
1. Before getting married, she gave herself a holiday, but unexpectedly, after hearing what her fiancé said, she regretted her marriage

author:Hu Mingmei

Destiny (1)

Feng Yuxuan and her fiancé Fan Yi are getting married, and before getting married, Feng Yuxuan said that she would give herself a vacation, and then packed her clothes and prepared to go.

There was something to take over from the wedding room, Feng Yuxuan didn't tell Fan Yi, she went over, when she arrived, she saw that the door was not locked, so she gently opened the door and went in, wanting to scare Fan Yi.

Fan Yi held a cigarette and talked eloquently while swallowing clouds and spitting fog.

"You said Feng Yuxuan! How could I possibly love her? I only married her because my parents liked her, and you thought too much. ”

Feng Yuxuan's heart ached, fortunately she was not married, otherwise she would suffer more after marriage.

Feng Yuxuan's parents teach at a university and work in a government department, so they are considered scholarly, and she refused many people who wanted to marry her.

Unexpectedly, she chose Fan Yi, and what she got was such a reply, and she regretted that her intestines were blue.

Fan Yi inside was still talking, and Feng Yuxuan outside couldn't listen to anything, just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

I don't know what to say on the other side, Fan Yi said: "Feng Yuxuan doesn't know how much to love me, she can marry me, it is a blessing from her three lives, she will let it go, you think too much."

The recording in Feng Yuxuan's mobile phone recorded what he said as it was.

I didn't expect that the affectionate man who pretended to be all day long didn't love her, and if he didn't love her, he was so arrogant, she was blindsided.

The things still had to be taken away, Feng Yuxuan exited the room and called Fan Yi at the elevator entrance.

"Fan Yi, I'm at the elevator, I have something to take over there in the new house, I heard my aunt say that you are in the new house." Feng Yuxuan pretends to be quite similar, isn't it just acting? Who wouldn't?

When Fan Yi heard that she was coming, he immediately opened the window and dispersed the smell of smoke, Feng Yuxuan didn't like the smell of smoke.

He opened the door again and walked out: "Why did you come here, tell me what you want to take, and I'll send it to you."

He usually plays the role of twenty-four filial lovers, and deceives Feng Yuxuan into thinking that he is a peerless good man.

Feng Yuxuan smiled: "I also want to see how the new house is decorated, so I will stop by to take a look."

Feng Yuxuan walked into the new house, looked left and right, and nodded: "It's good, it hasn't been finished last time."

I don't know if she is talking about decoration, or Fan Yi, anyway, let her say it.

After packing up the clothes she brought last time, Feng Yuxuan said that she was going to go.

Fan Yi sent her downstairs and watched her get into the car, and then pretended to be reluctant.

"Remember to call me, stay safe!"

This person is a drama spirit, who is racing all the time, and the Golden Horse Awards will award him a little golden man.

If she hadn't heard him, she would have been moved to death, and now she would have applauded him.

"Okay, got it, don't think too much about me." Feng Yuxuan almost said that she was precious, and asked the taxi driver to hurry up, and then she looked at Fan Yi and looked at him with an unknown smile.

They're done playing, and when they're gone, their relationship is no longer an unmarried couple.

Anyway, there was a holiday, Feng Yuxuan took the route again, so she turned off her mobile phone, just telling her parents that she didn't want people to disturb her and told them not to worry about themselves.

After Fan Yi separated from Feng Yuxuan that day, he always felt that she was smiling weirdly, but he didn't know why?

Then he called to turn off the phone, he immediately called Feng Yuxuan's parents, and they said that Feng Yuxuan didn't want people to disturb her, so they turned off the phone.

On the third day, Feng Yuxuan sent what Fan Yi said to her parents' mobile phones, asking them to tell Fan Yi's parents to withdraw from the marriage.

Everyone is a child, whose child is not a treasure? Feng Yuxuan is their pride, a person who doesn't love her, and they are reluctant to marry Feng Yuxuan to a scumbag.

If you don't love her, marry her for your parents, what is not a scumbag?

When he received a call from his parents, saying that Feng Yuxuan was going to withdraw from the marriage, he knew that Feng Yuxuan didn't want him anymore.

When he heard his own unashamed words, Fan Yi's face turned red: "No, my parents' words are not true, I'm just joking."

It's a pity that Feng Yuxuan's parents quit, you say it's a joke, you say it's a joke, can feelings be a joke?

How many people want to be with Feng Yuxuan, they are sincere, Feng Yuxuan didn't agree, just because Fan Yi can act, she agreed to him.

"My daughter can't marry someone who is joking, but fortunately, she hasn't sent an invitation yet, and it's too late to retire."

If it weren't for his son Niu Gao and Ma Da, Father Fan would really beat him: "I didn't expect you to be a rebel, one thing in front of you and one thing in the back, you don't like us and we haven't forced you."

Fan Yi now knows that he is wrong, he usually wants to save face, so he always boasts, saying that Feng Yuxuan loves him a lot, saying that he is used to it, and he takes it seriously.

"Mom and Dad, I really like Feng Yuxuan, I don't want to get out of the marriage, she not only has a good job, a high education, but also a beautiful person." No matter what he said, both parents agreed to get out of the marriage.

Feng Yuxuan is basking in the sun on the beach, under the parasol, her figure is convex and backward, and she is beautiful.

If it weren't for a pair of sunglasses to cover her eyes, it is estimated that the men passing by would want to come and get to know her.

1. Before getting married, she gave herself a holiday, but unexpectedly, after hearing what her fiancé said, she regretted her marriage

The picture comes from the Internet invasion and deletion

She looked at the people on the beach comfortably, it was really too lively, and this trip was not in vain.

