
Experience the tech campus

author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily

Peninsula all-media reporter He Yi

On June 29th, Qingdao Shinan District Experimental Primary School (District Experimental Campus), the new students who came to sign up felt the physical learning situation with the theme of "Happy Hour 'Huichuang' Tour" in the school, integrating "sports, art, science and innovation, ocean, language", etc., and the school provided parents and students with an extraordinary experience of "meaningful + interesting" on the day of enrollment, and the enrollment site became an Internet celebrity check-in point for children and parents.

Experience the tech campus

Parents bring their children to sign up and take photos on campus.

According to reports, as the first national juvenile marine characteristic school in China, the school is based on the educational characteristics of the School of Marine Studies of "Huichuang City" Children's University, and strives to create a unique and creative scientific feast with marine biology as the core on the occasion of enrollment. By displaying lifelike specimens of marine life and micro-ecological marine landscapes, this feast makes children feel as if they have traveled to the mysterious and vast marine world, and feel the infinite charm and spectacular scenery of the ocean in an immersive way. In this feast, we planted a scientific seed in the young hearts of the children, stimulated their enthusiasm for exploring the marine ecosystem, and guided them to understand and pay attention to the harmony and protection of the marine ecology. This is not only to enrich the children's knowledge system, but also to shape their worldview and values.

Experience the tech campus

Check in and take photos on campus.

At the admissions site, in order to allow students to confidently step into the future world of science and technology, which is full of changes, the school focuses on the combination of technology and innovation in the enrollment process, opening a door to cutting-edge technology for students. Not only did the F1 racing simulation experience and drone show be specially introduced, so that the children could deeply understand the core role of science and technology in high-performance sports, but also carefully organized a series of scientific experiment displays and interactive links, presenting a rich variety of experimental projects, allowing children to operate experimental equipment, carefully observe and record experimental phenomena, analyze the experimental results with teachers, and jointly unveil the mystery of science. Teachers turn "meaningful" science experiences into "interesting" ones, which makes the learning process more lively and interesting, and can also effectively improve their thinking skills, innovation awareness and problem-solving skills. Virtual reality technology, as a cutting-edge interactive technology, has opened a magical curtain for new students to the future world of science.

Experience the tech campus

Formula 1 racing simulation experience

A parent said that at the enrollment site, the school teachers used virtual reality headsets and other hardware to make the children feel as if they had obtained the magical power to travel through time and space, and to be able to cross the long river of history, arrive at the distant universe and stars, and witness those magnificent scenes and precious moments that once only existed in the imagination. In this new learning mode, students are no longer just passively receiving knowledge through books and videos, but can actively participate in an all-round, multi-sensory scientific experiment and exploration process, helping children establish connections between different subject knowledge, making heaven and earth a classroom, letting students know why it is, and letting the seeds of science take root in children's hearts.

Experience the tech campus

Children get up close and personal with marine life.

Through the introduction of vivid and interesting marine biology learning, cutting-edge information technology exploration and immersive virtual reality experience, each prospective freshman deeply felt the infinite surprises and wonderful experiences brought by science, which not only greatly broadened their scientific knowledge horizons, but also ignited the fire of curiosity about the unknown world and the infinite enthusiasm for exploring the mysteries of science in their hearts. In the future education and teaching, we will continue to focus on cultivating the methods and spirit of science education, so that school education can truly become a door to open children's perception, learning ability and creativity.

Experience the tech campus
Experience the tech campus

Craft experience

Experience the tech campus
Experience the tech campus

Experience VR technology

Experience the tech campus
Experience the tech campus
Experience the tech campus
Experience the tech campus
Experience the tech campus

Art teacher Sun teaches children to draw.

Experience the tech campus

Feel the sport

Experience the tech campus
Experience the tech campus
Experience the tech campus

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