
What is the normal range for fasting blood sugar? Criteria for fasting blood glucose control in older adults

author:99 Health Net

With the increase of age, the body's metabolic capacity gradually declines, and blood sugar control has become an important part of the health management of the elderly. In older people over 65 years of age, the standard of fasting blood glucose control is different from that of younger people. This article will explore the range of fasting glycemic control appropriate for this age group and provide some recommendations for management.

What is the normal range for fasting blood sugar? Criteria for fasting blood glucose control in older adults

1. The normal range of fasting blood glucose

Fasting blood sugar (FBG) refers to the blood sugar level measured in the fasting state, usually after more than 8 hours without food. For the average adult, the normal range of fasting blood glucose is usually 70 to 99 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).

2. Fasting blood glucose control standards for the elderly

  1. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends:
  2. For most adults 65 years of age and older, the ADA's recommended fasting glycemic control goal is 100 to 140 mg/dL.
  3. Individualized Goals:
  4. Depending on individual differences, including factors such as life expectancy, risk of complications, risk of hypoglycemia, etc., doctors may set different blood sugar control goals for patients.
  5. Avoid hypoglycemia:
  6. Hypoglycemia is poorly tolerated in older people, so glycemic control should not be too low to avoid hypoglycemic events.
What is the normal range for fasting blood sugar? Criteria for fasting blood glucose control in older adults

3. Factors affecting blood sugar control

  1. Diet:
  2. Eating a balanced diet and controlling carbohydrate intake can help stabilize blood sugar.
  3. Motion:
  4. Moderate physical activity can improve the body's sensitivity to insulin and lower blood sugar.
  5. Drugs:
  6. Use hypoglycemic drugs rationally and adjust the dose according to the doctor's instructions.
  7. Monitoring:
  8. Monitor your blood sugar regularly to stay informed about changes in your blood sugar.
What is the normal range for fasting blood sugar? Criteria for fasting blood glucose control in older adults

Fourth, management strategy

  1. Healthy Eating:
  2. Increase dietary fiber intake and reduce high-sugar and high-fat foods.
  3. Regular exercise:
  4. Choose the appropriate form of exercise according to your physical condition, such as walking, tai chi, etc.
  5. 理用药:
  6. Follow your doctor's instructions to evaluate the effects and side effects of your medications regularly.
  7. blood glucose monitoring:
  8. Develop a blood glucose monitoring plan as recommended by your doctor.
  9. Education & Support:
  10. Learn about diabetes and participate in diabetes education programs.

V. Conclusion

For older adults over 65 years of age, fasting blood glucose control is relatively relaxed, but individualized management is still required. Through a healthy diet, moderate exercise, rational medication and regular monitoring, older adults can effectively control their blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes complications. At the same time, the elderly should pay special attention to avoid hypoglycemia in the process of blood glucose management.

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