
Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess

author:Mt. Wandering

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Ventu / Stray Dog Kanshan

Editor/Stray Dog Kanshan

Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess

Today's topic: Have you ever wondered why our country's films always have subtitles, while foreign films have almost no subtitles?

Why is it that when you go to a movie theater to watch a Chinese movie, there are always rows of subtitles at the bottom of the screen?

Looking at the world, most movies rarely have such "treatment".

We need to understand that subtitles are not a simple form of presentation in Chinese films, they are deeply rooted in our cultural background.

The Chinese language is vast and profound, and many dialects and slang are difficult to fully convey in other languages.

Therefore, the existence of subtitles is not only to help the audience better understand the plot, but also to inherit and promote Chinese culture.

But you might be surprised to learn that while most movies around the world don't have subtitles, that doesn't mean they don't have a need for cultural heritage.

In fact, many countries also use various ways to enhance the viewer's viewing experience when promoting their own films.

But why don't they use subtitles as commonly as they do in China?

Let's take a look at how netizens analyze

Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess

China also has it, when WG just ended, some places showed films that were not publicly introduced, that is, the original soundtrack of the movie was played, and then the two translators interpreted directly on the spot!

Maozi did the same, Maozi's version of the Big Bang Theory of life is a bland uncle voice, including Penny

Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess

Chats are generally more colloquial, and both parties are more familiar with the background knowledge of speaking, which is easy to make up for in the brain. And if you don't understand, you can interrupt the conversation at any time to seek explanation. So the opposition is invalid.

In terms of homophones, phonetic writing has advantages but is also limited, unless it is crazy to lengthen the spelling, otherwise it is a bunch of homophones.

Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess

Now you have to have subtitles when you look at Chinese dubbing, who knows that sentence will be wrong.

On the other hand, it's related to the fact that Chinese characters are square words.,You can understand a sentence at a glance.,You can read subtitles while watching the picture.。 If you have English subtitles, you have to spend a lot of time reading subtitles, and if you read subtitles, you can't see the complete picture, and the effect of subtitles is poor

Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess

Reminds me of "The Shape of Sound", a film in which the deaf protagonist was released in Japan without subtitles [Surprise]

He even used the term "hearing loss", which shows that in China, humanistic care is always in the heart of every Chinese

Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess

The main reason is that the Latin alphabet has a low information density and is slow to read. After reading a sentence, the picture has passed. Chinese is extremely fast to read, and after reading the subtitles, I even have time to look at the barrage.

But sometimes I do feel that I keep staring at the subtitles, and the picture is missing a lot, especially some old movies

Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess

Knowing that the order of the words in your first sentence must be wrong, I still read it carefully three times to see what is wrong

As a translator with more than 10 years of work experience, I can be 100% sure that Chinese is much more advanced than English in all aspects.

Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess

So they will re-dub, of course, they will have to endure the situation that the lip shape does not match the pronunciation, and there will rarely be such a thing as a folk subtitle group

Foreign language movies with English subtitles, there is no time to read a full subtitle to the next sentence, Chinese subtitles are much shorter than foreign language subtitles

Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess
Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess
Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess
Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess
Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess

One more point: Chinese reading is faster, especially subtitles that sometimes flash by. - This is also reflected in the barrage.

It's very good.,I watch a lot of American dramas.,I'm used to staring at subtitles.,As a result, watching the picture is affected.,My hearing hasn't improved much.。。。 Then finish the calf, watch domestic dramas, listen to Chinese is also hard, and you have to look at the subtitles twice... Hey, it's bad to rely too much on subtitles. It's a pity that a lot of sources are implanted with subtitles now.,It's not good to close.。。。 [Crying] [Crying] [Crying]

Chinese films have chosen the unique path of subtitles. This is not only because subtitles can better preserve the original flavor of the film, but also because it has become a unique style of Chinese cinema.

Through subtitles, the audience can have a deeper understanding of the cultural connotation in the film and feel the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture.

Subtitling in Chinese films is not only a technical presentation, but also a cultural expression.

It makes the film more colorful and also allows the audience to have a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.

In the future, we expect more Chinese films to use subtitles as a unique cultural element to go to the world stage and show the charm of Chinese culture.

What else do you have to say about this? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

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Why do Chinese movies have subtitles, but almost all parts of the world don't? Guess


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