
Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

author:The passing years that can't be held

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Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Edit: The uncontrollable passing years

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

In this colorful entertainment circle, Ou Hao's name is not only the young fast man figure on the stage back then, but has transformed into a powerful actor with both box office and word-of-mouth.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Since his debut, Ou Hao has crossed one seemingly insurmountable gap after another with his indomitable grassroots spirit, from controversial to world-wide attention, in less than ten years, leaving his own deep mark in nearly 40 works.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Born in the ordinary, but ambitious. Ou Hao's growth story began with an ordinary family, but it was not ordinary.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

At the age of eleven, in the face of family changes, he chose to fight against fate.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

When he was a teenager, he already understood the weight of life, and this seed planted became a source of strength for him to move forward bravely.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

At the age of 16, he was admitted to an art school and worked part-time, although it was hard, but it also paved the way for the future.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

A blockbuster, there is always Bole behind it.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

At the age of 21, Ou Hao stood on the stage of "Happy Boy", and this brave attempt allowed him to meet the mentor who changed his fate - Nicholas Tse.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

His star journey began here, from music to the entertainment industry, although accompanied by incomprehension and doubts, but it is also a sign of his dream to set sail.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Challenge yourself and cross over from singer to actor. Ou Hao's career as an actor has not been smooth sailing, especially before taking over the film "Left Ear", he was met with almost piercing doubts.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

However, to everyone's surprise, he played the leading role for the first time, and conquered the audience and professionals with his deep and delicate portrayal of the role of Zhang Yang, and this turning point is undoubtedly the most eye-catching footnote in Ou Hao's acting career.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Love and pain, the price of growth.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

The relationship with Ma Sichun allowed him to taste the sweetness of love, but also encountered the storm of public opinion brought about by the difference in identity.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

The unsuccessful end of this relationship made him bear a heavy criticism.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Ou Hao did not sink because of this, but turned every scar into the motivation to climb to the top.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Professionalism and extraordinary achievements. In each of these works, Ou Hao devotes himself to it.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Whether it is the fear of injury in "China Airport", or the real experience in "Flowers in Half a Summer", or the dangerous challenges in "Eight Hundred" and "Jedi Pursuit", every physical action is the best testimony of his sincerity and faith in his acting career.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

This dedication has made Ou Hao a reliable and trustworthy acting school in the eyes of many directors.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Breaking the cocoon into a butterfly, the grassroots has become a legend.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Ou Hao proved with his actions that his or her background does not define a person's worth. From obscurity to tens of billions of actors, every step takes solid effort and sweat.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

He is not only synonymous with inspiration, but also a role model for the younger generation of actors to learn.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Chen Daoming's evaluation is not only a recognition of Ou Hao's acting skills, but also a symbol of inheritance - using the role to dialogue with the audience, shaping with heart, and touching people with art.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Ou Hao's story is an inspirational story in the new era, and it is also a vivid portrayal of the grassroots power in the entertainment industry.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

In this industry full of variables, he used his 11-year history of struggle to declare to the world: real gold is not afraid of fire, although the road to the dream is long and difficult, but as long as you persevere, nothing is impossible.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Today's Ou Hao, under the bright stars, still maintains his original intention and love for performing arts, and continues to write his own legendary chapter.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

In the face of the outside world's attacks on negative labels such as "eating soft rice", Ou Hao chose to remain silent and turned all his justifications into motivation to devote himself to his works.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

In "The Legend of Wukong", he played Tianpeng, which not only shocked the audience with a subversive image, but also allowed people to see his increasingly superb acting skills and in-depth understanding of the role.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Every time Ou Hao appears, he proves in his own way that he is not only an actor with a handsome appearance, but also an actor with deep connotation and potential.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Especially in the pain and struggle of transformation, Ou Hao's role choice is particularly important. Whether it is the complex psychological presentation in "Youth" or the grasp of complex emotions in "Hard to Escape", every step tests his acting skills and the depth of human nature.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

These works include not only his unremitting pursuit of performing arts, but also his courage to challenge himself as an actor. Every drop of sweat and every shot is the footprint of his growth, witnessing the transformation of a real actor from youth to maturity, from passive acceptance to active control of the role.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Ou Hao's artistic path is also a path of continuous exploration and self-transcendence. He is not satisfied with a single type of role, but has the courage to try different ways of playing. Whether it's the smart and rebellious teenage detective in the "Detective Chinatown" series, or the sense of humor shown in comedy works like "Fierce Bugs", Ou Hao can grasp the character's characteristics just right, give them life, and make the characters three-dimensional and vivid. This attempt is not only to break through himself, but also reflects his strong desire and challenge as an actor for diverse roles.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

It is particularly worth mentioning that in 2019, he played the co-pilot in the movie "Chinese Captain", his professional and calm performance is impressive, and the scenes in the film that he dared to deal with at the crisis moment seem to be the epitome of countless duels with himself in his acting career, showing his rare tough guy image on the big screen. And these experiences have also brought his acting career to a new peak, gradually washing away all kinds of misunderstandings and prejudices that once surrounded him.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

In addition to performing arts, Ou Hao has never forgotten to give back to the society, low-key participation in a number of public welfare activities, and use his influence to spread positive energy. From helping underprivileged students complete their studies, to participating in environmental protection projects, and donating during the epidemic, he conveys the sense of social responsibility that a public figure should have with his practical actions. As he said in an interview: "I hope that through my own efforts, in addition to being able to bring good works, more importantly, I can become a positive force and influence the people around me." This sincerity and kindness allow him to shine a unique light outside the spotlight.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Ou Hao's film and television journey is a typical case of how the grassroots broke ground in the cruel entertainment industry and finally stood at the top. The ups and downs along the way are not only a story of an artist's hard work, but also a microcosm of an era about the collision of dreams and reality, persistence and sacrifice, challenge and transcendence. Every time he falls and gets up, he witnesses the whole process of his growth from an ordinary teenager to a respected actor. Ou Hao's story tells us that no matter what your background is, as long as you have a dream and are willing to pay, you can create your own brilliance.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

Standing on top of the glory of tens of billions of actors, Ou Hao did not stop. For him, every success is just a new starting point, and always being humble and learning is his attitude towards the future. As he often says, "I still have a long way to go, and there are many unknowns to explore." With this never-ending spirit, Ou Hao's every departure is full of expectations, and his legend continues, inspiring more young people with dreams to move forward bravely.

Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

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Chen Daoming is right, Ou Hao, who disappeared without filming, embarked on another path!

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