After basking in the sun for a while, she took off her sunglasses and walked into the sea, her skin has become a lot darker in the past two days, but she is still very beautiful.

She is like a hibiscus out of the water, she is like a flower and jade, which attracts a lot of attention.

She was relaxing here, and Fan Yi called her at home to explain what she had said.

It's a pity that Feng Yuxuan turned off her mobile phone and swam around like a mermaid in the sea.

A big wave hit, and a handsome boy collided with her, is there really a mermaid?

The boy stood up and hugged her in his arms, the second wave of the waves came again, and he could only carry Feng Yuxuan to the beach.

"Hey, man, why did you carry me to the beach? I'm swimming! ”

"No, I was hit by the waves, and I collided with you, I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I could only carry you to the beach."

This Feng Yuxuan really didn't notice it, because every time the wave hit her, it was the same big, and she couldn't say that others were wrong!

"Sorry, I didn't notice, thank you then, I'm going to go swimming."

Feng Yuxuan walked into the sea with her legs, this time in order not to cause misunderstanding, she walked a little farther into the sea.

The boy looked at Feng Yuxuan, the first time a girl didn't fan him, he felt very strange, such a beautiful girl is rare.

He is also not at ease, a girl who is like a flower and jade has no one to take care of, who is so big-hearted and lets her swim alone?

The boy is here on a business trip, and when he has nothing to do, he heard that he can swim here, so he came over to the hotel.

His company is in Z City, and Feng Yuxuan came out of the same place, he is the young master of Fengheng Group, and he is famous for his ghost Gu Yuheng, and any company he wants to buy will definitely be successfully acquired.

The first time he saw a beauty like Feng Yuxuan, he was reluctant to let go as if he had seen his prey.

Feng Yuxuan didn't know that she was being targeted by ghosts, and continued to swim, Gu Yuheng followed closely behind, and he held his breath and sank to the bottom.

Feng Yuxuan swam for half an hour, tired and wanted to swim back to the beach, who knew that her feet were cramping, she wanted to call for help, and sank into the water in a panic.

Gu Yuheng, who was not far from her, found that something was wrong with her, and quickly swam over, there were many swimmers, and they were all very scattered.

As soon as the cramped person panicked, he would sink down and drink a lot of water, Gu Yuheng hurriedly came over, hugged her from behind, and brought her to the shallow water.

As soon as Feng Yuxuan's head came out of the water, she spit out the seawater in her mouth: "My feet are cramping."

Gu Yuheng immediately hugged a princess, carried her to the beach, and couldn't care about it so much, so he put people on the beach.

"Which foot has a cramp? Left or right? ”

Feng Yuxuan only now realized that she was wearing too little, and she pointed to her left foot.

"This leg cramp, calf cramp."

Gu Yuheng may have had cramps, so he gently helped her massage the cramps, and soon Feng Yuxuan recovered.

"Thank you, sir, if it weren't for you, I might have to marry the Sea Dragon King."

It's quite funny, he almost died, and he said it so nicely: "The Sea Dragon King is too old, he doesn't want you, so he sent me to fish you ashore."

As soon as the two of them said and made peace, they couldn't help but look at each other and laugh.

"Where did you come from, this beautiful young lady?"

"'Z from the city, come and relax, what about you?'"

"It's really a coincidence, I'm also from Z City, but I'm on a business trip, so I'm staying at the hotel in front."

That's a coincidence, isn't it? Feng Yuxuan looked at the hotel he said, she also lived there.

Feng Yuxuan said that she invited Gu Yuheng to dinner, and the two of them added WeChat, and she later blocked Fan Yi.

Feng Yuxuan returned to the parasol and withdrew the beach chair and parasol.

The two of them went separately to take a shower and made an appointment to meet at the door of the shower.

Their phones are all hung on their chests and have waterproof phone bags.

They each carried their swimming suits and swimming trunks, and because they were walking on the beach, they could not wear shoes, so they had to carry them in their bags.

Feng Yuxuan is wearing a beach skirt and has a good figure, Gu Yuheng is tall and has long legs, wearing beach pants and a T-shirt.

The appearance of the two people is a perfect match, Feng Yuxuan's hair is down, and her maroon hair is softly draped over her shoulders.

There is an exotic atmosphere, coupled with excellent facial features that are delicate and charming.

"Back in City Z, can I ask you out? Do you have a boyfriend? ”

"I just got out of marriage, if you're still single, we can go out to dinner together, if you have a girlfriend, I won't join in the fun, I'm afraid of being beaten."

Gu Yuheng didn't know that she was Fan Yi's fiancée, because in their circle, they only knew that Fan Yi was getting married, and they hadn't sent an invitation yet.

Later, I learned that Fan Yi's girlfriend who bragged every day was Feng Yuxuan, but unfortunately Feng Yuxuan proposed to withdraw from the marriage.

The two of them returned to the hotel, changed their shoes, and waited for someone to go out to eat at the front desk.

The two hit it off at first sight and talked about the attractions in Z City, everyone is single, even if they are not necessarily boyfriend and girlfriend, they can be ordinary friends.

Feng Yuxuan's job is a designer, and she makes a lot of money, otherwise Fan Yi would not want to marry her.

Gu Yuheng is a higher-level company than Fan Yi, more excellent, and looks better than Fan Yi.

Feng Yuxuan didn't expect that they just met in Pingshui, and after returning to Z City, Gu Yuheng began to pursue Feng Yuxuan.

Feng Yuxuan couldn't have imagined that he and Fan Yi knew each other.

To be continued......


1. Before getting married, she gave herself a holiday, but unexpectedly, after hearing what her fiancé said, she regretted her marriage

The picture comes from the Internet invasion and deletion