
My husband and I gave birth at the same time as my little green plum, and she gave birth to a healthy child, and I gave birth to a sick boy

author:Little Sister Library

My husband's little green plum and I gave birth at the same time.

Zhang Wanwan gave birth to a healthy child, but she was not welcomed because her father was unknown, and she died of a cold before she was full-term.

And although I gave birth to a sick boy, because I took care of him day and night, and begged my grandfather to raise him personally, not only raised him smoothly, but also helped him get a title on the gold list.

But on the day of his three yuan and the first day, he teamed up with my husband and strangled me to death with white silk.

Before I died, I saw my son holding Zhang Wanwan and said to me with a guilty face:

"Mother, don't blame me. Only when you die, can my own mother become Mrs. Xuefu......

"You love me so much, let me reunite with my mother as soon as possible......

It turned out that this sick white-eyed wolf was born to her husband and Zhang Wanwan.

And my child has been killed by them a long time ago!

I was mad, I opened my eyes again, and I was back on the day of the birth.

My husband and I gave birth at the same time as my little green plum, and she gave birth to a healthy child, and I gave birth to a sick boy


Feeling the movement in my stomach, I subconsciously held my stomach.

Zhang Wanwan on the side came over a little excitedly: "Sister, but she is about to give birth?"

I stiffened, and slowly looked up at the woman in front of me, who also had a big belly.

I held back my anger and finally confirmed the fact that I had been reborn.

In my previous life, it was at this time that Zhang Wanwan and I were in labor on the same day.

She is my husband, Xue Xun's childhood friend.

Half a year ago, he suddenly came to Xue Mansion to seek refuge.

Xue Xun at that time, what did he tell me?

"Yunfu, Wanwan and I are like brother and sister. She followed the wrong man, and after marrying her, he kicked her out of the house.

"But who would have thought that she was pregnant. She had nowhere else to go, so she begged me. In any case, the child is innocent, let her stay in my Xue Mansion for the time being, and then send her back to her parents' house after she gives birth to the child."

At that time, I was already pregnant and a new mother, how could I bear to see someone who was pregnant with Liujia homeless?

I relented for a while, so I agreed, and let Zhang Wanwan enter the Xue Mansion and live in a side hospital.

I specially instructed her to be treated in accordance with mine.

Even the supplements sent by my mother's family, I also gave a share to Zhang Wanwan.

She was pregnant three months later than I did, so it was unlikely that she would have given birth on the same day.

But at that time, the doctor Xue Xun asked said that maybe it was because of mood swings and premature birth.

But although she was born prematurely, I heard that she still gave birth to a healthy child.

But because the biological father is unknown, he is not treated well by the people in the house, and the child died before he was full-term.

At that time, because my children were weak, I focused on my children every day.

It wasn't until I got out of confinement that I learned about Zhang Wanwan.

I felt guilty, punished the people in her yard, and took the initiative to let my children recognize her as a godmother.

Zhang Wanwan poured all the mother's love that had nowhere else into my children.

I don't doubt that he has him, taking care of the baby day and night, and begging my grandfather to raise it himself.

not only raised him smoothly, but also helped him win the title of the gold list.

But on the day of his three yuan and the first, he was with Xue Xun.

With a white silk, I want to end my life.

He walked in with Zhang Wanwan, who was dressed gracefully and luxuriously, with a guilty face:

"Mother, don't blame me. Only when you die, can my mother become the lady of this Xue Mansion......

"You love me so much, let me reunite with my mother as soon as possible......

It wasn't until I was dying that I realized that I had been tricked by the three of them.

The child I worked so hard to raise was a white-eyed wolf, a child born to Zhang Wanwan and Xue Xun.

Xue Xun kept saying "love for brother and sister", but he was a love sister.

I hated it and I was mad.

I hate their deception, and I am even more angry at my own stupidity.

Unexpectedly, when I opened my eyes again, I was reborn.

Back to the day I went into labor.


I gently stroked my stomach and silently counted the hours in my heart.

I remember that my amniotic water broke when I was close to the end of the day.

As soon as she was helped to the bed, she heard that Zhang Wanwan's amniotic water had also broken.

It's too late, and I still have time to prepare.

Since I have returned to the day of childbirth, I will also save my own children.

