
Wang Qiuyun: Although education is slow, it is still hot

author:Sanxiang Metropolis Daily
Wang Qiuyun: Although education is slow, it is still hot

On the morning of December 7, 2023, at the release ceremony of the "Most Beautiful People Supporting the Army" in Hunan Province, 20 workers from all walks of life were awarded the title of "The Most Beautiful People Supporting the Army".

Wang Qiuyun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Changsha Institute of Educational Sciences, is one of them, and the only one in Changsha's education sector.

In July 2020, under the arrangement of the Changsha Municipal Education Bureau, Wang Qiuyun served as the principal of the Affiliated High School of the National University of Defense Technology of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (hereinafter referred to as the "University Affiliated High School"). Under his leadership, in just three years, the High School Affiliated to HKUST has successively resolved a series of historical problems such as the renovation and upgrading of school buildings, the improvement of teachers' salaries, the improvement of teaching quality, and the stabilization of the source of students, successfully reversed the dilemma of running a school that has lasted for many years, and solved the problem of "education for future generations" of soldiers.

Wang Qiuyun described it as a "time of burning passion". But in fact, from the beginning of his work, Wang Qiuyun has been full of enthusiasm and initial love for education.

Because of love, he is full of passion as long as he stands on the podium; Because of his love, his philosophy of governing the school is always from the perspective of teachers and students; Because of love, he never flinched in the face of difficulties; Because of his love, even if he leaves the front line of teaching, he always wants to serve the development of the school and empower the growth of teachers and students......

In the eyes of everyone, warmth is the true state of education, but Wang Qiuyun believes that although education is slow, it should not lose its hotness.

"My identity and experience bring trust, so I can't let them down"

In Wang Qiuyun's memory, it is natural to become associated with education.

When he was in high school, he studied in Chaling County No. 1 Middle School, and because of his excellent grades, he was given the opportunity to be sent to a normal college. "My personality is a good fit for the teaching profession." After graduating from university, Wang Qiuyun naturally became a people's teacher.

Passionate about teaching and eager to get close to students, Wang Qiuyun took this original love to deeply cultivate the classroom and study the teaching method. Due to his distinctive teaching style, Wang Qiuyun has had many opportunities to participate in teaching competitions, from the first place in the area to the first place in Chaling County and then to the first place in Zhuzhou City. In 2004, when he just turned 33 years old, he was exceptionally rated as a senior teacher in primary and secondary schools because of his outstanding professional ability.

In 2005, Wang Qiuyun came to Changsha Changjun Middle School through recruitment, "from the class teacher, all the way to the grade leader, the director of the education department." His responsibilities have also shifted from classroom teaching to educational management.

The changes in the platform have brought new challenges to Wang Qiuyun's educational career.

At that time, across the road from Changjun Middle School, there was a private school, which was founded in 1989 Changsha Peicui Experimental Middle School (hereinafter referred to as "Peicui").

As the first public welfare private middle school in Hunan Province, Peicui's school-running journey has been struggling by the time it reached 2015. "With the expansion of public high schools, the students recruited by Peicui are basically children who cannot be admitted to high school and do not want to go to vocational schools. And parents have only one requirement, that is, the child does not learn badly, and can get a graduation certificate. Wang Qiuyun said.

In July 2015, entrusted by the Changsha Municipal Education Bureau, Changjun Middle School officially managed Peicui and renamed it Changsha Xiangjun Peicui Experimental Middle School (hereinafter referred to as "Xiangjun Peicui"), with Wang Qiuyun as the new principal.

However, due to the dilemma of students, many people believe that even if Wang Qiuyun comes from a prestigious school, he will not be able to change the society's impression of the school in a short time.

"I didn't think about the difficulties, I just thought about what should be done." Wang Qiuyun's style of doing things is very similar to the "iron rhinoceros" in his hometown of Chaling - down-to-earth, tenacious, but at the same time very stubborn. It was at that time that Wang Qiuyun set a goal: in the college entrance examination three years later, at least 40 people from Xiangjun Peicui should be admitted to key undergraduates; The junior high school should also be recognized by the people.

Everyone thinks it's a fantasy. Not to mention the gap between the teaching background of the two schools, there is a significant difference in the quality of students alone. However, Wang Qiuyun still tried to find an opportunity to integrate the "famous school" factor into the actual running of a school in Xiangjun Peicui.

"As soon as Principal Wang came, he changed the students' school uniforms with reference to the school uniform style of Changjun Middle School." In the view of Wu Xing, director of the Education Department, although this is a small change, it has achieved remarkable results. "Wearing such a school uniform, the students are also proud to be students of Changjun, and their pride and internal drive are mobilized at once."

