
Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

author:Mr. Luo Yi

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Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

Copywriting|Luo Yi

Editor|Luo Yi


In 2013, Ou Hao was favored by Nicholas Tse on the "Happy Boys" program.

But what he didn't expect was that he and Bole Nicholas Tse had embarked on the same path!

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

was hurt by love and took his life to film, obviously he was born as a singer, but in the end he was famous for his acting skills.

This is a portrayal of Nicholas Tse's life.

And now, Ou Hao is also going further and further on this thorny road.

He fell in love with the daughter of a rich family, was "forced" to make a movie and became a 10 billion actor, fighting for his life for filming.

How did a generation of grassroots Ouhao embark on this bitter road?

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

The family is in the middle of the road

In 1992, Ou Hao was born in a relatively wealthy family in Fuzhou, Fujian Province.

Because Ou Hao's father has his own set of unique skills in business, when Ou Hao was born, the family's economy had already surpassed the well-off level.

His classmates could only wear the leftover clothes of their relatives' children, while Ou Hao received new clothes from his parents every few months.

However, this affluent life came to an abrupt end during his time at Ou Ho Middle School.

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

At that time, my father's business was in trouble, and the family business was ruined after more than ten years of struggle.

In desperation, my father could only take the family to Guangdong to make a living.

Originally, Ou Hao had the opportunity to be admitted to a key high school, but after such a toss, there was no hope at all.

In the end, Ou Hao was only admitted to a very ordinary secondary school.

And it also made Ou Hao understand a truth: money is very important!

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

In order to make money, Ou Hao began to work part-time everywhere, delivering takeaways, hourly workers, porters, as long as he could earn money, he would not refuse.

However, earning money by physical strength can only earn some food and clothing money at best, which is far from the extent that parents can rest at ease.

At this time, Ou Hao remembered that he still had the skills of his body!

That's singing.

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

When Ou Hao was very young, he was very fond of singing, whether it was pop music or niche music, he was extremely fascinated.

When the parents saw that their son loved singing so much, not only did they not suppress him, but they did their best to help him improve his singing skills.

Therefore, when he grows up, Ou Hao is confident that with his singing voice, he will definitely be able to return the family to a wealthy economic level.

So at the age of 21, Ou Hao signed up for "Happy Boy".

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

On the show, Nicholas Tse took a fancy to him at a glance and took him all the way through the stage on the stage.

In the end, Ou Hao won the runner-up of "Happy Boys", which can be regarded as living up to Nicholas Tse's expectations.

And Nicholas Tse also had a good impression of Ou Hao, and felt that this young man was quite good, so he signed him to his company.

However, what Ou Hao didn't expect was that he was "deceived".

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

I'm a singer, not an actor

After entering Nicholas Tse's company, Ou Hao thought that what was waiting for him was a popular and national tour.

Unexpectedly, after he got the notice from the company, he asked him to act.

Ou Hao was directly dumbfounded!

Let a runner-up of a national singing competition become an actor? Make no mistake!

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

In fact, the decision to let Ou Hao act in a movie at that time still doesn't know how it came about.

But if Nicholas Tse knew about this, he would definitely say: Can't a singer be an actor? I have won no less than 30 music awards, so why don't I still be an actor?

In fact, Nicholas Tse is really a genius!

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

He first won numerous awards in the music industry, and then entered the film and television industry, becoming the mainstay of Hong Kong action movies, which can be called the flowering of both genres and genres.

However, at that time, Ou Hao couldn't think so much!

His only thought was to make money!

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

In 2014, Su Youpeng, one of the members of the Little Tigers, decided to change careers to become a director, and his first work was "Left Ear".

Because it is the first time to be a director, Su Youpeng is very strict in all aspects, especially in the direction of casting.

When Ou Hao's resume was sent to the crew, he was going to audition for a role called "Negro".

What surprised Su Youpeng was that Ou Hao, who had never acted before, entered the role at the beginning of the moment, whether it was his expression or the way he spoke, it was exactly the same as the state required in the script.

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

Seeing that Ou Hao's acting skills were so godly, he simply handed over Zhang Yang, the protagonist, to him.

Sure enough, after the release of "Left Ear", the audience praised Ou Hao.

No one would have imagined that a person who entered the entertainment industry by singing would have such superb acting skills.

And Ou Hao couldn't have imagined that just by making a movie, he would gain a rich daughter's little girlfriend.

She is Ma Sichun.

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

Speaking of Ma Sichun, her background is not small.

Her aunt is the famous Jiang Wenli, and her uncle-in-law is the famous photographer Gu Changwei, "Farewell My Concubine" and "Sunny Days" are all from him.

With such a strong backer, Ma Sichun can be called a "no one dares to mess with" existence in the crew of "Left Ear".

But Ouhao is the only exception.

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

Ou Hao and Ma Sichun were not the love at first sight like in Mary Sue's novels, on the contrary, Ou Hao was a little disgusted at first.

At the first sight of the two, Ou Hao complained about Ma Sichun: Why are you so fat!

Ma Sichun has been so "insulted" since he was a child, and he decided to lose weight.

But she is a layman, where does she know how to lose weight reasonably.

At this time, Ou Hao stood up.

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

With the help of Ou Hao, Ma Sichun lost a total of 20 pounds, not only is his body healthier, but his image on the screen is also better.

Maybe it's because the two lose weight together and fall in love for a long time.

After filming "Left Ear", the two gradually came together.

However, Ou Hao, a poor boy, fell in love with a rich girl like Ma Sichun, and Ma Sichun's connections also had a very strong temptation for Ou Hao.

Therefore, Ou Hao was labeled as eating soft rice.

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

Some people say that people who love each other, even if they are separated by thousands of mountains and thorns and sharp blades, can see each other and embrace each other.

But in fact, the person who can say this must be an idealist who has never been in love.

Because he ignores that true love will be criticized by language, the so-called gold in all mouths, and even gold can be melted in the words of people, let alone mortal wombs!

In the end, the two had no choice but to break up.

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

After the breakup, Ou Hao suffered a very strong mental blow, even no less than the emotional injury that Nicholas Tse suffered back then.

And Ou Hao's way of venting his pain is very special, that is, he locks himself in his room and studies the script.

When Ou Hao came out again, it felt like a different person.

Director Guan Hu once commented on Ou Hao, saying that although he was born in singing and looks very shy on the outside, there is something particularly ruthless in his bones.

And the reason why Guan Hu said this is for a reason.

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

Back then, Guan Hu filmed "Eight Hundred", and Ou Hao played an important role in it.

In order to perform the character's courage in the predicament, Ou Hao fell from a high altitude and filmed more than 30 times, and entered the hospital three times just by entering the hospital!

Such an actor, which director doesn't love it?

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

In addition, when Ou Hao and Zhao Liying collaborated on "The Wind Blows in the Summer", there was a scene where Ou Hao was slapped by Zhao Liying.

Originally, borrowing a seat could also complete the filming needs, but it looked a bit fake.

But Ou Hao didn't allow it, she asked Zhao Liying to really fight!

As a result, Zhao Liying slapped her hands so much that they were swollen, not to mention Ou Hao's face!

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

Thinking of this, I can't help but think of Nicholas Tse and Wu Jing when they were filming the movie "The True Colors of Men", Nicholas Tse was almost paralyzed.

Perhaps, this is the similarity between the two.

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path


Now Ou Hao's cumulative box office has reached more than 10 billion, and he can be called a qualified actor.

I hope that he will get better and better in the future, and I believe that there is a better marriage waiting for him ahead.

Facts have proved that Ou Hao, who is only 32 years old, has already embarked on Nicholas Tse's old path

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