
People in the workplace, get through it, and you win

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

I have seen a very funny sentence: "It is impossible to work part-time, I will never work in this life, and I will not be able to do business." ”

It is true that life is too helpless, it is difficult to work part-time, and you can't make too much money; If you start a business, you don't know how to start.

No matter how confused you are, life has to go on, and age will force you to choose a way to survive.

Most people choose to work part-time. Even if you are in the system, you are still working, but it is more stable and the salary is more reliable.

How to mix better in the workplace? Today's people think, and so do the ancients.

In the Ming Dynasty, there was a man named Yang Shiqi, who was poor when he was a child, and only entered the workplace at the age of thirty or forty, but he was brilliant for more than forty years. His success is also a "boil" word.

Workplace people, get through it, and you win! This is not a slogan, but a great wisdom.

People in the workplace, get through it, and you win


Boiling is accumulation.

Yang Shiqi, a native of Taihe, Jiangxi, lost his father when he was one year old.

His mother took him to remarry to the Luo family. Because Yang Shiqi is very filial, he has been loved by his stepfather and has the opportunity to study.

After his stepfather died, he settled with his mother, Dodean, who encouraged him to study, no matter how difficult it was.

"I haven't tasted the books, I have gone into the family affairs at dusk, and I have learned from my teacher at night", this is a portrayal of his growth.

When he grew up, he chose a job as a teacher. In the past, rich people hired private tutors, and whoever asked him to be a teacher, he would drift wherever he went.

Reading is hard, teaching is also bitter to see people's faces. But he firmly believes that if he doesn't study, he will suffer even more, and he will suffer for a lifetime.

A person boils slowly, not simply tasting the bitter days, but when it is very bitter, picking up a book and reading it carefully; If you can't afford to buy books at home, you can borrow books and work as an auditor in the school.

Life without books is like a house, without windows, sunlight cannot pour in. Where there are books, there is light.


To boil is to wait.

In a flash, Yang Shiqi passed the age of thirty, and on the way to teaching, he became a little famous.

Coincidentally, Emperor Hui of the Ming Dynasty summoned Wenchen to revise the "Records of Ming Taizu", which required a large number of cultural people.

The official Wang Shuying knew Yang Shiqi's talent and knew that he was good at telling history, so he recommended it to the emperor.

Because of compiling books, Yang Shiqi entered the Hanlin Academy and became an editor.

One day, the Ministry of Officials conducted an examination for cultural and historical officials, and Yang Shiqi also participated.

Zhang Zhen, the secretary of the ministry, saw his test paper and praised: "This is not the remarks of a scripture editor. Then, he was promoted to the deputy judge of Wu Wangfu.

Maybe a person has survived twenty spring and autumn periods, and there is no improvement; At the age of thirty, I was still confused.

Don't worry, stay up for a while longer, there's always a chance.

The ancients said, "Feng Shui takes turns." ”

If you don't wait any longer, Feng Shui won't be able to turn to you. Maybe you can't stay up, lie down, and when the spring breeze blows, you just miss it.

Nowadays, many people work hard, but they don't last long and give up. It seems that there is no exit in sight.

In fact, if you work hard but don't have an exit, it's because you don't work hard enough, or you don't work hard for a long time, and the opportunity hasn't come yet.

Some people only really emerge at the age of 50, and it is possible to learn something useful.

After a long time, you have experienced more springs, so there will always be a spring, and the spring breeze will take special care of you.

People in the workplace, get through it, and you win


Boiling, is a qualification.

After Ming Chengzu ascended the throne, Yang Shiqi was further valued and entered the cabinet and participated in the maintenance of the aircraft. A few months later, he was promoted to the rank of acolyte.

After many investigations, Yang Shiqi was designated as the teacher of the crown prince Zhu Gaochi.

The positions are getting higher, but the risks are getting bigger. How to gain a foothold in the workplace for a long time, he has been timid and cautious for a long time.

The most difficult thing to deal with is that the crown prince has a holiday with another prince, Zhu Gaoxu. And Ming Chengzu has many plans to promote Zhu Gaoxu as the crown prince.

Many ministers stood on Zhu Gaochu's side and repeatedly attacked Zhu Gaochi.

The powerful minister Xie Jin was persecuted because he defended the crown prince Zhu Gaochi. Yang Shiqi was also imprisoned because of the prince's fault.

As the saying goes: "Eat a trench, grow a wisdom." ”

After many incidents, Yang Shiqi has learned some compromise practices and is also good at using rules and regulations to protect himself.

One day, Ming Chengzu heard that the prince was going to destroy his opponent and brother Zhu Gaoxu, so he asked the minister, what was going on?

The ministers trembled and remained silent.

Yang Shiqi stood up and said: "The King of Han (Zhu Gaoxu) is unwilling to go to his fiefdom and stay in Nanjing, there must be his intentions, and he should respect ...... Further understanding is needed. "I didn't say a word about the prince, but there was something in the words, guiding Ming Chengzu to verify Zhu Gaoxu, and everyone admired it.

There is a workplace rule - do what you know best, and it is easiest to succeed.

But which thing is most familiar? It's not that you have it in the workplace, but after years of polishing, you have a "skill".

Words, behaviors, experiences, etc., after polishing, can make yourself better than other colleagues.

In many units, people are promoted, according to the rules of seniority, you don't have to be resentful, you have to learn to boil seniority. It's your job.


Boiling is the pattern.

Yang Shiqi's official position is big, and it is inevitable that he will be jealous and attacked by other officials.

How to deal with colleague relationships, he adopts a tolerant approach. No matter how big the contradiction is, he hides it in his heart and gets through it.

Instead of attacking each other, it is better to survive silently by yourself until your heart is calm.

Xu Qi, the political envoy of Guangdong, went to the capital to give gifts, but Yang Shiqi did not get it.

Ming Chengzu felt strange and asked, "What's going on."

Yang Shiqi said: "Xu Qi went to work, I didn't give him a gift, so naturally I don't want to get a gift." ”

The young master of the crown prince and Yang Rong, the secretary of Shangshu, often get good horses sent from the frontier and are suspected of taking bribes.

Yang Shiqi defended him: "He is a person who has a set of frontier management, and it is also expected to accept a few horses." ”

Any colleague who comes to Yang Shiqi can find advantages and let go of shortcomings, and the relationship between colleagues will naturally be harmonious.

If you swallow your grievances, you will be great. That's really the case.

You're always calculating, and you're not good in the workplace. Every time you calculate, you bring the edge to your heart, and it is yourself who suffers.

People in the workplace, get through it, and you win


But everything you have survived counts, and if you don't succeed, you are also mature.

Just like Zeng Guofan, a famous minister in the late Qing Dynasty, said: "If you survive this pass, you can enter less." Again into the sleepy, then hard work, there is a day of prosperity. ”

The workplace is where we earn wages and the foundation of supporting our families, so don't treat yourself as an outsider.

Instead of hating intrigue in the workplace, it is better to learn some rules for doing things in the workplace to improve and sharpen yourself.

There are no miracles in life, everyone is hurting and healing.

Stay up slowly, and you'll retire smoothly.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.

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