
King Cheng likes my sister-in-law, but my sister-in-law is not worthy of marrying the prince's concubine. Later, King Cheng married me

author:Little Sister Library

King Cheng likes my sister-in-law, but my sister-in-law is not worthy of marrying the prince's concubine.

Later, Sister Concubine was accepted by the emperor as a righteous daughter, instead of the princess and relatives, King Cheng married me.

On my wedding night, he cried at me all night.

"I like her, but we are destined to be inseparable, I will give you the respect that the concubine deserves, but I can't give you love."

And when I helped him to ascend the throne of God, he gave me a cup of poisoned wine to death.

"You were the one my father wanted to accept as a righteous daughter, and if your family insisted that she go to make peace on your behalf, you should die!"

When I opened my eyes again, I returned to the day when the emperor wanted to accept his righteous daughter.

This time, I asked myself to disguise myself as a man and go to the border, and the strategy I learned in the previous life can finally turn things around in this life.

King Cheng likes my sister-in-law, but my sister-in-law is not worthy of marrying the prince's concubine. Later, King Cheng married me


"Reisei—Sending Cave!"

The red curtain swayed gently with the breeze, and the dragon and phoenix candles on both sides of the curtain swayed with the swing of the curtain, as if they wanted to be extinguished by a breeze.

I sat on the side of the bed and waited for Duan Yunshen, the king of Cheng, and I didn't see Duan Yunshen come in for a long time, and the continuous sound of cicadas outside made me a little upset.

After a long time, the door opened.

He walked up to me and sat down beside me, and when I put down my fan and turned to look at him, I saw a mist in his eyes.

I opened my mouth and called out to him, "Lord?"

Who knew that when he turned his head to look at me, tears were already rolling in his eyes, and I was stunned for a moment, what happened to this person? Still crying on the day of the big day?

"Lord Wang, what's wrong with you?"

He was silent for a moment, "I'm sorry."

"Actually, what I like has always been your eldest sister, but because of her identity, she can't marry me directly, so I can only marry you as a concubine."

"I like her, but we are destined to be inseparable, I will give you the respect that the concubine deserves, but I can't give you love."

I was silent for a long time, but I replied faintly, "Got it."

As the daughter of the family, I knew that I would marry into the royal family, which was something I couldn't decide.

I don't know King Cheng, he made it clear to me on the wedding night, I don't care about anything else, anyway, no matter who I marry, this day is going to go on, and it is impossible to make a mess at home every day because Lang Jun doesn't like it, right?


I have been familiar with the books of sages since I was a child, and after that, I helped Duan Yunshen solve one problem after another, and finally let him succeed in ascending to the throne of God King.

On the day he became emperor, he came to my house, and I thought he would say to me, "I will repay you by making you queen, but I will not favor you."

Because he said the same thing at the time of the wedding, but I didn't expect that when he came, he tied me to the bedside, poured a glass of poisoned wine, and walked up to me.

When he spoke, his tone was so flat that there was no trace of warmth: "Chu Rong, I will feed you this glass of wine myself."

I looked at the cup of poisonous wine in his hand, and I only had resentment in my heart: "Duan Yunshen, today's position was obtained by me behind my back, but you treat me like this? Can your conscience feed the dog?"

He didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation in the face of my accusation, and his eyes were like an abyss without the bottom of the abyss: "I remember your kindness, so I came to personally send you on your way."

"Phew!" I took a sip of him, "Duan Yunshen, you're a pervert!"

He suddenly pinched my neck, lifted my chin by the way, and gritted his teeth as he spoke: "Chu Rong, don't toast and don't eat and drink."

"If you want me to die, you won't give me a reason?" I snorted, "All my planning and help over the years have been fed to the dogs!"

"You were the one my father wanted to accept as a righteous daughter, and if your family insisted that she go to make peace on your behalf, you should die!"

A trace of anger flashed in his eyes: "If it weren't for you, Chu Yun wouldn't have gone to make peace with you instead, if it weren't for you, Chu Yun and I would still have a chance."

I laughed angrily: "If you hadn't married me, the person you kissed would naturally be me, do you want to marry me first and then admit my sister into the door?" A step late is a step too late, and it's all because you weren't determined in the first place."