On this basis, Wang Qiuyun slowly introduced the management system of Changjun Middle School into the school.

"In order to prevent students from smoking and chewing betel nuts, every day after school, the school's administrative cadres are all dispatched to guard the alleys outside the school. The school will also invite the school doctor to give lectures and display health knowledge display boards, listing the disadvantages of smoking and chewing betel nut. Wang Qiuyun said that grasping the routine also needs to be "soft and hard", both the constraints of the system, as well as gentle persuasion, "Girls like to buy snacks outside the school gate, we will ask female teachers from the perspective of physical and mental development, remind girls of the dangers of eating food stalls." ”

"I used to board at the school, no one cared about it, and I never thought about what kind of person I wanted to become." Hao Jiaxing, a graduate, said that after the school implemented the Changjun management system, he emphasized self-management and self-restraint, and he changed his previous loose learning attitude, formulated a study plan for himself, actively consulted with teachers, and gradually found a learning method that suits him.

In addition, the "famous school effect" is also the starting point for Wang Qiuyun to improve the spirit of teachers. In order to build a platform for teacher growth. He organized a series of educational and teaching activities such as "Holiday Teacher Business Training", "Opening Forum", "Group Lesson Preparation", "Classroom Observation of Famous Teachers in Chang County", "Subject Research" and "Moral Education Forum". With the help of the resources of Changjun Education Group, it joins the professional development community of the junior high school curriculum center to provide multiple ways for teachers to grow.

In 2018, the goals set by Wang Qiuyun at the beginning of his tenure as principal have seen results.

In that year's college entrance examination, there were more than 150 people in Xiangjun Peicui undergraduates, of which 53 were admitted to key undergraduates, achieving a blowout growth. The moment the results were announced, thunderous applause rang out in the school venue.

In the following years, Xiangjun Peicui's high school entrance examination results were also very bright, and it became the first choice of many parents and students.

Wang Qiuyun's persistence completely changed the original appearance of the school, making Xiangjun Peicui a leader in the municipal middle school. However, the fruits of victory did not last long, and he received a new task, taking over a more difficult and contradictory military school, the High School Affiliated to the University of Science and Technology.

Wang Qiuyun: Although education is slow, it is still hot

"To run education, we must work intensively, and to run schools, we must seize the opportunity and work hard in one go"

In July 2020, Zhao Huiyong, the current principal of the High School Affiliated to HKUST and the assistant principal of Nanya Middle School, met Wang Qiuyun in the corridor of the Changsha Municipal Education Bureau. At that time, the two received a notice at the same time that they were about to go to the High School Affiliated to HKUST to work together.

"In the corridor, I just proposed to add WeChat to President Wang, but I didn't expect his first sentence to be: Let's discuss the enrollment work first." Zhao Huiyong said that Wang Qiuyun's vigorous and resolute action is not only his style of doing things, but also indirectly reflects the urgency of this task.

In 2020, Changsha City released the enrollment signal of "citizens recruiting together", and both public and private schools are not allowed to choose schools for enrollment. At that time, most of the children of the National Defense University of Science and Technology were studying in the Primary School Affiliated to the University of Science and Technology, and the school they went to was the High School Affiliated to the University of Science and Technology. However, at that time, the teachers and students of the High School Affiliated to HKUST were depressed, the conditions for running the school were poor, most of them were children of migrant workers, and there were only 41 real children, and most of them were in high school, and only 8 were in junior high school. "Citizen recruitment" means that children can no longer choose schools to enter private schools with high-quality educational resources.

The education of children has become the biggest concern of the military personnel of the National Defense Science and Technology University, and the Central Military Commission attaches great importance to this.

In this context, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and the Changsha Municipal Party Committee proposed to entrust the Changsha Municipal Education Bureau to run the High School Affiliated to the University of Science and Technology to solve the problem of "descendants" in the "three posterity" (back road, backyard, and offspring) of soldiers, so that every soldier who is fighting on the front line of national defense science and technology has no worries.

This responsibility fell on Wang Qiuyun's shoulders.

"This is not simply about running a school, but also involves the background and political attributes of the army." Relatives and friends around him persuaded him that the situation of military-civilian coordination was very complicated, and it was not something that ordinary principals could do well, and if he couldn't do his job, his future would be ruined.

However, there was no turning back from the bow. Wang Qiuyun is ready to climb the slope and gnaw hard bones.

