
"Chicken" Peace Bazaar "Event Special"? 4 packs, 5 sets, and a goose cry

author:Write and talk about games

Welcome to the "Peace Elite" "Elite Classroom" taught by Brother Tian~ I still remember when the first phase of the peace market appeared in this game, Brother Tian said: Wait and see, the market is the same as the shop, and it will be one issue after another in the future.

Sure enough, the Peace Bazaar has appeared many times so far, and each time there will be tricks, such as this time it is the "Event Special", just after reading the big package and set in it, it will make the old players laugh out loud.

"Chicken" Peace Bazaar "Event Special"? 4 packs, 5 sets, and a goose cry

Peace Bazaar "Event Special"? Laugh out loud goose calls.

I still remember when "Peace Elite" ushered in the first phase of the Peace Bazaar, players joked about it: There are small shops and bazaars, will the supermarket be far away? Hey, it may seem like a joke, but judging by the current photons, it might be a real possibility.

Just like the Peace Bazaar now, Photon often held different special sessions, but this time it was the "Event Session". As the name suggests, it is naturally closely related to the event, and both are professional players and professional clubs.

"Chicken" Peace Bazaar "Event Special"? 4 packs, 5 sets, and a goose cry

It is no exaggeration to say that when the word "event special" is pressed, 90% of players' first reaction is: it must be a return skin closely related to professional players, and Photon may have to come up with a "killer feature", especially some of the most popular "body suits".

However, after seeing the skin of this return clearly, Brother Tian was really stunned for a long time and then laughed out loud. No way, such a "special event" and imagination can be said to be two different things.

"Chicken" Peace Bazaar "Event Special"? 4 packs, 5 sets, and a goose cry

4 packs and 5 sets are completely different from what you imagined.

It is estimated that everyone in front of the screen at this time, like Brother Tian, couldn't help laughing out loud after seeing the list of the so-called "event special" returns, right? Hey~

Let's talk about the 4 gift packages first, they are the Lava Rangers, the Guardian of the Desert, the most bullish god of war in PEC, and the Charm Fox of the Mountain Scripture, it can't be said that they have nothing to do with the "event" at all, but they can only be said to be two different things, at least in the professional events for many years, you can't see the professional players wearing these at all.

Then there are 5 suits, they are cute bear companions, flower sheep coconut, white goose vegetables, red bear eggplant, skateboard fox, these sets are all very large "conspicuous bags", not to mention professional games, even ordinary players can rarely see in the high-end game, and you may not meet once in a hundred games.

"Chicken" Peace Bazaar "Event Special"? 4 packs, 5 sets, and a goose cry

Let me ask you, what is the point of such a "return to the game"? Could it be that Photon thinks that these unpopular and niche sets will be considered by players? Even if it's to improve performance, you should show some sincerity, even if it's a mummy that has made countless appearances, at least it looks like it's a bit on the side of professional players~

"Chicken" Peace Bazaar "Event Special"? 4 packs, 5 sets, and a goose cry

The last 2 days of the countdown are coming, and the Elite Battle Pass is coming again!

After chatting about the ridiculous "event return", let's talk about the next Elite Battle Pass, the current Photon has officially announced: the Splendid Mianmian series has entered the countdown stage of the last 2 days.

If you look at it according to the previous update rules, the next elite battle pass will still be "seamless", and the third phase is likely to be the video game moment M416 that has been circulated, which is also a level 5 gun, but unfortunately the appearance is quite average, but considering the probability of its debut, there should be many players who will win it at the first time.

"Chicken" Peace Bazaar "Event Special"? 4 packs, 5 sets, and a goose cry

As for the most popular return "Peace Shop", it is likely to be opened again in July, after all, it has been 4 months since the last opening, and there is a high probability that it will be "new" in addition to some classic skins. In this regard, Brother Tian will continue to pay attention, and will inevitably inform everyone as soon as possible.

Well, that's all for the "Elite Class" of "Peace Elite", thank you for reading, and we'll see you in the comment area next.

PS: Usually the manual lottery will be opened from time to time, only draw fans who have followed, and you can send a private message to Brother Tian if you follow, and you will reply when you see it!

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