
Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance

author:Shanghai Xuhui

"I know that diligence and thrift are not only the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation, but also the spiritual wealth that we have inherited from generation to generation, and I will continue to practice the spirit of diligence and thrift and live up to the title of 'good boy in the new era'." Zhang Yilin, the winner of the Top Ten Good Teenagers "Diligence and Thrift" Award, said when sharing his acceptance speech.

On June 28th, the 2024 Xuhui District "New Era Good Boys" publicity display and "July 1st" Youth Drama Ideological and Political Ideological and Political Exhibition was held in the theater of the Party and Mass Service Center of Tianlin Street, Xuhui District.

Inherit the red gene

Welcome the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, further strengthen and improve the ideological and moral construction of minors, deepen patriotic education, and learn and publicize the advanced models of young people in the new era, the Propaganda Department of the Xuhui District Party Committee (District Spiritual Civilization Office) jointly organized this exhibition and performance activity with the Party Committee of the District Education Work, the District Education Bureau, and the Youth League District Committee.

The exhibition and performance held on the eve of "July 1st" aims to present the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China by showing the lofty and high-spirited spirit of the "good boy of the new era" in Xuhui District, and guide the majority of minors in the district to carry forward the spirit of revolutionary martyrs, inherit the red gene, and strive to be a good boy in the new era with ambition and dreams, love to learn, love to work, understand gratitude, understand friendliness, dare to innovate, dare to struggle, and develop morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and laborably.

Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance
Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance

Zhao Yi, member of the Standing Committee of the Xuhui District Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, and Wang Zhihua, deputy head of the district, attended the event and presented trophies and honorary certificates to the top ten "Good Boys of the New Era" and "Good Boys of the New Era" teams, and congratulated all the students who were awarded the honorary title of "Good Boys of the New Era" in Xuhui District in 2023.

There is light in the heart, and strength in the feet

A good boy in the new era bravely chases the light

The whole event kicked off with a short video of "Chasing the Light Boy - Xuhui District's 'Good Boy in the New Era'". The short film reviews the selection process and rich activity effects of the "Good Boys of the New Era" in Xuhui District over the past 10 years, and presents the power of the "Good Boys of the New Era" in Xuhui District to be true, good, beautiful and upward. They are filial piety and love for their relatives at home, respect teachers and love learning at school, and volunteer and contribute to the society; They have light in their hearts and strength in their feet, and with firm ideals and beliefs and courageous steps, they lead the majority of minors to learn, grow and develop together.

In this event, 100 "Good Boys of the New Era" (including 10 top ten) and 4 "Good Boys of the New Era" teams in Xuhui District in 2023 were released and commended, and a grand award ceremony was held. At the event site, the advanced deeds of 10 top ten "good boys of the new era" such as Tang Yihuan and the deeds and stories of 4 "good boys of the new era" teams such as the "Source of Spark Squad" were presented one by one in the form of video. This year's recommended and commended "Good Teenagers of the New Era" come from 86 primary and secondary schools in the district, and are typical representatives of the majority of young students. The oldest of them is a senior high school student, and the youngest is a third-year student, who has outstanding and exemplary performance in inheriting red genes, promoting Chinese culture, exploring scientific mysteries, practicing ecological concepts, and enthusiastic public welfare activities, and has a wide range of representatives.

Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance
Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance
Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance
Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance
Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance
Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance
Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance
Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance
Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance
Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance

At the award ceremony, the 121 students who were awarded the honorary title of "Good Boy of the New Era" in Xuhui District in 2023 walked to the stage in batches to accept the honor according to the ten award categories of "self-esteem and self-improvement", "courtesy and integrity", "integrity and bravery", "diligence and thrift", "respect for the old and love for the young", "respect for teachers and love for learning", "inheritance of culture", "helpfulness", "love of labor" and "respect for nature". In a warm and cheerful atmosphere, the top ten good boys and good boy team members held trophies and certificates, and impromptu shared testimonials and interacted with everyone on the stage, and they conveyed their pursuit with simple words from the heart. Chen Yanzhen, winner of the "Respect for Nature" Award for Top 10 Good Teenagers, shared: "Being friends with nature is something we need to always insist on, and using scientific and technological innovation to empower environmental protection requires us to continue to study hard, think deeply and persist for a long time. ”

Youth dialogue across time and space

The drama ideological and political class is unique

After the award ceremony, Ms. Cai Jinping, Honorary Dean of the Children's Art Theater of the China Welfare Association, and her team brought a drama ideological and political class to everyone: "The Youth of Light Creates the Future" - a youth dialogue across time and space. Through the art form of the stage play, it tells the story of Ouyang Li'an, the youngest young martyr in the "Longhua Twenty-four Martyrs", who joined the revolution, and vividly interprets the patriotic feelings of the martyrs who insist on faith, loyalty, and hard work for national independence and people's liberation, which arouses the strong resonance of the audience and deep thinking about the theme of growth, belief and ideals, and also inspires everyone to review the eventful years of the party for more than 100 years at the historical moment of celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party. Jointly carry forward the great spirit of party building, practice the original mission, inherit the red gene, forge ahead, and continue to forge ahead.

Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance

At the end of the event, the boys' choir of Xuhui District Youth Activity Center presented a song "The Best Future", and the chorus team of nearly 40 people sang everyone's expectations and aspirations for the future from the perspective and tone of children.

Xuhui District held the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" publicity exhibition and youth drama ideological and political course performance

It is reported that for more than 10 years, Xuhui District has continued to carry out in-depth "Good Teenagers in the New Era" recommended learning and publicity activities, adhered to typical recommendation, review and selection, on-site release, organization and publicity, learning and practice, many links are closely linked and interlocking, and a group of advanced models of minors are selected every year, and 923 students in the district have been rated as "Good Teenagers of the New Era" in Xuhui District, 91 students have been rated as the top ten "Good Teenagers of the New Era" in Xuhui District, and 19 student teams have been rated as "Good Teenagers of the New Era" in Xuhui District. Four students have been awarded the top ten "Good Boys of the New Era" in Shanghai, and 34 students have been awarded the "Good Boys of the New Era" of the Top 100 in Shanghai. Selecting advanced models of minors and carrying out the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" learning and publicity activities is an important part of Xuhui's in-depth development of the educational and practical activities on the theme of "buttoning the first button in life", and is a favorable starting point for promoting the implementation of the ideological and moral construction of minors, and effectively promoting the ideological and moral construction of minors in Xuhui District to a new level.

Reporter: Xu Zhejin, Zhang Jie, Kang Jiahui

Editor: Shen Shumin

Reviewer: Wei Li

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