
Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen man!

author:Haha, it's Hanhan


"Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen person!" This classic angry scolding seems to have traveled through time and space, accurately describing a key figure in today's public opinion - He Zuoxiu.

Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen man!

This person, who is known as the "authority" of the scientific community, has not only caused an uproar in the scientific community because of his words and deeds, but also left a deep negative impression in the minds of the public. This article will delve into the words and deeds of He Zuoxiu to uncover the true face of this self-proclaimed scientist and see how he conceals his brazenness under the halo of honor.

Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen man!

Dissatisfaction and condemnation of He Zuoxiu

He Zuoxiu, this name is not unfamiliar to the Chinese scientific community. As an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he is supposed to be a model of scientific ethics, but his words and deeds have repeatedly aroused public dissatisfaction. Once upon a time, the Chinese regarded respecting the old and loving the young as a virtue, but He Zuoxiu's actions make it difficult for us to respect this "elder".

There are endless criticisms about He Zuoxiu on the Internet, but he seems to go his own way and doesn't care.

This not only makes people wonder, what kind of person is he?

Does he really deserve the halo of "academician"?

Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen man!

He Zuoxiu describes himself as a scientist, but his criticism of traditional Chinese medicine is jaw-dropping. As a physicist, he went so far as to openly question the theory of yin and yang and the five elements of Chinese medicine. Such statements show his ignorance and lack of respect for things outside his professional field.

He Zuoxiu's interdisciplinary criticism clearly violates the "Code of Conduct for Academicians" issued by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. According to this norm, academicians should speak cautiously and should not point fingers across fields. He Zuoxiu apparently turned a deaf ear to this regulation and self-righteously expressed his "high opinions".

Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen man!

He ignores organizational discipline and does not abide by the code of conduct, which makes people wonder, what kind of person is he?

Does he really understand Chinese medicine, or is he just looking for attention?

Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen man!

He Zuoxiu's inconsistent words and deeds

On September 6, 2023, He Zuoxiu published a public article on Toutiao, saying that he would change his name to "He Zuoma, a citizen of the People's Republic of China". This act of changing the name, on the surface, seems to be a kind of self-deprecation and introspection, but in fact it is a complete farce.

Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen man!

He Zuoxiu claimed to change his name, but he still posted with the title of academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This kind of inconsistent behavior makes people doubt his sincerity and puts a question mark on his integrity.

Such behavior is also reminiscent of those duplicitous "two-faced people". On the one hand, they keep talking about morality, but on the other hand, they do the opposite in action.

He Zuoxiu, is he also such a person?

Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen man!

He Zuoxiu also claimed to have been involved in the creation of the hydrogen bomb. In the list of the fathers of the "two bombs and one star", his name cannot be found at all.

This kind of self-flaunting behavior can't help but make people wonder, how many real achievements he has, and how many are made up out of thin air?

In China, scientists are a well-respected group that has earned social recognition for their rigorous attitude and practical contributions. He Zuoxiu's self-boasting is not only a damage to his own reputation, but also a blasphemy to the entire scientific community.

Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen man!

A comprehensive critique of He Zuoxiu

He Zuoxiu has shown no achievements in the professional field, and he is also disappointing in terms of personal morality. Once, he had a close relationship with Sima Nan, and the two were recognized as "old friends". With the passage of time, He Zuoxiu's attitude towards this old friend has changed dramatically.

Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen man!

In some public events, He Zuoxiu was merciless in his accusations against Sima Nan, and even turned his face ruthlessly at some critical moments. This attitude towards his friends can't help but make people question his loyalty and righteousness.

How can a person who cannot even treat his friends sincerely expect him to be responsible for the country and the people?

Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen man!

In terms of his attitude towards the motherland, He Zuoxiu's performance is also despicable. He openly made some statements slandering the motherland and even criticized the country on international occasions. This kind of behavior is disloyalty and unfilial piety to the motherland.

In traditional Chinese culture, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness are the foundation of human beings. What He Zuoxiu did was contrary to these virtues. His behavior is the best interpretation of "disloyalty, filial piety, benevolence and injustice".

Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen man!

He Zuoxiu's various words and deeds not only exposed his shortcomings in the professional field, but also exposed his serious problems in personal morality. As a public figure, he deserves to lead by example and set an example. Again and again, however, he shattered public expectations and presented an image of a lack of morality and faith.

In him, we see the fall and loss of a man. His words and deeds are not only a damage to his personal reputation, but also a challenge to the moral bottom line of the entire society. As a former scientist, he was supposed to bring positive energy to society, not become an object of public scorn.

Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen man!


He Zuoxiu, who was once hailed as an "authority" in the scientific community, has now become the object of public criticism for his words and deeds. His behavior not only casts doubt on his professional ability, but also makes people disappointed in his personal character. In this article, we analyze He Zuoxiu's words and deeds in detail, revealing his brazen true face.

Horseman, old thief, I have never seen such a brazen man!

What do you think of He Zuoxiu's words and deeds?

How do you think public figures should maintain their image and reputation?

Feel free to share your views in the comment section and let's explore and reflect on these issues together.