheng Qian. She is well aware that these materials are of great significance for restoring the historical truth in the future. This move of hers has provided valuable first-hand information for future generations to understand this period of history.

In 1969, Cheng Qian died of illness in a decentralized manner. Even after her husband's death, Guo Yiqing still insisted on rehabilitating her husband. She wrote letters to the relevant departments many times, stating the true situation of Cheng Qian, and asking for her husband's reputation to be restored.

In 1978, with the beginning of reform and opening up, history began to be re-examined. With Guo Yiqing's unremitting efforts, Cheng Qian was finally rehabilitated. In 1980, Guo Yiqing attended the memorial service for Cheng Qian and witnessed the restoration of her husband's reputation.

In the years that followed, Guo Yiqing devoted himself to sorting out and publishing the relevant historical materials of Cheng Qian. Her efforts not only restored the true image of Cheng Qian, but also provided valuable material for scholars who studied this period of history.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

Looking back at the political situation that Cheng Qian and Guo Yiqing experienced together, we can see that the couple not only withstood the test of the times, but also showed extraordinary wisdom and courage in the turbulent years. Their story is not only a touching husband and wife relationship, but also a microcosm of that special era, reflecting the struggle and persistence of countless ordinary people in the political whirlpool.

With the death of Cheng Qian in 1969, Guo Yiqing's life entered a new stage. As Cheng Qian's widow, she shouldered the heavy responsibility of guarding her husband's legacy and inheriting the family spirit. Despite the many difficulties she faced, Guo Yiqing still lived a fulfilling and meaningful life in her old age with her usual tenacity and wisdom.

In the early 1970s, although the Cultural Revolution continued, Guo Yiqing was not overwhelmed by the gloom of the times. She began to sort out Cheng Qian's relics and manuscripts. The work was not an easy task, as the political environment at the time was still sensitive, and many documents related to Cheng Qian were considered "taboo". However, with her wisdom and courage, Guo Yiqing skillfully preserved a large number of precious historical materials. She organizes the documents and keeps them secretly in different places to make sure they are safely preserved.

In 1978, with the beginning of reform and opening up, history began to be re-examined. Guo Yiqing seized this opportunity and began to work for Cheng Qian's rehabilitation. She wrote letters to the relevant departments many times, stating the true situation of Cheng Qian, and asking for her husband's reputation to be restored. Her efforts finally paid off in 1980, when Cheng Qian was rehabilitated and a grand memorial service was held.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

At the memorial service, Guo Yiqing attended with a strong attitude and witnessed the restoration of her husband's reputation. At this moment, she not only represents herself, but also represents countless people who have suffered injustice in that special era. Her persistence and courage have made an important contribution to the justice of history.

After being rehabilitated, Guo Yiqing did not stop there. She realized that it was not enough to restore her reputation, but more importantly to let future generations know the true history. As a result, she began to compile Cheng Qian's biography and memoirs. This work took many years, Guo Yiqing not only had to sort out a large number of historical materials, but also conducted interviews with people in the know of the year many times, striving to restore the truth of history.

In 1985, with the efforts of Guo Yiqing, "The Biography of General Cheng Qian" was officially published. This book not only records Cheng Qian's life and deeds in detail, but also provides valuable first-hand information for scholars who study that period of history. In the book, Guo Yiqing not only shows Cheng Qian's achievements with an objective and fair attitude, but also does not avoid his mistakes in some historical periods, reflecting her responsible attitude towards history.

In addition to compiling biographies, Guo Yiqing is also actively involved in social activities. She has participated in various historical seminars on many occasions to share the historical truths she knows with scholars. Her narration adds a lot of vivid details to that period of history and gives people a deeper understanding of that era.

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

In family life, Guo Yiqing also plays an important role. As the elder of the family, she is committed to inheriting the family style and family motto of the Cheng family. She often tells her descendants about Cheng Qian's deeds, emphasizing the importance of patriotism, integrity, diligence and other good qualities. Under her influence, the descendants of the Cheng family have inherited the fine traditions of the family and made outstanding contributions in their respective fields.

In the 1990s, as he grew older, Guo Yiqing's physical condition began to decline. However, she still insists on participating in some important social activities. In 1995, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Guo Yiqing was invited to attend a series of commemorative activities. During these events, she told the younger generation about those arduous years as a witness, and called on everyone to cherish peace and not forget history.

Guo Yiqing in his later years, although his body is getting weaker and weaker, his spirit is still strong. She still cares about national affairs and often reads newspapers and watches the news. She often sighed that if Cheng Qian was still alive, she would definitely be pleased with the development of the motherland.

In 2000, when the new century was ushered in, Guo Yiqing, who was 95 years old, accepted an exclusive interview. In the interview, she looked back on her life, especially those years spent with Cheng Qian. "I've been through many ups and downs in my life, but I've never regretted my choice," she said. Being able to spend my life with Cheng Qian is my greatest happiness. "

A 17-year-old girl married a 54-year-old veteran, was pregnant 16 times and gave birth to 6 daughters for her husband, and insisted in her later years: no regrets

In 2005, Guo Yiqing passed away peacefully at his home in Beijing at the age of 100. Her departure marked the end of an era. However, the spiritual legacy she left behind will remain in people's hearts forever.

Guo Yiqing's later life is not only the protection of her husband's will, but also the inheritance of a family and a piece of history. She used her actions to interpret what perseverance is and what responsibility is. Her story has become a microcosm of that special era, allowing future generations to get a glimpse of the truth of history and feel the tenacity and wisdom of ordinary people in that era.

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