
Yu Beichen made another big joke: The louder my voice, the less power the PLA will have to fight Taiwan?

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Recently, Master Yu Beichen swiped the screen again, and his remarks about the huge connection between the PLA and Taiwan have attracted widespread attention. In a speech, he said: "The louder my voice is, the less powerful the PLA will be to fight Taiwan." What's the intention behind it? This article will provide an in-depth analysis of this statement and reveal the truth.


Yu Beichen made another big joke: The louder my voice, the less power the PLA will have to fight Taiwan?

Yu Beichen's voice has gradually emerged in the field of public opinion in recent years, and he is known as the "master of flickering". His remarks can always easily cause controversy and attention, and people can't help but wonder, what kind of trick did this master of fooling play in this remarks?

First of all, we need to make it clear that there is no direct correlation between the volume of personal voice and the strength of the PLA to fight Taiwan. The strength of the PLA is determined by the overall strength of the country and the combat capability of the army, and there will be no immediate change because of the words of one person. It is not so much that the louder the voice, the smaller the PLA, but rather that the security and development environment at the national level determines the combat capability of the PLA.

Yu Beichen made another big joke: The louder my voice, the less power the PLA will have to fight Taiwan?

Secondly, Yu Beichen's remarks are likely to have other purposes behind them. By exaggerating his voice and claiming to be able to influence the strength of the PLA, he has undoubtedly increased his popularity and influence. This is also his consistent method as a master of fooling. However, we must not be fooled by superficial rhetoric, and we must think calmly about the real motives behind the rhetoric.

Given the complexity of the situation in the Taiwan Strait, either side should remain rational and calm. We must not be swayed by the rhetoric of individual people, let alone allow ourselves to be misled. Safeguard the Taiwan Strait 3 is confident that our national leaders and military commanders will be able to make informed decisions that will ensure the core interests of the country and the security of the population.

Yu Beichen made another big joke: The louder my voice, the less power the PLA will have to fight Taiwan?

Finally, we must be vigilant against the potential impact of public opinion hype on social order and national security. Exaggerated rhetoric not only tends to create panic and tension, but also misleads the public and damages the country's image. We should maintain rational thinking, follow the development of the situation in the Taiwan Strait in a rational way, and support efforts to resolve disputes peacefully.

In this era of information overflow, we need to learn to distinguish between true and false information and look at all kinds of speech rationally. Yu Beichen's remarks this time may not be as profound as we imagined, but more of a kind of public opinion hype. Let us be vigilant, maintain rational thinking, and contribute to the realization of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

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