
Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

author:Xiaoxiao's worldview

At the beginning of 2024, Ding Yongdai dedicated two masterpieces to the audience, directly sitting on the throne of "old drama bones".

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

Unexpectedly, a "handshake incident" pushed Ding Yongdai and Chen Jianbin to the forefront of public opinion.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

It's just amazing that after this short exposure, Ding Yongdai quickly returned to his low-key life.

Ding Yongdai's "disappear if you don't act" fully confirms Chen Daoming's words: "The only communication between the actor and the audience is the character itself!" ”

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue


At the 2024 quality ceremony, a very dramatic scene was staged.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai maintained his humility and friendliness as always, and took the initiative to shake hands with other artists present to greet him.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

Whether the other party is a veteran actor or a newcomer, Ding Yongdai shows equal respect and enthusiasm.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

However, when Ding Yongdai walked in front of Chen Jianbin , an accident happened.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

Unlike other artists who got up to greet him, Chen Jianbin maintained a sitting posture and did not stand up to shake hands with Ding Yongdai. This detail was quickly captured by the media at the scene and quickly spread on social media.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

This scene sparked a heated discussion on the Internet, and many netizens expressed dissatisfaction with Chen Jianbin 's behavior, believing that it was disrespectful to Ding Yongdai.

They believe that as a senior actor of the same generation, Chen Jianbin should get up and shake hands with Ding Yongdai.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

For a while, criticism came and went, and Chen Jianbin became the focus of public opinion, however, things are not as simple as they seem on the surface.

Some people suggested that the scene was noisy, and Chen Jianbin may not have noticed Ding Yongdai's arrival. Some people also speculate that the two veteran actors may be very familiar with each other in private, so they don't need too much politeness.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

More rational voices pointed out that Chen Jianbin should not be criticized one-sidedly without knowing the full background.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

Although this incident seems small, it reflects Ding Yongdai's status in the hearts of the audience from the side. The reason why people pay so much attention to this "little episode" is precisely because of their love and respect for Ding Yongdai.

However, Ding Yongdai has been able to get to this point, and the hardships behind it are not something ordinary people can imagine.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue


Ding Yongdai's story begins in the vast grasslands of Inner Mongolia.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

Don't look at Ding Yongdai as a Shandong man, but he followed his parents to live in Inner Mongolia since he was a child.

Ding Yongdai's favorite thing in childhood is to watch movies, in that era of material scarcity, movies are rare spiritual food.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

Ding Yongdai's parents are intellectuals, attach great importance to their children's cultural education, and often take him to the movies.

This was the first time Ding Yongdai came into contact with the charm of art, and a dream of being an actor took deep root in her heart.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

However, at the age of 16, due to various reasons, Ding Yongdai had to drop out of school and start working. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to a teenager who loves learning and is full of ideals.

With no professional skills, he can only work as a sand sifter on the construction site, repeating dirty and tiring manual labor day after day.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

However, fate always favors those who have dreams in their hearts.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

In 1977, the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination system was blowing across the country like a spring breeze.

A teacher who had taught him accidentally learned of his situation and encouraged him to go to the Inner Mongolia Art School, and the teacher's words awakened Ding Yongdai's love for acting.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

He resolutely put down his tools and began to fight for the dream of chasing his actor. Hard work pays off, Ding Yongdai was successfully admitted to the Inner Mongolia Academy of Arts with his love for performance and hard work.

In the academy, Ding Yongdai eagerly absorbed the knowledge and skills of acting, and his talent and diligence were soon recognized by the teachers, and his grades were always among the best.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

After graduating, he entered the Inner Mongolia Repertory Theatre as he wished, where he not only started his acting career, but also gained his love.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue


The famous host Jin Xing once commented on Ding Yongdai: "He has debuted for so many years, without any scandals, he is really too clean to be clean!" ”

When Ding Yongdai was in the repertory troupe, he fell in love with his colleague's daughter Zhao Xuehua at a glance.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

Ding Yongdai was attracted by Zhao Xuehua's temperament, but because of his introverted personality, he never dared to confess, fortunately, with the help of his colleagues, the two finally came together.

After getting married, Zhao Xuehua simply became the woman behind Ding Yongdai, just for her husband to be able to work hard without worries.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

Ding Yongdai also knows how grateful he is for his wife's dedication, and he always finds time to spend with his family as much as possible. Even at the busiest of his career, he never forgot the importance of his family.

Ding Yongdai and Zhao Xuehua's son Ding Ning, under the words and deeds of his parents, has also grown into an excellent young man.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

He did not rely on his parents' resources and connections, but relied on his own efforts to stand in the position of director.

The film "A Moment" directed by Ding Ning has received high praise in the industry, which is undoubtedly the best affirmation of Ding Yongdai's family education.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

Today, Ding Yongdai, who is over the age of six, is still active in the film and television industry and continues to bring excellent works to the audience.

He interprets the meaning of "old drama bones" in his own way: not because of age, but because of his love and dedication to acting, not because of his qualifications, but because of his consistent focus and hard work.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue


In 2000, the TV series "The End of the Road" made the national audience remember a person's name - Ding Yongdai.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

In order to create the role of "Bai Baoshan" in the play, Ding Yongdai has made unimaginable efforts.

Not only did he read the script repeatedly to figure out the inner workings of the characters, but he also studied a wide range of similar roles played by other actors.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

This kind of professionalism was finally perfectly presented on the screen, and Ding Yongdai portrayed "Bai Baoshan" as extremely vicious, paranoid and ruthless, calm and decisive.

However, what really made Ding Yongdai famous was "Langya Bang" broadcast in 2015.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

"Emperor Liang" played by Ding Yongdai is a complex father figure, the kind who can sacrifice everything for power, and even sacrifice his children for self-preservation.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

Ding Yongdai vividly interpreted this role from the ruthless and shrewd in the early stage to the bleak and lonely in the later stage, showing his outstanding strength as an actor.

In contrast, in another work, the multifaceted role of the father is revealed.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

In "The World", he played Zhou Zhigang as a successful father figure, which gave the audience a strong sense of substitution. This role has become the soul of the whole play, showing Ding Yongdai's deep understanding of his father's role.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue

This drama not only allowed the audience to see Ding Yongdai's "divine acting skills", but also made him win the actor crown in one fell swoop.

Chen Daoming is right, Ding Yongdai, who "disappeared" without acting, has embarked on another avenue


The story of Ding Yongdai is not only an actor's road to success, but also an inspirational story of how ordinary people can maintain their hearts and realize their dreams in a complex environment.

He used practical actions to interpret what is a real "old drama bone": not only must have superb acting skills, but also have an upright character and a stable family.

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