He was completely furious, and his eyes suddenly became extremely scarlet, and he suddenly opened my mouth and poured the poisoned wine down: "Give me a drink!"

"Chu Wan and I don't have a chance, don't you want to live well!"

When I was forced to drink the poisoned wine, a fishy sweetness welled up in my throat, and then my eyes went black.

My resentment was not gone, and my soul stayed in place for a long time to watch what happened after Duan Yunshen became emperor, until a thunder split it during the heavy rain.


But when I opened my eyes again, I returned to the day when the emperor wanted to accept the daughter of the family as a righteous daughter and replace the princess and relatives.

I realized that I had been born again, and suddenly I was overjoyed.

Being born again means that I can change the outcome of my previous life.

This time, I took the initiative and stood up firmly to prevent my parents from sending the eldest sister to replace the princess and her relatives.

I knelt before Your Majesty and begged in a sonorous voice: "Your Majesty, the courtiers are willing to disguise themselves as men to go to the battlefield to repel the enemy's army, and ask Your Majesty to withdraw the intention of harmony."

His Majesty couldn't say anything on his sick face, but was silent for a moment: "Have you thought it through? The border battlefield is extremely dangerous, and you can't afford it as a woman."

I still insisted: "The courtiers have made up their minds, and although the border battlefield is extremely dangerous, the courtiers are willing to go, and as long as they repel the enemy country, Yasukuni will no longer have to show weakness to the enemy country and sue for peace."

There was a bit of confusion in his tone: "But how much do you know about the use of soldiers?"

"The courtiers have read many books since they were young, including the books of war, and the courtiers are confident that they will be able to repel the enemy country, and ask Your Majesty to give the courtiers a chance, if the courtiers can't do it, then the courtiers will go and kiss."

I looked up at him firmly: "The courtiers are willing to make a military order here, if it fails, the courtiers will go to make peace and pay the due price for my Yasukuni sacrifice."

His Majesty was silent for a long time: "Since you are determined, then go, since you want to disguise yourself as a man, then I will give you one, Chu Yuan, to make you a pioneer and allow you to go to the border pass to repel the enemy army."

I leaned down and bowed, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your name and seal!"

When I left, I glanced at Duan Yunshen, who had been looking at Chu Yun from the side, and secretly swore in my heart.

Duan Yunshen, I will kill you with my own hands, and when I climb to a higher position than you, and when I have more power than you in my hands, I will definitely not show mercy to your subordinates, just as you will not show mercy to my subordinates.

I will definitely take your life!

When I got home, my father, who had a cold face, finally couldn't help but start scolding me, he was so angry that his hands trembled slightly, pointed at my nose and looked at me viciously, but his eyes were full of concern.

"What a dangerous place at the border, don't you want to die if you go?! Not only don't you want to die, but you don't want your father and mother! How could I have given birth to such an arrogant daughter as you?!"

I smiled lightly, "Father, if I win, then Yasukuni doesn't need to bow his head, is there anything wrong?"

"You're big!" My father flicked his sleeve angrily and turned his head away from me, "It's much more dangerous for a daughter of yours to go to war than a man to go to war, what should you talk about?!"

My mother sighed as she watched me cry and clapped my hand gently, "I know you're kind, but it's a bit ridiculous."

The father snorted coldly, "No matter how good you are, you can't act like this! Tomorrow I will go and apologize to His Majesty, and beg him to take back his life, and you will be honest at home, and you will not go anywhere!"

I was silent for a moment, and when I spoke again, I was extremely firm: "Father, mother, and daughter decide to do it, even if the second elder does not agree."

But where is it so easy to get their consent?


At nightfall, I sneaked out to meet the eldest princess.

The eldest princess is my brother's mother-in-law, and she has always had a good relationship with me after a few games of polo because she admires my skills, and we have had a good conversation after that, and I know that she is an ambitious woman.

She gently fanned the jade fan in her hand and looked at me with a smile, "Why is Rong'er free today?"

I smiled lightly, "I came today to ask the princess for something, and I want the princess to help me persuade my father to let me join the army."

She frowned slightly, "Join the army?"

I told her what had happened.