"To serve the children of the military well, the first thing is to keep their children in school here." Wang Qiuyun said that when they first arrived, the enrollment of junior high school students had already ended. He hurriedly contacted the National Defense University of Science and Technology and held a parents' meeting in the camp of No. 1 Hospital, hoping to recall some of his children. At the parent-teacher meeting, he not only took the stage to preach and answer the questions of parents and students, but also invited Lu Hongming, then director of the Changsha Municipal Education Bureau, to explain the preferential policies to parents, and on the same day, 73 parents of children signed up to return to the High School Affiliated to HKUST.

"Not only in admissions, but also in many things, Principal Wang is the first to lead, and he puts the requirements for teachers first." Zhao Huiyong told a story about how on the first day of school in 2020, the school cafeteria was unable to open due to aging facilities. On the first day of the new semester, Wang Qiuyun was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, and kept going up and down the stairs to find someone to deal with the coordination problem. Finally, the cafeteria opened on time, and when everyone was relieved, Wang Qiuyun was still not at ease, so he ran to the teaching building and called the students to eat layer by layer.

The same goes for daily work. Every day, he wakes up at 5:50 a.m. and arrives at school at 6:40 a.m. Enter the dormitory, urge students to get up, go to the playground, lead students to run exercises, stand at the door, welcome teachers and students into the school, patrol classrooms, and check students' early reading. In the evening, he also waits until all the work is done before leaving the school.

With such a spirit of hard work, Wang Qiuyun decided to strike while the iron was hot and solve the historical problems left over from the High School Affiliated to HKUST in one go.

"First, we need to solve the problem of school conditions, when the school's facilities and equipment were still in the 80s of the 20th century. Second, to solve the problem of teachers' salaries, the salaries of teachers in the establishment are lower than the standard of Changsha City, and 51.3% of the salaries of temporary teachers have to be raised by the schools themselves. Third, it is necessary to solve the problem of teachers' professional titles and open up with local promotions. In fact, none of these cases can be solved by Wang Qiuyun alone. However, Wang Qiuyun is good at seizing opportunities, and he urged the National University of Defense Technology and the Changsha Municipal Education Bureau to sign the "Framework Agreement on Double Support and Joint Construction" for implementation, and sought funds from the National Defense University of Science and Technology to solve the above problems.

"In the past ten years, the National Defense University of Science and Technology has invested less than 10 million, and in the past three years, it has invested 100 million." Under the impetus of Wang Qiuyun, the High School Affiliated to HKUST has renovated roads, built new playgrounds, sports fields and underground parking lots, and added advanced equipment, and the teaching equipment has been upgraded from the simplest all-in-one machine to tablet teaching.

"In March 2021, the main leaders of the Welfare Bureau of the Central Military Commission led a team to inspect, and President Wang strongly appealed at the meeting, requiring the teacher's title to be synchronized with the local government." Vice President Xiao Qianyi explained that because the teachers of the High School Affiliated to HKUST belong to the military staff, the promotion standards lag behind local policies, resulting in the salary of teachers of the High School Affiliated to HKUST far behind that of local teachers. And that appeal prompted the dredging of the channel for the evaluation of military and local professional titles. In addition, Wang Qiuyun also strives for the interests of temporary teachers, and their salaries are also supported by the National Defense Science and Technology University, so as to achieve equal pay for equal work.

"In three years, the school has changed dramatically." Although there are still some internal contradictions, the teachers unanimously believe that it is Wang Qiuyun who has stabilized his position and made everyone see hope.

Wang Qiuyun: Although education is slow, it is still hot

"Doing something for the military is the responsibility and obligation of every Chinese citizen"

"As of September 2023, the number of students in the school has increased from 41 three years ago to 571 now, and 95% of the children in the junior high school have stayed in the high school affiliated to HKUST." After more than 30 years of education, Wang Qiuyun has his own set of talent training concepts, but how to cultivate this group of "military babies" is what he needs to focus on.

"After I went to the High School Affiliated to the University of Science and Technology, I met a lot of soldiers. Some of them travel all year round and work on the border of the motherland. Some are deeply involved in the frontier of science and technology, and must be incognito, even if they have made great contributions to the country, they cannot be publicized and reported. Wang Qiuyun, who was deeply shocked by the excellent deeds and sacrifice spirit of the soldiers, decided to build a high school affiliated to the University of Science and Technology that matches the National Defense University of Science and Technology in terms of school philosophy and teaching quality.

