
When you are in a difficult situation, you must have these 5 "changes" in order to cross others and yourself

author:There are deer in Shushan

As the saying goes: "The one who makes the life is the sky, and the one who makes the life is me, the life is made by oneself, and the blessing is sought by oneself." ”

It is God who creates life, and it is we who stand in the world. The number of lives is related to your choice. No matter how blessed you are, you have earned it yourself.

No matter what the situation is, we need to "do our best and obey the destiny of God". Do a good job of personnel, as for the result, then follow God's arrangement.

When you are in a difficult situation, you must have these 5 changes to cross others and yourself.

When you are in a difficult situation, you must have these 5 "changes" in order to cross others and yourself


To avoid mental internal friction, the heart should be like water.

This is the age of the information explosion, and people are exposed to a lot of information and ideas every day. Coupled with a stressful life, countless people are mentally exhausted.

The so-called mental internal friction can be understood as being affected by emotion, resulting in the meaningless consumption of personal internal energy, physical strength, and energy. The more mental friction there is, the more negative, sad, and sad people become.

Being emotional is never a good thing. Think about it, if you get angry at every turn, sad at every turn, cynical at every turn, and suffer physical and mental damage, won't that day be sad?

It's very common to be in a difficult situation, and we don't need to have too much mental friction, just treat it as a different experience. The ups and downs of life are inevitable.

If the heart is sunny, fearless and sad. If the heart is negative, the cold winter is coming. Perhaps, the external environment is in the cold winter, but as long as we have the morning sun in our hearts, there must be hope in life.

When you are in a difficult situation, you must have these 5 "changes" in order to cross others and yourself


Avoid acting impulsively and be able to bend and stretch.

There is a word in "Zhou Yi", don't use the hidden dragon. It means that when the strength is not strong enough, he chooses to hide, like a dragon diving deep at the bottom of the sea, silently accumulating strength.

What is a dragon? The dragon can be big and small, and it can rise and hide; The big one is the clouds and the fog, and the small one is hidden and hidden; The rising is soaring between the words, and the hidden is lurking in the waves.

A real dragon can not only fly dragons in the sky, but also hide dragons without using them. When you have the ability, you will spit out the fog, and when you don't have the ability, you will hide it. When it rises, it crisscrosses the universe, and when it is hidden, it dives in the waves.

It can be summed up in four words, it can bend and stretch. The same should be true of people, who should have a time for forbearance and a time for forbearance. Only by having both offense and defense, advancing and retreating in a certain way, can we achieve something and get out of the way thoroughly.

The fist that can be withdrawn can be better hit. Springs that can withstand pressure are more elastic. Everything is relative, not absolute.

When you are in a difficult situation, you must have these 5 "changes" in order to cross others and yourself


Defeat after defeat, defeat after defeat.

Someone once said that when he was 20 years old, he admired Cao Cao's great talent; When he was 40 years old, he lamented Sima Yi's old scheming; At the age of 60, I admired Liu Bei's perseverance.

The older I get, the more I feel that it is not easy to start from scratch. A person can work hard from the bottom to the top, and can counterattack all the way from a humble situation, which shows that this person has the spiritual quality of "Xiaoqiang who can't be killed".

What is the spiritual quality of Xiaoqiang who can't be killed? Defeat after defeat, defeat after defeat. Although he has repeatedly failed, he still does not admit defeat, still persists, and there will always be a day when he seizes the opportunity.

If you choose to admit defeat, then there is no hope at all. If you don't choose to admit defeat and continue to pursue your ideals, you will have a certain hope. The so-called "the edge of the sword comes from the sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold" is like this.

There is only one time in life, what to do and what not to do, we still have to know in our hearts. It's best not to let yourself have any regrets.

When you are in a difficult situation, you must have these 5 "changes" in order to cross others and yourself



There is a saying in "Zhou Yi": "A gentleman works all day long, and he is not to blame." ”

It means that as a gentleman, you should maintain a posture of self-improvement, behave positively in the world every day, and always be on guard and cautious, so that you will not encounter disasters.

Dry all day long, the core is self-improvement; The core is to be cautious. The two are one, and it is impossible to imagine how stable the situation is. The elite needs to do both, and the average person needs to do both.

Without the hard work all day long, life will become a pool of stagnant water. Lacking cautiousness, no matter how much money and power there is, there will eventually be a day when someone calculates and goes bankrupt overnight.

As the "Book of Songs" talks about, "trembling, like facing the abyss, like walking on thin ice". For reality, don't let your guard down, because all misfortunes come quietly from the time you let your guard down.

When you are in a difficult situation, you must have these 5 "changes" in order to cross others and yourself


Toss in moderation and wait for the day.

The so-called "three points are destined, and seven points depend on hard work." "For the poor, not tossing is tantamount to waiting for death. To toss, in order to have a glimmer of life.

Why do the poor have to toss? Because the poor have nothing left, no matter how much they fail, they will not have anything to lose. On the contrary, when you encounter an opportunity, you may quickly turn over.

If there's nothing to lose, why not take a chance? Opportunities in life always favor those who are prepared and know how to toss.

If we are unfortunate and do not have the opportunity, then what should we do? Try to "wait for the day". Firmly believe that over time, certain opportunities will gradually take root.

When we do our best to do our part, what the harvest is, and what the result is, we can obey the arrangement of Providence. It is up to man to plan things, and it is up to heaven to make things happen.

Text/Shushan has deer