
The article is back in turmoil: From the peak to the trough, can he regain his former glory?

author:Little Film and Television 0l3E


On the Avenue of Fame in the entertainment industry, some people become famous overnight, and some people fall to the bottom once. Recently, an article that has not appeared for a long time appeared at a large-scale event, which aroused heated discussions among netizens. He once conquered countless audiences with his acting skills and appearance, but now he looks a little tired and old. Will he be able to regain his former glory this time? Can it win the approval of the audience?

The article is back in turmoil: From the peak to the trough, can he regain his former glory?

First, the comeback of the article attracted attention, and the change in netizens' attitudes showed clues

Since the derailment incident, the article has faded out of public view for a long time, as if it has disappeared in the wave of the entertainment industry. However, recently he unexpectedly appeared at a large-scale event, appearing with artists of the same age Zhang Jiayi and Liu Yijun. However, compared with these two energetic artists, the article looks old-fashioned and behaves submissively, which makes people sigh that the years are ruthless.

The article is back in turmoil: From the peak to the trough, can he regain his former glory?

Second, the state of the event site was not good, and netizens sighed in distress

At the event, the state of the article was worrying. His face was pale, his eyes were tired, and he was far from the sunny and handsome image of the past. In front of the camera, he appears nervous, frequently dodging his eyes and acting cautiously, as if he is afraid of being caught by the camera about his imperfections. Such a performance made netizens feel distressed and lamented how much he had changed.

The article is back in turmoil: From the peak to the trough, can he regain his former glory?

Third, the derailment incident has a far-reaching impact, and both career and family have been damaged

Looking back at the life trajectory of the article, it is not difficult to find that the derailment incident had a profound impact on him. In 2014, his relationship with Yao Di was exposed, which caused an uproar in public opinion. Although his wife Ma Yili chose to forgive, the marriage finally came to an end in 2019. In this marriage, the article and Ma Yili had two daughters. However, the breakdown of the family had a detrimental effect on the environment in which the two children grew up.

The article is back in turmoil: From the peak to the trough, can he regain his former glory?

In terms of career, the derailment incident damaged the image of the article, and the career was also greatly impacted. Although he has tried to regain the recognition of the audience by shooting movies and TV series, the results are not ideal. Now, he has reappeared in the public eye, but he is no longer the high-spirited teenager.

The article is back in turmoil: From the peak to the trough, can he regain his former glory?

4. In-depth analysis: the psychological and family factors behind the current situation of the article

The article chose to live a low-key life after the derailment incident and did not appear for a long time, which made the public curious about his current situation. Judging by his performance at the event, he may be experiencing a lot of psychological stress and anxiety. On the one hand, he fears that his image and career will be further affected; On the other hand, he may also feel guilty and remorseful about his past. This state of mind is reflected in his words and deeds, making him appear exhausted.

The article is back in turmoil: From the peak to the trough, can he regain his former glory?

In terms of family, the impact of the breakdown of the article's marriage with Ma Yili on him cannot be ignored. Although they have been divorced for many years, the psychological trauma of this marriage still exists on him. Especially when he sees his two daughters growing up in a broken family, the guilt and self-blame in his heart may be even deeper. This family factor also affected his psychological state and career development.

The article is back in turmoil: From the peak to the trough, can he regain his former glory?

Fifth, public opinion is changeable, and the future of the article is full of challenges

The public's perception of the article has undergone a shift from invincing to understanding. At the beginning of the derailment incident, netizens violently attacked and abused the article. However, with the passage of time and the fading of the incident, netizens began to gradually understand his situation and hardship. This shift in public opinion also reflects the increased attention and tolerance of the private lives of public figures.

The article is back in turmoil: From the peak to the trough, can he regain his former glory?

However, the future is still full of challenges for this article. He needs to face his past and mistakes, stand up bravely, admit it, and apologize; He needs to rebuild his image and career to win the recognition and support of the audience; He also needs to handle family relationships well and provide a healthy environment for the children to grow up. These challenges require great effort and cost to achieve.

The article is back in turmoil: From the peak to the trough, can he regain his former glory?

6. Supplementary information: The article has a good relationship with her daughter and strives to fulfill her fatherly responsibilities

Although the article's marriage to Ma Yili has broken down, his relationship with his daughters remains good. After the divorce, he remained actively involved in the lives of his daughters, accompanying them as they grew up, and gave them love and support. This kind of fatherly love makes his daughters full of recognition and dependence on him, and also makes people see his responsibilities and responsibilities as a father.

The article is back in turmoil: From the peak to the trough, can he regain his former glory?

The editor has something to say:

The story of the article gives us a glimpse of how a public figure struggles and grows in the face of difficult situations. Although his comeback road was full of challenges and difficulties, he still chose to face and bear it bravely.

The article is back in turmoil: From the peak to the trough, can he regain his former glory?

No matter what the future holds, we hope that he can find his own happiness and career and shine again. At the same time, we also hope that the public can give him more understanding and support, so that he will have the opportunity to prove himself again. After all, life is a long road, who hasn't made mistakes? The important thing is to be able to face and correct mistakes with courage and move towards a better future.

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