
Lebanese Allah storms northern Israel! Rockets "Volcano" hit the barracks hard

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Lebanese Allah storms northern Israel! Rockets "Volcano" hit the barracks hard

Recently, Allah in Lebanon launched a shocking military operation. They reportedly used powerful 333-mm Volcano heavy rockets to bombard a military camp in northern Israel. The video of the operation went viral on social media and attracted a lot of attention.


On June 30, Allah Lebanon released a stunning video showing its militants using Volcano heavy rockets to strike a military camp in northern Israel. After the blow, a huge mushroom cloud rose from the Israeli military camp. This military operation has brought tremendous pressure to Israel and has also aroused widespread concern in the international community.

The Volcano heavy rocket is a strategic weapon newly developed by Allah in Lebanon and is widely regarded as its "mass killer". With a diameter of 333 millimeters, this rocket has a long range and great power, and is regarded as an important weapon in regional conflicts.

Lebanese Allah storms northern Israel! Rockets "Volcano" hit the barracks hard

This onslaught against the Israeli military camp demonstrated the determination and strength of Allah Lebanon. They are not afraid of Israel's military threats, dare to challenge their opponents, and defend their rights and interests with concrete actions.

The operation sparked an escalation of tensions in the Middle East. The renewed deepening of hostility between Allah and Israel could lead to more conflict and confrontation.

Lebanese Allah storms northern Israel! Rockets "Volcano" hit the barracks hard

In the face of the escalation of regional conflicts, the international community has expressed grave concern and called on all parties to remain calm and exercise restraint and resolve differences through dialogue and negotiation. Long-term stability and peace can be achieved only through the peaceful settlement of disputes

Lebanese Allah stormed a military camp in northern Israel, and the video exposure caused widespread concern. They use "volcano". Heavy rockets demonstrated great firepower and challenged Israel. The action has once again heightened tensions in the Middle East, and the international community is also concerned about it. We hope that all parties concerned will remain calm and exercise restraint, resolve differences through peaceful means, and achieve long-term stability and peace.

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