
Before the first debate began, Biden: The advantage is mine!

author:Aoki in the distance

Article author: Daily Yijian

Today in the CNN studio, Biden and Trump, two old enemies, had their first televised debate after four years.

Why hold a televised debate before the presidential election?

Initially, it was to use this stage for candidates from both parties to explain their policies and views to the American public, in order to gain more support and votes for themselves.

After all, the history of the televised presidential debate in the United States is not very long, first in 1960 when Nixon and Kennedy were held.

After the first one, in the 1964, 1968 and 1972 presidential elections, the candidates did not hold televised debates due to various factors.

Later, starting in 1976, the presidential televised debate was officially retained as an institution.

Before the first debate began, Biden: The advantage is mine!

After all, in those days, people could only understand information through television, newspapers and radio, and there were relatively few channels, so it was very effective to explain the policies and ideas that they would pursue after they were elected through televised debates.

But in the 21st century, with the rapid development of the Internet, there is no longer a need for televised debates to understand your respective policies.

And, as American society is increasingly torn apart, basically the two parties have become opposition for the sake of opposition.

You Democrats support border opening, right? Then our Republican Party will inevitably oppose it.

You're a proponent of women's abortion rights, aren't you? Then our Republican Party must firmly oppose abortion.

There is also medical subsidies, which the Democrats say is their own moral policy, but the Republicans will express their insistence on opposing it.

It is impossible to say that the Republican Party has been advocating policy A, but when it came to the televised debate, I changed it to support policy B in order to win votes.

This is absolutely impossible.

Everything has a script, what questions to answer and how to answer them have been prepared in advance.

So what else are you watching?

Look at people!

Look at the personality charm of these two big living treasures.

Biden is 82, Trump is 78, these two people are 160 years old combined, if you push it back, that year, Tianjing fell, and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement failed.

Think about it, what is this concept?

The United States used to laugh at the Soviet Union as a gerontocracy, but it turned out that it was its turn, and the two old men fought to the death for the presidential throne.

Therefore, the people of the United States want to see, how are you two physically and mentally, and can you continue to lead us to sit firmly on the throne of the world's first brother in the next four years?

In accordance with past practice, election debates in the United States have generally been held after September.

On the one hand, the election campaign has entered the most white-hot stage in the autumn, and on the other hand, it is an opportunity for candidates to summarize their political views.

And this time, the debate was actually chosen at the end of June, nearly three months earlier than before, you know, Biden and Trump have not yet received the official nominations of their respective parties.

Pretty abnormal, right?

Why is this so?

Because that's what Biden and the Democrats are asking for.

It's actually quite interesting.

Why did Biden want a televised debate sooner?

Because - "take advantage of your illness to kill you".

Trump recently became the first former president in U.S. history to be found guilty.

Public opinion is very unfavorable to him.

Biden thought to himself: If there was a televised debate at this time, I would grab Trump by his pigtails and punch him, ask him personal questions, and just stare at the scandal of his wife's cheating on a star during her pregnancy and question his moral standards.

Anyway, I keep asking, asking with a dead face, as long as he is in a hurry, and the question is broken, it will be easy to do.

Anyway, I have a reason, if you don't sweep a house, why sweep the world? If you can't even control your own personal problems and even your physiological needs, how can you control such a huge America as ours?

Biden's wishful thinking was very clever at the beginning.

In addition, he is actually more worried about his physical state, after all, the age is here, 3 months ago and 3 months later, it is two completely different performances.

Therefore, after Biden pondered, he summed up Chang Kaishen's four-character famous saying: The advantage is mine!

Before the first debate began, Biden: The advantage is mine!

So, he rushed to prepare for the first televised debate.

For this TV debate, he also took a week's long vacation to prepare at Camp David, and it is said that the most practiced item every day is sphincter training, the purpose is to be able to stand for 90 minutes at a time without diarrhea.

