
Xiaomi, how to recreate the classics: a journey of self-redemption

author:Audio game geek

Text: The return of the Holy Demon of Fighting

Xiaomi, how to get back to the classics?

On October 26, 2023, Xiaomi released a mobile phone called "Xiaomi 14", about this mobile phone, I looked left and right, up and down, and finally reluctantly followed the way of thinking of its wide range of friends to position it as a "performance flagship", in fact, deep down I don't think the answer is so simple.

Xiaomi, how to recreate the classics: a journey of self-redemption

In fact, in the mobile phone market environment in recent years, Xiaomi has not deviated from the first-line mainstream grade, and has really begun to gradually incarnate "beyond the flagship grade and towards the machine emperor route"

In fact, if you look at it from a broad point of view, Xiaomi has indeed done it, but if you look at it from a narrow point of view, Xiaomi's so-called "high-end route" is not absolute, because its technology is not absolutely its own, but it is worth noting that the current Xiaomi "surging" belongs to independent research and development, which is worthy of praise.

Xiaomi, how to recreate the classics: a journey of self-redemption

So if Xiaomi wants to return to the classics, the simple advice I give is"Listen to the voices of more users", don't look very simple, in fact, from a deep perspective, but it is very meaningful.

In my impression, the Xiaomi brand has successively made a series of adjustments to the "own high-end road", such as the first release of the performance processor, like the functional experience is more extreme and more intimate, like taking advantage of the trend to do various functions and black technology, these are like really changing users' perception of Xiaomi

But behind the change of views, it is mandatory to let users dust their memories,Because once Xiaomi was completely different from the current state in the minds of users,If you keep the idea of the year,Look at Xiaomi at this moment,It will promote the formation of "complaints" in disguise。

Xiaomi, how to recreate the classics: a journey of self-redemption

On the body of "Xiaomi Mi 14", I admired it and called it the "King of Variants", what is a variant? Because from the perspective of experience in all aspects, it is indeed very extreme, but if from the perspective of innovation, "then this mobile phone can only be regarded as relatively innovative, not absolutely innovative", and the real machine must have "innovative thinking", this innovation must have absoluteness, with such thinking to understand the success of the high-end road of "Xiaomi 14", you can maintain an indifferent mentality.

Xiaomi, how to recreate the classics: a journey of self-redemption

Through configuration, parameters, and then to Xiaomi surging system and Xiaomi surging battery management, you will clearly feel that Xiaomi is leading itself and deducing a legend in the mobile phone industry.

Xiaomi, how to recreate the classics: a journey of self-redemption

This is not boasting at all,Although Xiaomi's absolute innovation is indeed relatively small,But an obvious brand thinking aspect is worthy of praise,That is, no matter what positioning of the product,Most of the processors are new and popular chips,Commonly known as "grabbing the first launch",And about this thinking is very useful in today's mobile phone market environment,Because now people generally judge the quality of mobile phones are biased to "what is the processor、How is the processor",Generally, it will not go beyond the "thunder pool" half a step

Therefore, Xiaomi's move can be described as "those who win the hearts of the people win the world, and this world is the current mobile phone market, not the future mobile phone market, which you must recognize." ”

Xiaomi, how to recreate the classics: a journey of self-redemption

In addition, according to one of the configuration parameters of Xiaomi Mi 14, it is "Light and Shadow Hunter 900 and Leica 75mm Floating Telephoto", although at the internal level, each of us knows that there is absolutely "non-independent research and development technology", but Xiaomi can find the right external technology at the right time to bless and whitewash itself, this thinking is worthy of praise!

At the same time, this thinking is also worth learning from a wide range of brands, because "even if a brand completely relies on its own innovative ideas to design products", but it does not match the needs of the current wide range of users, the same innovative technology is worthless, with such a thinking concept to understand why "the right time, the right place, the right time" is important. This is my old-fashioned move to follow the trend, and this kind of move Xiaomi is "perfect" and worthy of praise.

Xiaomi, how to recreate the classics: a journey of self-redemption

However, if Xiaomi wants to return to the classics, I give a little suggestion hastily, then it is necessary to have some independent ideas on its own mobile phone parts, it can be said that it is very good to say that it is very good to have a surging system and surging battery management, but these can only be seen by old fritters on mobile phones

Xiaomi, how to recreate the classics: a journey of self-redemption

We can imagine why Xiaomi was a classic back then? One of the most obvious features is the appearance design, on the one hand, from Xiaomi 6, on the other hand, from the first and second generations of Xiaomi MIX, and the appearance design is 99% of people will pay attention to the purchase of the machine, so the appearance design has its own unique thinking, which is the key to returning to the classics.

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