"Since Your Majesty has decreed, your parents are unwilling and cannot disobey the holy will."

"The princess understands my parents, and if they really don't agree, there will be a way for Your Majesty to take back their fate."

"But if this is the case, then someone must go to the marriage, not to mention that there are other countries, do they all have to marry noble daughters to make marriage? With all due respect, if the princess's two daughters are also married off, will the princess be willing to watch her daughter marry far away?"

"But if we repel the enemy army and fight until they bow their heads and admit their mistakes, then we have the initiative, so why bother with a noble girl to make peace? Forgive Chu Rong for offending, His Majesty has always been weak, if he feels that he can't win, he will not choose to fight hard, but will give in."

"At this time, it is not only Yasukuni who has been wronged, but also the noble daughter who is kind."

"But why does it have to be a woman to kiss? After all, it is those men who think that women should marry and have children, so women's marriages are arranged by them at will, but why are only women? Isn't there any meaning in being a woman?"

"I invited myself to go to the border because I think that as long as women can stand up and do something now, no matter what they want, it is impossible, with merit, their men will no longer bully us, and with merit, it can prove that women can also become strongmen."

"With merit, we can call on more people to be ourselves, not vassals of men, and to do things for the country with dignity."

The fan in her hand suddenly stopped, and she half-lowered her eyes and pondered for a long time: "You go back and pack your things, your parents will have me to talk about it."

I saluted, "Thank you, princess."

Although the eldest princess and His Majesty were born of the same mother, they were diametrically opposed, and His Majesty became weaker after a long illness, but the eldest princess has always been decisive and knows how to leave room for her temperament, which I can feel from the time she plays polo with me.

Such a person has ambitions, the emperor liked her very much, if she wasn't a woman, where would there be a time when His Majesty would be the emperor?

I felt sorry for her, but now that I am reborn, I want to make myself meaningful, and let such a wise and resourceful person change the fate of being a vassal with me!

I went back to pack my things, but the next afternoon when I was about to leave, my father was standing outside the door.

The father was silent for a long time: "Chen Fan is now at the border pass, you and he have known each other since childhood, I wrote a letter to him to take care of you more, the sword has no eyes on the battlefield, be careful."

I smiled, "Thank you, Dad."


Five days later, I dressed as a man and rode a fast horse to the border.

When I reported to the army, I directly said the name Chu Yuan, and then Chen Fan ran out of the camp tent and looked at me, as if to confirm something.

After a while, he patted me on the shoulder and said to the others, "This is Chu Yuan, the pioneer officer personally appointed by His Majesty, everyone will be brothers in the future, so be polite."

After everyone greeted me, Chen Fan pulled me to his tent: "You are really nonsense, what kind of place is the border pass, you dare to come and break in casually?"

I patted him on the shoulder: "Your Majesty has personally sealed me and allowed me to come to the border, this is the holy will."

Chen Fan glanced at me helplessly: "When Chu Shibo wrote a letter, he said that you were coming, but I didn't believe it, but now I see that he is not wrong at all, you are very bold and reckless now."

I snorted, "What audacity? I'm here to make meritorious service at the border."

"Just so that other people don't have to be reconciled?"

"It's okay to be close to each other once or twice, but now there has been one kiss now, and frequent kisses are to show weakness, send concubines to be an An Sheji, I don't know where to use a general, if there is no general, then I will be this general!"

Chen Fan suddenly laughed: "Brother, I cover you, you will definitely be a general in the future!"

We bumped fists as we used to after a polo game.

Chen Fan's family and my family are world friends, and we have known each other since childhood, and we have cultivated a tacit understanding.

Chen Fan is not only my brother, but also my teacher, my martial arts are taught by Chen Fan, but I and his martial arts are not the same, I have always been a random response, to respond to all changes, pay attention to the use of skills to win, he is really fierce, purely by force to win.

In the past, I thought he was too dull, but now he is still very dull, just like now.

"If you want to send troops directly, it will be a provocation, I don't agree! It's okay to make a whole deal out of you!"

"It's called taking the lead, if I'm not sure, do I dare to do it first?"