It was very well prepared, but what I never expected was that it would be the day of the TV debate.

His expression was stiff, his voice was hoarse, he sometimes stumbled when he spoke, he had many stutters and slips of the tongue, his logic was confused, and the whole person was like Alzheimer's.

not only missed several opportunities to chase Trump, but also used his actual performance to bring out Trump's excellence.

For example, Biden has always supported medical subsidies.

He talked about wanting to raise taxes on the rich to pay for more welfare programs, as if his brain had suddenly short-circuited, after a pause of a few seconds.

He said, "We've finally beaten Medicare." ”

How quickly Trump reacted, and immediately made up for it: "He did deal with health care reform, and he killed it." ”

The slip of the tongue was then mockingly posted on social media platforms by Trump's campaign.

Biden's confused, helpless, confused, and overwhelmed memes are also widely circulated.

Before the first debate began, Biden: The advantage is mine!

It's okay not to debate.

This debate, on the contrary, shows that Biden is more confused, and his physical and mental state is even worse.

The Biden team's explanation for this is: Mr. President has had a cold for the past two days.

Well, I didn't catch a cold in the morning or in the evening, and I prepared for a week, but I caught a cold on the day I went to the exam room.

Are you going to be done or not?

Originally, Biden was still counting on adding points to himself, and he wanted to grab Trump's private life as a pigtail, staring at Trump and chasing him hard, trying to make him break the defense and make a fool of himself.

As a result, he was full of ugliness.

I thought that 800,000 against 600,000, the advantage was mine.

But I didn't expect that this is 800,000 pigs, and I can't win at all, and I can't bring it at all.

Trump ridiculed Biden: "I really don't know what he said in the end." I don't think he knew what he was talking about. ”

Before the first debate began, Biden: The advantage is mine!

So, after this televised debate ended.

The original 40% of the audience had a favorable opinion of Trump has now become 43%.

The original 37% of people had a favorable opinion of Biden has now become 31%.

A debate that was originally "the advantage is mine" can be said to have caused Biden a heavy loss.

Forcefully played from a tailwind game to a headwind game.

So after this televised debate, many Democrats are already panicking about Biden's performance, and some have even begun to think about replacing Biden.

Speaking of which, let's unbutton it.

As mentioned earlier, bringing the first televised debate three months earlier is not only Biden's thinking, but also the thinking of many high-ranking Democratic Party leaders.

Biden's thoughts have been explained, he wants to take advantage of Trump's illness and ask for his life, but he ends up asking for hardship and being beaten to the ground.

And those top leaders of the Democratic Party, what do they think?

Actually, their idea is very simple.

On the one hand, they may have known that Biden's physical condition is not good, but replacing him needs to face a lot of resistance, so before Biden is officially nominated, let him go to a TV debate, and then he will be embarrassed in front of everyone and perform extremely badly, so replacing him, that is, being famous, will be much less opposed.

On the other hand, even if Biden can't be replaced, it is better to hold a TV debate sooner and make Biden ugly sooner than in September.

After all, there is still such a long time, how long can you remember what Biden is doing now? One day, two days, or a week?

By the time of the November election, I guess I had forgotten about it.

If you don't believe me, can you recall that 5 months ago, there was any news that happened in January of this year?

Hehe, can't you remember, right?

In this way, won't our old worshippers escape again?

Before the first debate began, Biden: The advantage is mine!

So, that's why the top Democrats held their first televised debate earlier.

Will Biden be replaced?

I think it's hard, even though he's demented, even though he's delirious.

But at least now, there is no one in the Democratic Party who can replace his influence.

There may not be many people in the United States who like Biden, but there are many people who hate Trump, so those who hate Trump must find a spiritual sustenance, right?

Therefore, Biden has become the best choice.

But I'm just a little worried about whether Biden will burp in office if he is re-elected, and when the time comes, we will witness the first female president in the history of the United States.

It's really a witness to history.