As for Zhang Wanwan and Xue Xun.

When I've made sure my kids are safe, I'll clean them up!

I stabilized my mind and hurriedly called my personal maid and asked her to help me up.

"Sister, I'm a little sleepy, I want to go back to the house and squint for a while, so I'm not here to accompany you. Go back to your own yard."

Zhang Wanwan was stunned, looked at my stomach unwillingly, and then slowly got up.

"Then I won't bother you, sister, and I'll come back to accompany you when you wake up."

I lowered my eyes slightly, and my heart felt cold.

My day of giving birth is getting closer and closer, and Zhang Wanwan is coming to me more and more often.

Her rhetoric was to come over to accompany me and look at me by the way, in case something happened.

In my previous life, I didn't think much about it, but I welcomed her arrival.

After all, it's boring to stay alone in the yard every day, and it's good to think about chatting with multiple people.

But now that I know what she and Xue Xun are thinking, I understand.

She came so often to find the right time to "give birth" with me.

I looked at Zhang Wanwan's departing figure, pulled over the personal maid and whispered:

"You quickly ask someone to prepare the carriage, and we will hurry back to the Taifu Mansion."

Although the Xue Mansion has always been taken care of by me.

But since I was pregnant, the doctor I invited and the midwife, all of which were handled by Xue Xun himself.

At that time, the maid around me was still praising Xue Xun in front of me, saying that he really fell in love with me and did it himself.

But who would have thought that he was just to install his own people, and on the day I gave birth, he would have a tanuki to replace the prince!

I can't stay any longer in this Xue Mansion.

Although the child's father is Xue Xun, it is okay to have such a father.

I want to give birth to a child, but I want to go back to my Ye family to give birth.

I hurried back to the house and asked my servants to quickly pack up some clothes.

Then he led the people out of the courtyard.

How do you know that as soon as he walked out, he bumped into Xue Xun head-on.

"Ma'am, where is this going?"


Seeing Xue Xun's face, I was furious, and I wanted to cut him with a thousand knives.

But I can't.

I don't have any evidence to confirm that the child in Zhang Wanwan's womb is his.

Empty words are unfounded, but they are likely to arouse their vigilance.

I took a deep breath and spoke slowly:

"Today, my thoughts are a little restless, I'm afraid that something will happen to my family, I want to go back to the Taifu Mansion to see."

Xue Xun frowned:

"I didn't hear anything happen in the Ye Mansion, did I? Madame, don't worry too much, it's better to take care of your body.

"I'll help you back to rest."

I took a few steps back vigilantly, unable to hide my disgust.

"Don't touch me!"

I paused, for fear that Xue Xun would notice something abnormal, so I hurriedly made amends:

"I...... I smell you and feel bad.

"I probably haven't been home for a long time, I miss my dad. Husband, I'll go back today, and I'll be back tomorrow."

I tugged at the sleeve of the maid next to me and motioned for her to help me out.

But Xue Xun blocked my way.

His face was a little gloomy, and his tone was displeased:

"Ma'am, isn't this nonsense?! The doctor has said that you will give birth in a few days, don't be negligent! Why are you still making a fuss at this time?!

"Hurry back to the house, and after you give birth to the child, it won't be too late for me to accompany you back to Ye Mansion."

I was a little angry, but I also knew that now that I had a big belly, I couldn't fight against him.

It seems that there is no other way to find another way.

I turned around and hurried to my waist and walked towards the house.

Seeing that Xue Xun didn't follow, I hurriedly whispered to the personal maid and said:

"Find someone you can trust, preferably someone we brought from home before, and ask her to come over to my father. Be sure to be fast! Yes, remember to ask my father to bring Wen Po and the doctor over!"

The stable woman invited by Xue Fu, I don't dare to believe it at all.

Fortunately, when I first married into the Xue Mansion, my father couldn't let me go, so he specially assigned a few people to enter the Xue Mansion with me.

At least this group of people, I can still trust.

I sat on the edge of the couch and looked out the window, begging my father to come sooner, sooner.

After a while, Xue Xun helped Zhang Wanwan walk in.

I frowned, watched Xue Xun intimately put a cushion on the chair for Zhang Wanwan, and then helped Zhang Wanwan sit down.