"President Wang's first administrative (enlarged) meeting at the High School Affiliated to the University of Science and Technology was held in the History Museum of the National Defense University of Science and Technology." Although he has been to this school history museum many times, Xiao Qianyi still remembers that meeting vividly, "The hall is very large, and more than a dozen of us stood in a row to listen to the special person explain the military equipment in the museum. The teachers were also inspired to lament the strength of the motherland. ”

It was a mobilization and a baptism. "On the campus of the High School Affiliated to HKUST, we just want to learn and carry forward the spirit of soldiers who are particularly able to endure hardships, fight, and dedication." Wang Qiuyun also put forward the slogan "Brilliant Together" to boost the morale of teachers and highlight their mission.

It was a little daunting to get rid of the days of "boiling frogs in warm water", but the teachers were more excited. Taking information-based teaching as an example, in the past, the teachers of the High School Affiliated to HKUST listened to classes outside and were very envious of these advanced technologies. After the introduction of tablet teaching, teachers actively participated in various trainings to learn how to improve the quality of teaching by carrying out information-based teaching and building smart classrooms.

"In the past, the school was too closed, but in fact, as long as a window is opened, the teachers are actively pursuing progress." In order to improve the teaching level of teachers, Wang Qiuyun has applied the policy to the extreme. After signing the Framework Agreement, he invited experts from the Changsha Academy of Education and Sciences, renowned teachers from Changjun and Yale-China Education Group to give lectures at the school, organized key teachers and outstanding class teachers to share their experiences and conduct collective lesson studies, implemented the "Blue Project" mentor-apprentice pairing activities, and held a lecture contest and lecture competition for young teachers, building a stage for young teachers to grow.

Under Wang Qiuyun's efforts, the High School Affiliated to HKUST became the only base school of Changsha Academy of Education and Sciences. Some large-scale teaching and research activities at the municipal level, the activities of famous teachers' studios, and the analysis of the high school and college entrance examinations have experts come to the school to listen to lectures and guidance, and even school teachers have undertaken the activities or topics of the Municipal Academy of Education and Sciences, and their abilities have been exercised.

In terms of student training, Wang Qiuyun put forward a clear goal of educating people: "military children" have "military flavor", and it is necessary to create a strong "military culture" and "science and technology culture" in the high school affiliated to the University of Science and Technology, so that "the party flag is red, the national defense is green, and the phoenix gold" shines on the campus.

Li Muyuan, an eighth-grade student, said that "walking into the barracks" was his favorite activity. "The military training for freshmen in the seventh grade was carried out in the army. The barracks are highly disciplined and behave in a standardized manner, and in this atmosphere, I have a better plan for my future life and studies. ”

Li Muyuan has been fond of physics and computers since he was a child, and the High School Affiliated to HKUST just opened the door to a new world for him, where he could meet high-tech face to face at close range. "Usually, we can only see drones and unmanned vehicles in pictures or videos, but the school actually put the real thing in front of us and let us control it ourselves, which is so cool."

"The National Defense University of Science and Technology is a huge and high-end resource pool, and we should fully tap it." With Wang Qiuyun's efforts, the atmosphere of "military culture" and "science and technology culture" on the campus has become stronger and stronger, and the students not only visited the history museum, military culture exhibition hall, and cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements exhibition hall of the National Defense University of Science and Technology, but also talked about the dream of aerospace science and technology with the heroic astronaut Jing Haipeng...... These not only tempered the students' will, but also enhanced their feelings of serving the country and stimulated their motivation to study hard.

In the past three years, the students of the High School Affiliated to HKUST have won the 15th Soong Ching Ling Scholarship, the gold medal in the swimming all-around of the 14th Hunan Provincial Games, and the outstanding young scientific and technological innovation talent of Changsha City.

"President Wang 'sent' a degree room to each of us University of Science and Technology." Although this is a joke, in fact, the high school attached to the University of Science and Technology has a new look, and in the survey of the satisfaction rate of the people's livelihood network of the National Defense University of Science and Technology, the satisfaction rate of military people with education has jumped from the first to the first in order.

As the High School Affiliated to HKUST enters the track of high-quality development, in September 2023, Wang Qiuyun took up his new position as Secretary of the Party Committee of Changsha Academy of Education and Sciences. On the day of his departure, under the witness of the Changsha Municipal Education Bureau, he received the trophy and certificate of "Outstanding Contribution to the Double Support and Co-construction of the Affiliated Middle School" from the hands of Li Xiang, President of the National University of Defense Technology, and accepted the letter of appointment of the "Lifetime Honorary Principal" of the High School Affiliated to the University of Science and Technology.

Wang Qiuyun said that in the early part of his education career, he overcame obstacles, and although he left the front line of education after that, it did not prevent him from wading through mountains and rivers for education, "because education always needs to be hot and hot."

This article was originally published in the June 2024 issue of Hunan Education, Issue 1279 of Issue A

Source: Hunan Education

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