He still disagreed: "After we won a few battles recently, although it was a stalemate, but we didn't have the intention of making a big move, if we took the city, it would be an official war, and if there was no will, it would be a violation of the military order."

I pulled him to the simulated sand table and began to demonstrate to him: "Here take a team of people to the gate of their barracks at dawn, and send three teams to the rest of the place, two teams will attack, and the other team will burn their grain and grass."

"Then they will all be besieged by us and will have to flee."

He was silent, and I knew he was hesitating, because if I succeeded, I would be meritorious, and if I didn't, I would be punished, and I would probably be expelled from the barracks, and according to the military order I had made, I would probably be sent to peace.

But I'm not afraid, I'm here to win.

I tapped him on the shoulder, "Do you remember the books I picked up from the used book stalls?"

He recalled, "That evil book crooked?"

"What kind of evil way?" I blamed him for not being able to read the goods, "That book is extraordinary, go and get me some saltpeter, charcoal, and brimstone, and I'll show you what it means to be called a fire tree and a silver flower, oh, by the way, these things must be powdered and wrapped separately."

He frowned puzzled, "Fire Tree Silver Flower?"

In the evening, he came to me with these three things, and I took him to a small flat field that was inaccessible and put them on the ground.

I lit the fire: "Stay away and watch carefully."

I threw the lit fire fold on the three packets of things accurately, and when I heard a "bang", a flash of fire exploded.

Chen Fan looked at the fire on the ground in surprise: "This is what is written on your evil sect crooked path?"

"It's all said that it's not an evil way!"

He touched me lightly on the shoulder, and looked at me with a hippie smile: "Eh, can you borrow me this book when you come back?"

I smirked, "Don't you think it's a crooked way?"

After that, Chen Fan asked people to buy a lot of saltpeter, charcoal and sulfur back, and then made a lot of gunpowder with me, filled it with gunpowder one after another, and wrapped it on the arrows, and did not forget to leave a line on the gunpowder bag.


Taking advantage of the night, Chen Fan followed what I said, and the teams flanking on both sides were ambushed around the enemy army, and I took the team with the fire to burn grain and grass to go around and ambush them first.

When the sky begins to show the whiteness of the fish's belly, start to do it.

After that, there was no doubt that we won the battle.

Chen Fan listed my merits in the book, and asked for a seal for me, and when I celebrated that night, I walked to the side alone, sat by the fire and drank wine silently.

When I was drunk, I heard a soldier passing by talking.

"Isn't it just that you got a fire tree and a silver flower to blow up their grain and grass? Can you be a general?"

"No, as if he had a high level of merit himself, how long had he been in the barracks? Immediately he was made a general."

I pricked up my ears and listened, and went on drinking, I didn't care what these people thought of me, I only cared about two things now.

"He may not be someone's opponent with real swords and guns, how ferocious the iron cavalry of the enemy country is, whoever of us is right, it is a dead end."

"That's it, if you really have such the ability to hit the iron horse, who will be convinced by relying on these side doors to get on the left side?"

"General Chu relies on the wisdom in his head, if you are not convinced, let's see if General Chu can win you!"

I turned my head to look, and Chen Fan didn't know when he was standing in front of those people, looking at them viciously.

"General Chen, we drank too much, and we didn't have a heart."

"If you drink too much, go back to the tent and sleep! Don't let me hear you chewing your tongue here!"

Chen Fan kicked the last soldier who left, then walked up to me and sat down, stretched out his hand to me, I glanced at his outstretched hand, and then raised my head and took another sip of wine.

Chen Fan frowned: "Are you still drinking when your face is red?"

"I'm glad! I'd love to."

Chen Fan frowned, snatched the wine jar from my hand, and looked at me after taking a sip of wine: "Do you have something on your mind?"

"Did what those boys just say make you unhappy?"

I shook my head: "It has nothing to do with them, there are too many people who are red when they see others gaining power, so there is no need to worry about these people."

Chen Fan was puzzled: "Then how can I see you as if you have something on your mind all night?"

"I thought to myself, if they don't bend down and ask for peace, then I won't stop."

Chen Fan was silent for a moment: "Since you have decided to go to war, take your kindness away, wars will always affect ordinary people, but fortunately, they have met a very smart general who can protect them."

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