Zhang Wanwan smiled and took the hand stove handed over by Xue Xun, and asked me:

"Didn't my sister just say that she was sleepy and wanted to rest for a while, why did she suddenly want to go back to her parents' house?

"My sister also has to take care of her body, how can she just leave? When others find out, I will think that my sister has quarreled with Brother Xun."

I closed my eyes, not wanting to look at these two disgusting faces again.

I was really stupid in my previous life, so Xue Xun took such care of Zhang Wanwan, so many details, but I was always ignored because of the phrase "brother and sister affection".

No matter how much a woman who is in love with her brother and sister is pregnant, what is more important than her wife being pregnant?

And Zhang Wanwan's words are condemning me, and she looks like a master, which really disgusts me.

I can't wait to step forward and slap these two people in the face directly!

I turned my head away, unwilling to deal with them, and just wanted my father to come to the Xue Mansion quickly.

I don't know if it's because I'm angry, and my stomach suddenly hurts.

I tugged at my skirt in pain, feeling a stream of heat run down my legs.

It's over, the amniotic water breaks.

How come it was an hour earlier than in a previous life?!

The first to notice my abnormality was Zhang Wanwan, who stood up excitedly and grabbed Xue Xun's sleeve.

"Brother Xun, she...... My sister's amniotic water seems to be broken!"


I looked at the two of them and walked over to me excitedly.

Xue Xun waved his hand even more and ordered someone to hurry up and ask Wen Po.

"Hurry up and get Madame to bed!"

I struggled to push away the man beside him, desperately resisting.

"No, I don't want to live here...... I want to go back to Yefu!"

Xue Xun angrily tugged at my hand.

"It's nonsense! Yunfu, why are you so ignorant today! You're all about to become mothers!

"Hurry up and lie down in bed!"

Xue Xun saw that I was still struggling, so he slapped me in the face directly.

I was completely stunned.

His face twisted, furious:

"Ye Yunfu, don't toast and don't eat and drink! It seems that I am too used to you on weekdays, and you still have the courage to mess around with me at a critical time! This is the child of my Xue family, where will I be born if I don't give birth to my Xue family?!"

His Xue Xun's child?

I burst into tears with laughter.

If he really has a child like me in his eyes, how could he transfer him and let him die in less than a month?!

If there is no Zhang Wanwan's handwriting in this, without his acquiescence, I absolutely don't believe it!

I raised my head coldly and warned him sharply:

"Xue Xun, don't forget. I'm the daughter of a master! If I make any mistakes, if my children make any mistakes, you can't afford to be a Chinese scholar!"

Xue Xun's body stiffened, and he turned his head a little weakly.

"Ye Yunfu, I'm thinking about your body here! Your water is broken, and you have to endure bumps, what if the fetus is not in the right position?!"

yes, I know I shouldn't be at a time like this.

But if you don't make trouble, won't you wait to be used by Xue Xun and Zhang Wanwan again?!

I've died once anyway, and I don't care about myself anymore.

Even if I am in danger, my child will not be replaced by Zhang Wanwan again!

Zhang Wanwan behind Xue Xun suddenly screamed, causing Xue Xun to quickly abandon me and turn around to support her.

The two of them glanced at each other, and Zhang Wanwan clutched her stomach and screamed again.

"I...... Brother Xun, my belly ...... My amniotic water is broken.......

Xue Xun hurriedly called someone to come over to help Zhang Wanwan, and sent Zhang Wanwan to the side room to wait for Wen Po to arrive.

I calmed down my panic and reacted quickly.

I still have a chance, the production is not so fast, as long as I hold on until my father arrives, I will definitely be able to destroy Xue Xun and Zhang Wanwan's plan.

I took a deep breath, stroked my stomach, and ordered someone to drive Xue Xun out.

"Women give birth, men are not allowed in the house!

"Since Sister Wan'er's amniotic water has also broken, you better call more people to go to her side, I have enough people here!"

Xue Xun thought I had figured it out, nodded with satisfaction, and patted me on the shoulder.

"Yunfu don't be afraid, I know that your mother died because of dystocia, and it is normal for you to be afraid. Don't worry, I'll be keeping watch over you outside the door."

Of course he would.

It's just that it won't be outside my door.

