
Huili Town, Fushan District, held a symposium on the exchange of new and old party members and the awarding ceremony of the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

author:Big and small news

Big and small news client on June 29 (YMG all-media reporter Zou Chunxia correspondent David photo report) In order to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, encourage party members and cadres to inherit the red gene, gather the strength to forge ahead, and create a new development bureau, Huili Town, Fushan District, organized the "original heart is like a rock to pass on the torch" new and old party members exchange symposium and "50 years of glory in the party" commemorative medal awarding ceremony.

Huili Town, Fushan District, held a symposium on the exchange of new and old party members and the awarding ceremony of the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".
Huili Town, Fushan District, held a symposium on the exchange of new and old party members and the awarding ceremony of the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

A pool of clear water shines on the heart

Surrounded by green hills and green trees. At the site of the Laolan Reservoir dam, the relevant responsible comrades of the town party committee introduced the specific situation of the Laolan Reservoir to the old party members, and told the story of "the branch blows the whistle, the party members take the lead, and the masses respond" to promote the construction of the key projects of the Laolan Reservoir.

Huili Town, Fushan District, held a symposium on the exchange of new and old party members and the awarding ceremony of the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

A medal for faithfulness

Cultivate my past career, from my original aspirations. Subsequently, the new and old party members in the Huili town party committee party school to carry out exchange discussions, at the medal awarding ceremony, the town party committee responsible comrades and young party members together for the old party members to wear the "glory in the party 50 years" medal, awarded the "glory in the party 50 years" medal. The old party members touched the medals with bright smiles on their faces.

A memory is heartwarming

The glorious years are shocking. New and old party members watched the documentary "Unforgettable Memory" together, the party members present seemed to travel through time and space, and everyone moistened their eyes in the emotional place, the ancestors were born and died during the war, and they silently dedicated themselves in peacetime, interpreting the power of the faith of Communist Party members with their lives.

A conversation about the original intention

The old and the new are pushing their knees, talking about their original intentions. At the symposium of new and old party members, the old party members were full of thoughts, reviewed their own process of joining the party, told their original intentions and struggles, talked about the development and changes of Huili Town, and sent a message to young party members not to forget their original mission.

"Listen to the party, follow the party" Zhang Yuanfu, a veteran party member, said emotionally, and the young party members present were deeply touched, and they all expressed that they wanted to learn from the noble spirit of their predecessors, show themselves in the continuous struggle, and contribute their youth strength to the realization of the high-quality development of Huili Town.

Huili Town, Fushan District, held a symposium on the exchange of new and old party members and the awarding ceremony of the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

An oath of determination

A lifetime, an oath. At the end of the event, the new and old party members solemnly raised their right hands and took the oath to review the oath of joining the party. The activity inspires all party members to keep their original intentions and bravely take on the mission on the new journey, and be a "respondent" in the new era.

This activity not only enhanced the communication between new and old party members, but also further inherited the red spirit. In the next step, Huili Town will further innovate the education model of party members, and further condense the new qualitative force of "struggling to return to Li" through a series of activities such as "new" and "old" seminars, "old" with "new" party lectures.

Editor-in-charge: Zou Chunxia

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