It will only be outside the door of Zhang Wanwan, who he misses.


After Xue Xun left, I was helped to lie on the bed.

I pulled my maid over and asked her to keep watch over me.

"Xin'er, if I pass out, we must guard the child and not let Wen Po take it away!

"Also, if the father comes, let him stop Xue Xun, don't let him get close to the child, and don't let the child stay away from your sight!"

Xin'er looked at me so nervously, although she didn't know the specific reason, she still nodded nervously.

I took a deep breath and gently put my hand on my stomach, feeling the beating inside.

Child, you are angry, and your mother is also angry.

This time, I must not let you be snatched away!

After a while, Wen Po walked in with someone, and when she saw Xin'er on the side, she was about to drive out of the room without saying a word.

"It's enough for us to take care of Madame, you just wait outside!"


I trembled, endured the pain, and grabbed Xin'er's hand.

"She's my personal maid, and she's got to be here!"

The two Wen Po glanced at each other, glared at Xin'er resentfully, and hurriedly went to the side to prepare.

I don't know how long it took, but the pain in my lower body became more and more frequent.

I clung to the futon, and my consciousness gradually drifted away.

I don't know how long it took, but faintly I heard a clear cry.

"Born, born!

"Madame, it's a boy!

"Wait a minute, what are you doing?!"

I forced myself to open my eyes, and I saw Xin'er snatching the child in her hand with the two stable women.

A stable woman directly grabbed Xin'er's hair and punched and kicked her.

Seeing that the child was snatched away by another stable woman, my heart sank, and I bit my lower lip to force myself to wake up.

Despite the pain of the tear in my lower body, I struggled and rolled out of bed.

"No...... Child...... My baby......


I couldn't stop panicking and fear, and I crawled out with all my strength, trying to stop Wen Po.

Couldn't I protect my children in my first life?!

The next second, the door was pushed open from the outside.

The man at the door wrung his eyebrows and glared at Wen Po, looked at the child who was still crying in her hand, and hugged the child over.

"Where are you taking him?!"

He saw me lying on the ground, and hurried in regardless of etiquette.

"Fu'er, it's okay!"


Looking at my father in front of me, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Daddy...... Child...... Don't let anyone ...... Take away ......"

As soon as I finished speaking, I passed out completely.


I was awakened by a burst of thunder.

I was so frightened that I suddenly got up and looked around in a panic.

"What about the child, what about my child?!"

Xin'er hurriedly walked to the bedside with her swaddling clothes in her arms to comfort me:

"Madame, the child is here. The child is safe and sound."

I quickly picked up the child and looked into it.

is different from the dry and thin baby he saw in his previous life, the soft and white, chubby face in front of him makes people can't help but want to poke his little face.

I cried out loud and carefully held him in my arms.

This is my child, this is my child!

When I saw the child in my previous life, I didn't have any doubts.

Why does a child look so thin and petite?

The doctor Xue Xun invited told me that it was because it took too long during the delivery process and had difficult birth, which caused the child's congenital constitution to be weaker than that of normal children.

My own mother died of dystocia back then, and no one has taught me about childbirth for so many years.

Naturally, I couldn't tell what kind of full-term baby was and what kind of premature baby was.

I believed the doctor's words, but I felt guilty, thinking that it was my own fault that caused the child to suffer so much.

What's more, Xue Xun has always used the child's weak health as an excuse, and he has never even held a full moon ceremony, until the child is more than a year old, and it is not seen by the world.

I never realized that the child wasn't my own.

My father stood outside the screen and asked me anxiously:

"Why is Fu'er still crying? What the hell is going on, that I was suddenly asked to come over?

"You don't know how scared your father is when he comes in and sees you lying on the ground! I'm afraid you'll be like your mother...... You're going to scare the old man to death!"

I wrinkled my nose and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Father, I'm fine. I ......."

I paused, suddenly reacted, and hurriedly looked up and asked:

"By the way, what about Zhang Wanwan! That Zhang Wanwan's child was born?

"And Xue Xun, is he here?"

The father paused, and his tone was impatient:

"The woman who gave birth in your side room? She gave birth, also a boy. Xue Xun still came to you with the child in his arms. I remembered your words and didn't let them in.

"The girl's child......

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